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What is Palaeobotany?
Actforlibraries.org: What is Palaeobotany.
Alexa (Alexa Internet, Inc.,
an Amazon.com Company).
Alexa is a Web Information Company, perhaps best known for the Alexa Rank,
the website ranking system which tracks over 30 million websites worldwide.
See especially:
top ranked sites in category "Science".
Go to:
Ellen Palestrant:
Interview with Paleobotanist
Dr. John Anderson. Including a citation list.
Note the photographs of some Molteno fossils.
Richard Bateman, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh: Palaeobotany: The study of fossil plants. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
James F. Basinger, Geological Sciences, Univ. of Saskatchewan (World Book Online): Paleobotany (now via wayback archive).
Biology-Nation (this
is a free online resource reference site providing rich biology content):
to Paleobotany.
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
M. Boersma (1988): Wie und warum man Pflanzenfossilien sammelt. Einführende Gedanken zur Paläobotanik. In German.
C. Kevin Boyce, Earth and Planetary Sciences at Stanford University: ‘The fossil record shows how plants shaped Earth — they sculpted ecosystems from rivers to rain’. (by Srijana Mitra Das, The Times of India, November 04, 2023).
Jamie Boyer, The
New York Botanical Garden:
is Paleobotany?. Also worth checking out:
Evolution & Paleobotany.
An educational resource for students and teachers studying Earth's history, fossils, and evolution.
Go to:
Short-Course. Lecture notes.
Overview; Life moves to land.
of Seed Plants.
of flowering plants.
BookRags (a website for literature summaries etc.): From World of Biology, Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation: Paleobotany.
Paleobotanical Section of the Botanical Society of America: Executive Summary: Paleobotany.
N. Chaffey (2011): Rocks versus Clocks. Botany one (a weblog produced by The Annals of Botany Company).
J. B. Riding (interviewer): Interview with Professor William G. (Bill) Chaloner. University College London, AASP Oral History Project, The Palynological Society, 16 December 2002. Now provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Betsy Chesnutt, Study.com, Middle School Physical Science: Tutoring Solution / Science Courses: What is Paleobotany? - Definition & Importance.
C.J. Cleal et al. (2001):
Geological Conservation Review Series (GCR),
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC):
Mesozoic and Tertiary Palaeobotany of Great Britain
PDF files, GCR Volume No. 22.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
In chapter 1 a brief explanation is given of how
plant fossils are formed, and how palaeobotanists
study and name them.
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, OH:
and Paleoecology.
Peter R. Crane, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Paleobotany: back to the future (abstract). Available by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
W.L. Crepet (2008):
Fossil Record of Angiosperms: Requiem or Renaissance? Abstract,
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 95: 3-33.
See also
"... a reasonably good fossil record of angiosperms is emerging
[...] One of its most striking aspects is the rapid radiation of angiosperm taxa that are now unusually diverse around two particular times in geological history: the Turonian and Early Tertiary. Possible reasons for these intervals of rapid radiation among angiosperms will be discussed.
The Dallas Morning News: What's a paleobotanist and why did the Perot Museum just hire one? By Dan Singer, September 19, 2019.
Melanie DeVore, Georgia College & State University (American Society of Plant Taxonomists): Careers, Paleobotany. This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
W.A. DiMichele (1998):
labour lost? Or the tragic story of a young paleontologist who chooses fossil plants ...
PDF file, Palaios 13.
Snapshot provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
! W.A. DiMichele and R.A. Gastaldo (2008): Plant Paleoecology in Deep Time. PDF file, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 95: 144-198. See also here (abstract).
D. Edwards (2017, interview):
Q & A.
Current Biology 27.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
I.H. Escapa et al. (2019): Integrative Paleobotany: Affirming the Role of Fossils in Modern Plant Biology—Introduction and Dedication. In PDF, Special Issue—Rothwell Celebration, Int. J. Plant Sci., 180: 459–463. 2019. See also here.
Robert A. Gastaldo,
Department of Geology, Colby College, Waterville, Maine:
A Brief Introduction to PALEOBOTANY, and
Navigate via:
Notes for a Course in Paleobotany.
These expired links are now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Carole Gee, Eaglerock.patch.com blog, (posted on May 16, 2011): The Making of a Paleobotanist. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
J. Gravendyck et al. (2023): (142–148) Proposals to improve the definition, utility, and curation of (type) specimens of fossil algae, fungi, and plants. Open access, Taxon, 71: 705–706.
T.M. Harris (1982): What is palaeobotany for? In PDF, The Palaeobotanist, 30: 340-346.
The International
Organisation of Palaeobotany (IOP):
Newsletter Archive.
The IOP Newsletter is the chief information dissemination vehicle for the membership
of the IOP.
Paul Kenrick, The Natural History Museum, London: Nature online, Earth, Fossils, Fossil plants of Britain. Easy-to-understand introduction. To watch the video, you'll need to have Windows Media Player or QuickTime installed on your computer.
! Hans Kerp,
Palaeobotanical Research Group, Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms University,
Some recent palaeobotanical text books.
This web page provides a selection of palaeobotanical
text books published during the last years.
With some helpful comments.
This expired link
is available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
R.E. Koning, Eastern Connecticut State University,
Willimantic, Connecticut:
Study Plants?
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
LoveToKnow 1911 Online Encyclopedia
(based on the eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia
Britannica, first published in 1911). A version archived by Internet Archive Wayback Machine:
Biodiversity Institute & Natural History Museum, Lawrence, KS:
Steven Manchester, Florida Museum: Paleobotany. Powerpoint presentation.
W.J. Matthaeus et al. (2023):
systems approach to understanding how plants transformed Earth's environment in deep time. Free access,
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 51: 551-580.
"... For hundreds of millions of years, plants have been a keystone in maintaining the status of
Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and climate
[...] Extinct plants have functioned differently across time, limiting our understanding of how
processes on Earth interact to produce climate ..."
Note figure 1: Schematic of the trait-based whole-plant functional-strategy approach applied to late Paleozoic
extinct plants.
Figure 3: Chart illustrating the Paleo-BGC modeling process (White et al., 2020)
from inputs of fossil-inferred plant functional traits and
environmental parameters to output.
Figure 5: Temporal distribution of late Paleozoic tropical biomes and atmospheric composition.
Figure 8: Schematic diagram presenting the information used to reconstruct and interpret
time-appropriate vegetation-climate interactions.
Palaeontology Newsletter.
Starting on page 29 (PDF page 29):
From our correspondents:
Palaeontologist Abroad. In PDF,
Palaeontology Newsletter, 108.
This issue’s palaeontologists are Mónica Carvalho,
William Harrison and Sergi López-Torres.
See also
! Roy E. Plotnick, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
University of Illinois, Chicago:
SWOTing at Paleontology.
PDF file, American Paleontologist 15, 2007.
Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
"SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats involved in a project or in a business venture", see
here (Wikipedia).
G.W. Rothwell and R.A. Stockey (2013): Conceptual Advances in Fossil Plant Biology: Introduction and Dedication. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 174, Special Issue. See also here (table of contents).
ScienceDirect (Elsevier’s premier platform):
Navigate from the
definition and subject overview website.
Compiled information topic-by-topic.
These pages are auto-generated by ScienceDirect using heuristic and machine-learning
approaches to extract relevant information. Superbly done!
See for instance:
(in Agricultural and Biological Sciences).
(in Earth and Planetary Sciences).
Andrew C. Scott (website provided by science.jrank.org):
Fossil plants,
nature of fossil plants, The uses of fossil plants.
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
A.C. Seward (1919): Recent Paleobotany in Great Britain.In PDF, Science. Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
C.H. Shute and C.J. Cleal (1987), starting on PDF page 16:
in museums.
In PDF, The geological curator. See also PDF page 19:
"What makes a good research paleobotany collection?"
Una R. Smith, Department of Biology, Yale University: The Future of Paleobotany (or, How am I driving?) From: The PaleoNet Forum: A Monthly Electronic Journal, January, 1996: Volume 2, Issue 1.
C. Strullu-Derrien et al. (2023):
into palaeobotany. Abstract,
Botany Letters, DOI: 10.1080/23818107.2023.2200293
Note figure 1: Reconstruction of the Eocene flora from Anjou.
Bruce H. Tiffney, UC Santa Barbara: What is Science? Tracking the course of evolution.
Vienna.at (in German). Fünf ausgefallene Studienrichtungen. Palaeobotany as an unususal field of study.
! Lester F. Ward (1885):
Sketch of paleobotany.
(PDF file, 4.8 MB).
Scroll to to: BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, Page 368, PDF page 16. Biographies of
Scheuchzer, Schlotheim, Sternberg, Brongniart, Witham, Göppert, Corda,
Geinitz, Binney, Unger, Schimper, Williamson, Lesquereux, Dawson, Heer, Bunbury,
Massalongo, Ettingshausen, Newberry, Schenk, Saporta, Carruthers.
See also
here, and
! Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Evolution of plants.
(in German).
(in German).
of plant evolution.
evolutionary developmental biology.
Wikisource: 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Palaeobotany.
G.R. Wieland (1919):
Needs of Paleobotany. In PDF,
See also
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