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Fossil Charcoal
N. Aggarwal et al. (2025):
the Charred Past: Microscopic Insights and Advanced Techniques in Understanding Permian
Palaeofires. Free access, ACS Omega,
"... This study conducts a comprehensive palynofacies and
geochemical analysis to characterize organic matter (OM) in shale
[...] The present investigation helps to explore the difference
between the origins (in situ vs ex situ) of the charcoal
generated due to the oxidation or palaeofire activity ..."
K.L. Alvin et al. (1981):
and palaeoecology of Pseudofrenelopsis and associated conifers in the English Wealden.
PDF file, Palaeontology, 24: 759-778.
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
S. Archibald et al. (2018):
and geophysical feedbacks with fire in the Earth system. Open access,
Environmental Research Letters, 13.
See especially Box 4 (PDF page 11): Evolution of plant-fire feedbacks at geological timescales.
P.L. Ascough et al. (2010): Charcoal reflectance measurements: implications for structural characterization and assessment of diagenetic alteration. PDF file, Journal of Archaeological Science. About charcoal, reflectance, Raman spectroscopic measurements, oxidative degradation, black carbon, diagenesis.
Eleni Asouti, School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology,
University of Liverpool:
Charcoal Analysis Web.
Bibliographic suggestions and information about methodology and interpretation
as well as links to databases and research centres
and wood reference collections. Go to:
A short history
of charcoal analysis (regrettably without results and progress in palaeobotany
and geology/palaeontology, e.g. W.G. Chaloner, A.C. Scott, M.E. Collinson, T. Jones).
! See also:
Cecilia A. Western Wood Reference Collection Archive:
The Wood
Anatomy Notebooks. Descriptions (typewriter, in PDF) and images (jpg).
Mainly species from Southwest Asia and Southeast Europe, donated to the Institute of
Archaeology by Cecilia A. Western.
S.J. Baker et al. (2022): CO2-induced biochemical changes in leaf volatiles decreased fire-intensity in the run-up to the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. Free access, New Phytologist, 235: 1442–1454.
S.J. Baker et al. (2017): Charcoal evidence that rising atmospheric oxygen terminated Early Jurassic ocean anoxia. In PDF, Nat Commun., 8: 15018. See also here.
M. Barbacka et al. (2022):
Jurassic coprolites: insights into palaeobotany and the feeding
behaviour of dinosaurs. In PDF, Papers in Palaeontology.
See also
C.M. Belcher and V.A. Hudspith (2017): Changes to Cretaceous surface fire behaviour influenced the spread of the early angiosperms. New Phytologist, 213: 1521–1532.
! C.M. Belcher and V.A. Hudspith (2016): The formation of charcoal reflectance and its potential use in post-fire assessments. In PDF, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 25: 775-779. See also here.
Claire M. Belcher et al. (2010): Increased fire activity at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary in Greenland due to climate-driven floral change. In PDF, Nature Geoscience, 3: 426-429. See also here (abstract).
J.R.W. Benicio et al. (2019): Recurrent palaeo-wildfires in a Cisuralian coal seam: A palaeobotanical view on high-inertinite coals from the Lower Permian of the Paraná Basin, Brazil. Open access, PloS one, 14: e0213854.
M.I. Bird et al. (2008): X-ray microtomographic imaging of charcoal. In PDF, Journal of Archaeological Science, 35: 2698-2706. See also here (abstract).
C. Blanco-Moreno et al. (2022):
plant taphonomy: the cosmopolitan Mesozoic fern Weichselia reticulata as a case study. Open access,
Palaeontology, 65.
Note figure 7: Taphonomic
model proposed for Weichselia reticulata.
C. Blanco-Moreno et al. (2022):
plant taphonomy: the cosmopolitan Mesozoic fern Weichselia reticulata as a case study. Open access,
Palaeontology, 65.
Note figure 7: Taphonomic model proposed for Weichselia reticulata.
"... In the case of
the specimens of Weichselia reticulata included in this
work, charred remains are the most frequent preservation
type ..."
C. Blanco-Moreno et al. (2020):
insights into the affinities, autoecology, and habit of the Mesozoic fern Weichselia reticulata
based on the revision of stems from Bernissart (Mons Basin, Belgium). In PDF,
7: 1351-1372.
See also
Note figure 1: Representation of all the reconstructions of Weichselia reticulata to date.
B. Bomfleur et al. (2023):
mosses from the Early Cretaceous Catefica mesofossil flora, Portugal–a window into the Mesozoic history
of Bryophytes. In PDF,
Fossil Imprint, 79: 103–125.
See likewise
"... A diverse assemblage of mosses from the Early Cretaceous Catefica mesofossil flora, Portugal, is described based on
fragments of charcoalified and lignitized gametophytes and a single spore capsule ..."
J.R. Boutain et al. (2010): Simplified procedure for hand fracturing, identifying, and curating small macrocharcoal remains. In PDF, IAWA Journal, 31: 139-147.
! D.M.J.S. Bowman et al. (2009): Fire in the Earth System. PDF file, Science, 324: 481-484. See also here (abstract).
S.A.E. Brown et al. (2012):
wildfires and their impact on the Earth system. In PDF,
Cretaceous Research, 36: 162-190.
See alo
Note figure 2: Fire products from surface and crown fires.
Figure 3: Geographic distribution of charcoal mesofossil assemblages and inertinite (charcoal in coal)
at three Cretaceous time intervals.
Table 1: Geographic distribution of charcoal mesofossil assemblages and inertinite (charcoal in coal)
at three Cretaceous time intervals.
B.A. Byers et al. (2014): First known fire scar on a fossil tree trunk provides evidence of Late Triassic wildfire. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 411: 180-187. See also here.
Y. Cai et al. (2024):
evidence traces diverse fungal metabolic strategies to the Late Paleozoic. Free access,
iScience. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2024.110000.
"... This study documents the early occurrences of multiple wood-rotting types during
the Late Paleozoic and provides insights into the range of fungal metabolic strategies
employed during this period ..."
D.K. Carpenter (2016): Charcoal, forests, and Earth's palaeozoic geochemical oxygen cycle. In PDF, Dissertation, 293 p. University of Southampton.
The Field Museum,
Chicago, IL:
Focus: Fossil Plants. See especially:
! Ilit Cohen-Ofri et al. (2006): Modern and fossil charcoal: aspects of structure and diagenesis. PDF file, Journal of Archaeological Science, 33: 428-439.
Margaret E. Collinson et al. (2008): Discussion on the production and fate of charcoals following a heathland and peatland fire in Surrey, UK. Abstract, 18th Plant Taphonomy Meeting, Vienna, Austria. Now provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
M.E. Collinson (2002):
ecology of Cainozoic ferns. In PDF,
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 119: 51-68.
See also
Note table 1: Summary of key conclusions concerning the ecology of Cenozoic ferns.
M. Conedera et al. (2009):
past fire regimes: methods, applications, and relevance to fire management and conservation. In PDF,
Quaternary Science Reviews, 28: 555-576.
See also
Note figure 1: Components of the fire-regime concept.
Table 6: Chemical substances used as chemical markers and fire proxies in fire history
Figure 4: Reconstructing fire history from lake sediments.
! M.J. Cope and W.G. Chaloner (1980): Fossil charcoal as evidence of past atmospheric composition. Abstract, Nature 283: 647-649.
W.K. Cornwell et al. (2009):
traits and wood fates across the globe: rotted, burned, or consumed?
PDF file, Global Change Biology, 15: 2431-2449.
See also
Note figure 1: The five major fates for woody debris.
Table 2: Stem anatomy differences across woody and pseudo-woody plant clades.
B. Crair (2023):
Fossil Flowers That Rewrote the History of Life.
Free access, The New Yorker.
"... Instead of breaking rocks, she crumbled soft sediments into a sieve, washed away the sand grains in water, and saved the tiny specks of charcoal that were left behind.
[...] Fresh discoveries, she added, could radically change the known history of flowers.
[...] “A day in the field can be years of work in the laboratory.” ..."
A.J. Crawford et al. (2018): Fossil charcoals from the Lower Jurassic challenge assumptions about charcoal morphology and identification. Free access, Palaeontology, 61: 49–56.
A.J. Crawford and C.M. Belcher (2014): Charcoal morphometry for paleoecological analysis: The effects of fuel type and transportation on morphological parameters. Open access, Applications in Plant Sciences, 2: 1400004. See also here (in PDF).
W.L. Crepet et al. (2004):
evidence and phylogeny: the age of major angiosperm clades based on mesofossil and
macrofossil evidence from Cretaceous deposits. Free access,
American Journal of Botany, 91: 1666-1682.
Beautifully preserved charcoalified flowers!
Walter L. Cressler (2001):
of Earliest Known Wildfires.
In PDF, Palaios, 16: 171-174.
See also
Charles Daghlian (Dartmouth College, Hannover, NH) and Jennifer Svitko,
Paleobotanical Holdings at the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium at Cornell University:
Paleoclusia 3D Reconstructions.
Movies from CT scans done on the Turonian fossils. See also
(W.L. Crepet and K.C. Nixon 1998, abstract and photos).
These expired links are available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
S. Dai et al. (2020):
of peat depositional environments in coal: A review. Free access,
International Journal of Coal Geology, 219.
See especially
fig. 5: Overview of the progression of plant and fungal tissues and burned material from the
peat surface through peatification and coalification to produce the major maceral groups.
Fig. 6A: Coprolitic macrinite in a
chamber in wood (now fusinite); the coprolites were charred along with the
Note also fig. 10D: Fusinite in a
Cretaceous coal.
Fig. 11C: Degraded inertinite in coal. Fusinite- and semifusinite-like reflectances indicating the charring of
degraded material of woody origin.
! S. Dai et al. (2021): Modes of occurrence of elements in coal: A critical evaluation. Free access, Earth-Science Reviews, 222.
I. Degani-Schmidt and M. Guerra-Sommer (2016): Charcoalified Agathoxylon-type wood with preserved secondary phloem from the lower Permian of the Brazilian Parana Basin. Abstract, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 226: 20-29. See also here (in PDF).
I. Degani-Schmidt et al. (2015): Charcoalified logs as evidence of hypautochthonous/autochthonous wildfire events in a peat-forming environment from the Permian of southern Paraná Basin (Brazil). Abstract, International Journal of Coal Geology, 146: 55–67. See also here (in PDF).
! G. De Lafontaine et al. (2011): Permineralization process promotes preservation of Holocene macrofossil charcoal in soils. Abstract, Journal of Quaternary Science, 26. See also here (in PDF).
X. Delclos et al. (2023):
and the Cretaceous Resinous Interval. Free access,
Earth-Science Reviews, 243.
Note figure 2 (palaeogeographical maps): Distribution of resiniferous
forests based on known amber-bearing localities and known occurrences of potential coniferous resin-producing tree
families throughout the Cretaceous.
Figure 4: Oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) atmospheric composition, temperature, and Large
Igneous Province (LIP) activity throughout the Cretaceous.
"... Here we discuss the set of interrelated abiotic and biotic factors potentially involved in resin production
during that time. We name this period of mass resin production by conifers during the late Mesozoic, fundamental as an
archive of terrestrial life, the ‘Cretaceous Resinous Interval’ (CREI) ..."
! C.F.K. Diessel (2010): The stratigraphic distribution of inertinite. In PDF, International Journal of Coal Geology, 81: 251–268. See also here (abstract).
W.A. DiMichele and H.J. Falcon-Lang (2011):
"fossil forests" in growth position (T0 assemblages): origin,
taphonomic bias and palaeoecological insights. PDF file,
Journal of the Geological Society, London, 168: 585-605.
See also
Note fig. 14 (PDF page 17),
Animals using hollow Sigillarian
stumps as refuges from fire.
W.A. DiMichele et al. (2004):
unusual Middle Permian flora from the Blaine Formation (Pease River Group:
Leonardian-Guadalupian Series) of King County, West Texas. In PDF,
J. Paleont., 78: 765-782.
See also
Paper awarded with the Winfried
and Renate Remy Award 2005 (Paleobotanical Section), Botanical Society of America.
Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham,
Surrey, UK: Research activities,
of charcoal,
in volcanics,
and impact of fire: Pre-Quaternary,
and impact of fire: Recent.
These expired links are now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Helena Eklund et al. (2004):
Cretaceous plant mesofossils from
Table Nunatak, Antarctica. PDF file,
Cretaceous Research, 25: 211-228.
Charred and structurally preserved plant remains.
Snapshot provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
DIANNE EDWARDS and LINDSEY AXE: Anatomical Evidence in the Detection of the Earliest Wildfires. Abstract, Palaios; 2004; v. 19; no. 2; p. 113-128.
H. El Atfy et al. (2019):
occurrence of palaeo-wildfires during deposition of the Bahariya Formation (early Cenomanian)
of Egypt. Open access,
Journal of Palaeogeography, 8.
See also
(in German).
H. El Atfy et al. (2019): Pre-Quaternary wood decay ‘caught in the act’ by fire – examples of plant-microbe-interactions preserved in charcoal from clastic sediments. Abstract, Historical Biology.
H.J. Falcon-Lang et. al. (2016): The oldest Pinus and its preservation by fire. Abstract, Geology, 44: 303-306. See also here (in PDF).
H.J. Falcon-Lang et al. (2015): Walchian charcoalified wood from the early Permian Community Pit Formation in Prehistoric Trackways National Monument, New Mexico, U.S.A., and its palaeoecological implications. N. M. Mus. Nat. Hist. Sci. Bull. 65, 115–121.
H.J. Falcon-Lang et al. (2004):
of Late Cretaceous polar vegetation preserved in the Hansen Point Volcanics,
NW Ellesmere Island, Canada.
PDF file, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 212: 45-64.
Charred woods from the Hansen Point Volcanics.
H.J. Falcon-Lang et al. (2001):
plant communities and palaeoclimate of a
Late Cretaceous fluvial to estuarine environment,
Pecínov quarry, Czech Republic. PDF file,
Geol. Mag., 138: 563-576.
See also
Note figure 3: Angiosperm wood charcoal.
A. Feurdean and I. Vasiliev (2019): The contribution of fire to the late Miocene spread of grasslands in eastern Eurasia (Black Sea region). Open access, Scientific Reports, 9.
The Field Museum, Chicago: Fossil Plants Collections Mesofossils. Mid to late Cretaceous plant fossils in charcoal preservation.
! I. Figueiral and V. Mosbrugger (2000): A review of charcoal analysis as a tool for assessing Quaternary and Tertiary environments: achievements and limits. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 164: 397–407.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations:
Industrial charcoal making:
Chapter 2. Wood carbonisation
and the products it yields.
"... Carbonisation is a particular form of that process in chemical technology called pyrolysis that
is the breakdown of complex substances into simpler ones by heating. ..."
! Worth checking out:
2.5 The
stages in charcoal formation.
! E.M. Friis et al. (2014): Three-dimensional visualization of fossil flowers, fruits, seeds, and other plant remains using synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM): new insights into Cretaceous plant diversity. In PDF, Journal of Paleontology, 88: 684–701. See also here (abstract).
E.M. Friis et al. (2013):
Diversity among Chlamydospermous Seeds from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal and
North America. Free accesss,
International Journal of Plant Sciences, 174: 530–558.
"... The material is based on numerous charcoalified and lignitic specimens recovered from Early
Cretaceous mesofossil floras [...]
Attenuation-based synchrotron-radiation x-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM) and
phase-contrast x-ray tomographic microscopy (PCXTM) were carried out [...]
Volume rendering (voltex), which provides transparent reconstructions,
was also used for the virtual sections ..."
Else Marie Friis, Kaj Raunsgaard Pedersen and Peter R. Crane (2010): Diversity in obscurity: fossil flowers and the early history of angiosperms. PDF file, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 365: 369-382. Some of the specimens are charcoalified and have retained their original three-dimensional shape. See also here.
J.M. Galloway and S. Lindström (2023):
in the geological record: Application of Quaternary methods to deep time studies. Open access,
Evolving Earth, 1.
Note figure 1: Summary figure of changes in atmospheric O2 [...] and important events in
Earth’s history, climate state, selected extinction events.
I.J. Glasspool and R.A. Gastaldo (2024):
mind the “charcoal gap”: A reassessment of Devonian wildfire. Open access,
Geology, 42: 846–850.
Note figure 1: Global records of Silurian–Devonian fire.
"... We conclude there is ample evidence of fire in the Middle Devonian. This interval
is not innately of low pO2.
[...] we propose that pO2 achieved levels >16%
and remained at such levels from the Silurian through the floral and faunal colonization of
land and, from our current estimates, stayed as such until the present ..."
I.J. Glasspool and R.A. Gastaldo (2024):
fire, and through water, an abundance of Mid-Devonian charcoal. Open access,
Palaios, 39: 301–322.
Note figure 15: Uncalibrated and luminosity modified, oil immersion, reflected light
images of Trout Valley mesofossil;
see especially figure E:
The internal anatomy of a hooked-appendage shaft showing cell-wall lamination
and separation, and with many cells show brittle fracture bogen structures.
"... Charcoalified mesofossils recovered
from the Emsian–Eifelian Trout Valley and St. Froid Lake formations of Maine
are direct evidence of wildfires
[...] we provide a reconstruction of this Middle Devonian
landscape and its flora in which lightning generated by post-dry season storms ignited wildfires that propagated
through an extensive psilophyte-dominated litter ..."
I.J. Glasspool and R.A. Gastaldo (2022):
baptism by fire: fossil charcoal from eastern Euramerica reveals the earliest (Homerian) terrestrial biota
evolved in a flammable world. Open access,
Journal of the Geological Society.
Note figure 12: Fuel-fire burn model illustrating fire initiation by lightning, burning of Prototaxites
as the fire nucleus and the charring of the peripheral vegetation.
I.J. Glasspool and R.A. Gastaldo (2022):
wildfire proxies and atmospheric oxygen, Open access,
Note figure 3: Silurian–Devonian charcoal plotted against three common models of Paleozoic
pO2 and back-calculated measurements.
"... The frequency of charcoal data from Silurian sequences indicates that fires were not
rare but an established part of the terrestrial
biome from at least the Wenlock onward. ..."
Also worth checking out:
Spotlight Shines on Colby Geologists
(by Bob Keyes, July 7, 2022, Colby News).
I.J. Glasspool et al. (2015): The impact of fire on the Late Paleozoic Earth system. In PDF, Frontiers in PlantScience. See also here.
I.J. Glasspool and A.C. Scott 2010):
concentrations of atmospheric oxygen reconstructed from sedimentary charcoal. In PDF,
Nature Geoscience, 3: 627-630.
See also
Additional information in:
"... We estimate that pO2
was continuously above 26% during the Carboniferous and
Permian periods, and that it declined abruptly around the time
of the Permian–Triassic mass extinction. During the Triassic
and Jurassic periods, pO2 fluctuated cyclically, with amplitudes
up to 10% and a frequency of 20–30 million years. Atmospheric
oxygen concentrations have declined steadily from the middle
of the Cretaceous period to present-day values of about 21%. ..."
H. Hagdorn et al. (2015):
Fossile Lebensgemeinschaften im Lettenkeuper. - p. 359-385, PDF file, in German.
Charcoal from the germanotype Lettenkohle (Ladinian).
See especially "Wildfeuer im Ökosystem des Lettenkeupers" on PDF page 5.
In: Hagdorn, H., Schoch, R. & Schweigert, G. (eds.): Der Lettenkeuper - Ein Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern.
Palaeodiversity, Special Issue (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart).
You may also navigate via
back issues of Palaeodiversity 2015.
Then scroll down to: Table of Contents
"Special Issue: Der Lettenkeuper - Ein Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern".
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
! S.P. Harrison et al. (2010): Fire in the Earth system. PDF file, In: Dodson, J. (ed.), Changing Climates, Earth Systems and Society. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 21-48.
C. Hartkopf-Fröder et al. (2011): Mid-Cretaceous charred fossil flowers reveal direct observation of arthropod feeding strategies. Open access, Biol. Lett., 8: 295–298.
Christoph Hartkopf-Fröder, Geologischer Dienst Nordrhein-Westfalen, Krefeld:
Erbe des Feuers: Was sagen schwarze Steine über die Umwelt der letzten 360 Millionen Jahre?
PDF file, in German.
Snapshot provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Z. Hermanová et al. (2021):
mesofossils from the Late Cretaceous Klikov Formation, the Czech Republic. Open access,
Fossil Imprint, 77.
"... The fossils
are charcoalified or lignitised, and usually three-dimensionally
preserved. ..."
J. Hilton et al. (2016):
Age and identity of the oldest pine fossils: COMMENT.
Geology, 44. See also:
Pinus mundayi as the oldest known pine fossil: REPLY.
By H.J. Falcon-Lang et al., 2016.
Please take notice:
oldest Pinus and its preservation by fire. Abstract, by
H.J. Falcon-Lang et al., 2016.
T.P. Hollaar et al. (2024):
optimum fire window: applying the fire–productivity
hypothesis to Jurassic climate states. Free access,
Biogeosciences, 21: 2795–2809.
"... we test the intermediate fire–productivity hypothesis for a period
on Earth before the evolution of grasses, the Early Jurassic,
and explore the fire regime of two contrasting climatic
states: the cooling of the Late Pliensbachian Event (LPE)
and the warming of the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian Boundary (SPB) ..."
F. Hua et al. (2024):
impact of frequent wildfires during the Permian–Triassic
transition: Floral change and terrestrial crisis in southwestern
China. Free access,
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Note figure 1a: Palaeogeographic configuration and the position of the South China Plate.
Figure 7: Schematic model illustrating possible relationships between the wildfires
and floral changes during the P–T transition in southwestern China.
V.A. Hudspith et al. (2018): Does fuel type influence the amount of charcoal produced in wildfires? Implications for the fossil record. Free access, Palaeontology, 61: 59–17.
! V.A. Hudspith and C.M. Belcher (2017): Observations of the structural changes that occur during charcoalification: implications for identifying charcoal in the fossil record. In PDF, Palaeontology, 60: 503–510. See also here (abstract).
V.A. Hudspith et al. (2015): Latest Permian chars may derive from wildfires, not coal combustion. Reply, in PDF, Geology, 43.
V.A. Hudspith et al. (2014): Latest Permian chars may derive from wildfires, not coal combustion. In PDF, Geology, 42: 879-882. See also here (abstract).
! V. Hudspith et al. (2012): Evaluating the extent to which wildfire history can be interpreted from inertinite distribution in coal pillars: An example from the Late Permian, Kuznetsk Basin, Russia. In PDF, International Journal of Coal Geology, 89: 3–25.
! V. Iglesias et al. (2014): Reconstruction of fire regimes through integrated paleoecological proxy data and ecological modeling. Front Plant Sci, 5.
International Journal of Coal Geology (Elsevier).
The International Journal of Coal Geology deals with fundamental and applied aspects of the geology, petrology,
geochemistry and mineralogy of coal, oil/gas source rocks, and shales.
The scope of the journal encompasses basic research, computational and laboratory studies, technology development,
and field studies.
A. Jasper et al. (2021):
and Mesozoic palaeo–wildfires: An overview on advances in the 21st Century.
Journal of Palaeosciences, 70: 159–171.
See likewise
A. Jasper et al. (2016):
Late Palaeozoic wildfires: an overview on
macroscopic charcoal. In PDF,
Revista do Instituto de Geociências - USP
Geol. USP, Sér. cient., São Paulo, 16: 87-97.
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
See also
A. Jasper et al. (2016):
in the mire: repeated fire events in Early Permian "peat forming"
vegetation of India. Abstract, Geological Journal.
See also
A. Jasper et al. (2013):
burning of Gondwana: Permian fires on the southern continent - a palaeobotanical approach.
In PDF, Gondwana Research, 24: 148-160.
See also
A. Jasper et al. (2011):
Paleozoic charcoal remains from South America: Multiple evidences of fire
events in the coal bearing strata of the Paraná Basin, Brazil. In PDF,
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 306: 205-218.
See also
A. Jasper et al. (2011): Charcoal remains from a tonstein layer in the Faxinal Coalfield, Lower Permian, southern Paraná Basin, Brazil. An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc., 83.
André Jasper et al. (2008): Palaeobotanical evidence of wildfires in the Late Palaeozoic of South America. Early Permian, Rio Bonito Formation, Paraná Basin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 26: 435-444.
Tim Jones, Particle Research Group, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University: Images of a soot-encrusted piece of charcoal from the K-T boundary and of one of the largest piece of naturally produced charcoal (recent) from the Yellowstone National Park, USA.
! T.P. Jones and W.G. Chaloner (1991): Fossil charcoal, its recognition and palaeoatmospheric significance. Abstract.
K.-P. Kelber, (2007):
Die Erhaltung
und paläobiologische Bedeutung der fossilen Hölzer aus dem süddeutschen
Keuper (Trias, Ladinium bis Rhätium).- In German. PDF file,
pp. 37-100; In: Schüßler, H. & Simon, T. (eds.):
Aus Holz wird Stein -
Kieselhölzer aus dem Keuper Frankens.-
(Eppe), Bergatreute-Aulendorf.
Go to PDF page 9:
! Charcoal from the germanotype Upper Triassic.
K. Koldas (2021): Charred Fossils Provide Clues about Early Terrestrialization. ColbyNews.
Michael A. Kruge, Dept. of Geology Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL: Chemistry Of Fossil Charcoal In Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Strata, Arroyo El Mimbral, Mexico.
! J. Lehmann et al. (2011): Biochar effects on soil biota - a review. In PDF, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43: 1812-1836. See also here (abstract).
G. Li et al. (2022):
Studies on Charcoalification: Physical and Chemical Changes of Charring Wood. In PDF,
Fundamental Research. See also
Note fig. 8: Alterations in various wood physical and chemical factors.
"... Data suggests that the charcoal formation temperatures
were concentrated around 400-500 C ..."
B. Liu et al. (2022):
for the repeated occurrence of wildfires in an upper Pliocene
lignite deposit from Yunnan, SW China. In PDF,
International Journal of Coal Geology, 250.
See also
"... Different types of wildfire occurred in this paleomire with a predominance of low-temperature surface
fires, as indicated by mean inertinite reflectance (Ro) values ranging from 1% to 2% in most samples.
High-temperature fires are less recorded ..."
! E.R. Locatelli (2014): The exceptional preservation of plant fossils: a review of taphonomic pathways and biases in the fossil record. PDF file, In: M. Laflamme et al. (eds.): Reading and Writing of the Fossil Record: Preservational Pathways to Exceptional Fossilization. The Paleontological Society Papers, 20.
S. Longyi et al. (2012): Paleo-fires and Atmospheric Oxygen Levels in the Latest Permian: Evidence from Maceral Compositions of Coals in Eastern Yunnan, Southern China. Abstract.! M. Lu et al. (2021): A synthesis of the Devonian wildfire record: Implications for paleogeography, fossil flora, and paleoclimate. Abstract, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 571. See also here (in PDF).
M. Lu et al. (2019):
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"... Plant residues (microfossils, vitrinite and inertinite) and
biomarkers derived from terrestrial plants and wildfire occur throughout the stratigraphic section,
suggesting widespread forest in the southern Appalachian Basin, a region with no macro plant fossil
record during the Famennian. Inorganic geochemical results, as shown by increasing values of SiO2/
Al2O3, Ti/Al, Zr/Al, and the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) upon time sequence, suggest enhanced
continental weathering that may be attributed to the invasion of barren lands
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"... In this study, we comprehensively synthesize a total of 271 published Cretaceous
wildfire occurrences based on the by-products of burning, including fossil charcoal,
pyrogenic inertinite (fossil charcoal in coal), and pyrogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs). Spatially, the dataset shows a distinctive distribution of reported wildfire
evidence characterized by high concentration in the middle latitudinal areas of the
Northern Hemisphere ..."
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"... This indicates that fire and active volcanism were significant
modifiers of the ecological niches of austral floras, because even in distal areas, the
source of ignition for forest fires often came from contact with a hot volcanic ash cloud,
where the vegetation was either totally or partially consumed by fire ..."
Note figure 4: Detailed field photographs of part of the Price Point deposition showing
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Figure 6: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of austral areas under the influence of
paleo-wildfires promoted by the Campanian active volcanism.
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propagation of a widespread forest fire
[...] The most extensive wildfires occurred in
the earliest Jurassic and their intensities successively decreased with time ..."
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during the end-Permian extinction interval (c. 252.1 Ma). Note the vegetative
regeneration along the scorched trunks of the canopy-forming Glossopteris.
"... we conclude that elevated wildfire frequency was a short-lived phenomenon; recurrent
wildfire events were unlikely to be
the direct cause of the subsequent long-term absence of peat-forming wetland vegetation,
and the associated ‘coal gap’ of the Early Triassic. ..."
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These expired links
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D.P. Mishra et al (2021): Palaeobotanical evidence for Artinskian wildfire in the Talcher Coalfield, Mahanadi Basin, India. In PDF, Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 66: 303-314.
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[...] apply “functional palaeoecology”
and the synergy between palaeoecology and genetics to understand how fire
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Washington, DC.
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and extend the archive of climate back hundreds to millions of years. Go to:
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floristic assemblages and modes of preservation as evidence of distinct
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Gondwana Research, 130: 234–249.
See also
Note figure 3: Schematic diagram showing the stages involved in preservation of a mould
of a branch of Proteaceae or Casuarinaceae wood and leaves.
Figure 6: Schematic diagram comparing pathways of silicification of plant tissues in sub-basaltic
and fluvial silcretes.
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"... and charred tree trunks. The overlying mudstones show an iridium anomaly
and fungal and fern spores spikes.
We interpret these heterogeneous deposits as a direct result of the
Chicxulub impact and a mega-tsunami in response to seismically-induced landsliding. ..."
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Open access!
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See likewiswe
Note figure 6c–e. Scanning electron micrographs of charred Metaclepsydropsis.
Figure 13f-h: Scanning electron micrograph of charcoalified pteridosperm leaf
dissolved from Pettycur Limestone block.
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Years of Progress in Our Understanding of the Nature and Influence of Fire in
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See here
as well.
Note figure 7: The interpretation of the Viséan East Kirkton environment highlighting the role
of wildfire.
"... One of the basic problems was the fact that charcoal-like wood fragments, so often found
in sedimentary rocks and in coals, were termed fusain and, in addition, many researchers could
not envision wildfires in peat-forming systems. The advent of Scanning Electron Microscopy and
studies on modern charcoals and fossil fusains demonstrated beyond doubt that wildfire residues
may be recognized in rocks dating back to at least 350 million years ..."
! A.C. Scott (2010): Charcoal recognition, taphonomy and uses in palaeoenvironmental analysis. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 291: 11–39. See also here (abstract).
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See also
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Electron Microscopy and Synchrotron Radiation
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! A.C. Scott (2002): Coal petrology and the origin of coal macerals: a way ahead? In PDF, International Journal of Coal Geology, 50: 119-134. The definition of fusinite !
! A.C. Scott (2000): The Pre-Quaternary history of fire. Abstract, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 164: 297–345. See also here (in PDF).
! A.C. Scott (1998): The legacy of Charles Lyell: advances in our knowledge of coal and coal-bearing strata. In PDF, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 143: 243-260. See also here.
! A.C. Scott and T.P. Jones (1991): Fossil charcoal: a plant-fossil record preserved by fire. In PDF, Geology Today, 7: 214-216. See also here.
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3.10 Anatomical
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Paleobiology: A Synthesis.
Navigate from the
file (PDF).
Andrew C. Scott and Freddy Damblon, discussion paper: Discussion on (and formation of?) an International Association for Charcoal Research (IACR). PDF file. Including a useful bibliography.
Andrew C. Scott, Research Group in Plant Palaeobiology,
Applied Palaeobotany, Palynology and the Study of Fossil Fuels, Geology Department,
Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey:
and impact of fire: Pre-Quaternary.
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record of sedimentary mercury reveals two discrete CAMP eruptive phases during the
T-J transition. Each of these can be correlated with large, negative C isotope excursions
[...}, significantly reduced plant diversity (with ca. 45 and
44% generic losses, respectively), enhanced wildfire (marked by increased fusinite or
charcoal content), and major climatic shifts toward drier and hotter conditions (indicated
by the occurrence of calcareous nodules, increased Classopollis pollen content, and
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