The Pros and Cons of Pre-Neogene Growth Rings, Links for Palaeobotanists
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The Pros and Cons of Pre-Neogene Growth Rings

! L.S.R. Alves et al. (2005): Paleobotany and Paleoclimatology Part I: Growth Rings in Fossil Woods and Paleoclimates. PDF file; See also starting with PDF-page 16:
Part II: Leaf Assemblages (Taphonomy, Paleoclimatology and Paleogeography). In: pp 179–202, Koutsoukos, Eduardo A.M. (ed.) Applied Stratigraphy. Series: Topics in Geobiology, Vol. 23.
See also here (Google books).

S. Archangelsky (1968): Studies on Triassic fossil plants from Argentina. IV. The leaf genus Dicroidium and its possible relation to Rhexoxylon stems. PDF file, Palaeontology.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! Georg von Arx et al. (2016): Quantitative Wood Anatomy — Practical Guidelines. Free access, Front. Plant Sci., 7.
See also here.

S.R. Ash and G.T. Creber (2000): The Late Triassic Araucarioxylon arizonicum trees of the Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA. In PDF.

J.A. Ballesteros-Cánovas et al. (2015): A review of flood records from tree rings. In PDF, Progress in Physical Geography. See also here.

M.K. Bamford et al. (2016): Long overdue extinction of the Protopinaceae. Abstract.

! J. Barros et al. (2015): The cell biology of lignification in higher plants. Free access, Annals of Botany, 115: 1053–1074.

Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley: Plant Tissues, Wood, Growth Rings, Bark. Begin Photosynthesis. Lecture notes. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! R.T. Bolzon et al. (2004): Fossildiagênese de lenhos do Mesozóico do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. PDF file, in Portuguese. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 7: 103-110.
About wood fossil diagenesis, e.g. the preservation of the cells of fossil wood, the form of wood mineralization, especially the silicification of wood.

! C.K. Boyce et al. (2001): Nondestructive, in situ, cellular-scale mapping of elemental abundances including organic carbon in permineralized fossils. Free access, PNAS, 98.

! K.R. Briffa et al. (2004): Large-scale temperature inferences from tree rings: a review. In PDF, Global and Planetary Change, 40: 11-26. See also here.

A .-L.Brison et al. 2001): Are Mesozoic wood growth rings climate-induced? Abstract, Paleobiology: Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 531–538.

! C.R. Brodersen et al. (2011): Automated analysis of three-dimensional xylem networks using high-resolution computed tomography. In PDF, New Phytologist, 191: 1168-1179.

B.A. Byers et al. (2014): First known fire scar on a fossil tree trunk provides evidence of Late Triassic wildfire. Abstract. See also here (in PDF).

O. Cambra-Moo et al. (2013): Exceptionally well-preserved vegetal remains from the Upper Cretaceous of "Lo Hueco", Cuenca, Spain. In PDF, Lethaia, 46: 127–140.

CFK-Fossilien Coburg (by W. Claus, L. Franzke and U. Knoch; in German):
Kieselhölzer der Löwensteinformation.
Kieselholz aus dem Keuper von Nordfranken.

W. Chaloner & G. Creber: Do fossil plants give a climatic signal? Abstract, Journal of the Geological Society, Volume 147, Number 2, 1990, pp. 343-350.

! J. Chave et al. (2009): Towards a worldwide wood economics spectrum. In PDF, Ecology Letters, 12: 351–366.

Stadtmuseum im Spital, Crailsheim, Germany:
Exhibition about petrified Triassic wood: "Aus Holz wird Stein Kieselhölzer aus dem Keuper Frankens" June 28 - September 20, 2009. (In German).
This expired link is still available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine. See also here (Amazon book announcement), and there (book announcement, in German).

G.T. Creber and M.E. Collinson (2006): Epicormic shoot traces in the secondary xylem of the Triassic and Permian fossil conifer species Woodworthia arizonica - Short communication. Free access, IAWA Journal, 27: 237-241.

G.T. Creber & S.R. Ash (2004): The Late Triassic Schilderia adamanica and Woodworthia arizonica Trees of the Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA. Abstract, Palaeontology Volume 47: 21. See also here (in PDF).

A. Crisafulli et al. (2016): In-situ Late Triassic fossil conifer woods from the fluvial channel deposits of the Soturno River (Caturrita Formation, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). In PDF, Gaea, Journal of Geoscience, 9: 37-46.

N.R. Cúneo et al. (2003): In situ fossil forest from the upper Fremouw Formation (Triassic) of Antarctica: paleoenvironmental setting and paleoclimate analysis. Abstract, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 197: 239-261.

A.L. Decombeix et al. (2022): Tyloses in fossil plants: New data from a Mississippian tree, with a review of previous records. In Pdf, Botany Letters, 169: 1-17.
See also here and there.
Note figure 1: Schematic representation of tylosis formation seen in transverse and longitudinal sections.
Figure 4: Tyloses in extant and extinct vascular plants.

A.-L. Decombeix et al. (2020): A Permian nurse log and evidence for facilitation in high-latitude Glossopteris forests. In PDF, Lethaia, 54: 96-105.
See also here.

! A.L. Decombeix et al. (2019): Plant hydraulic architecture through time: lessons and questions on the evolution of vascular systems. In PDF, IAWA Journal, 40: 387-420. See also here and there.

! A.-L. Decombeix et al. (2018): Under pressure? Epicormic shoots and traumatic growth zones in high-latitude Triassic trees from East Antarctica. Annals of Botany, 121: 681–689. See also here (in PDF).

A.-L. Decombeix et al. (2016): Bark anatomy of Late Permian glossopterid trees from Antarctica. Abstract, IAWA Journal, 37: 444-458. See also here (in PDF).

A.-L. Decombeix et al. (2014): New insights into the anatomy, development, and affinities of corystosperm trees from the Triassic of Antarctica. Abstract, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 203: 22-34.

A.-L. Decombeix et al. (2011): Root suckering in a Triassic conifer from Antarctica: Paleoecological and evolutionary implications. In PDF, American Journal of Botany, 98: 1222-1225. See also here (abstract).

A.L. Decombeix et al. (2010): Anatomy and affinities of permineralized gymnospermous trunks with preserved bark from the Middle Triassic of Antarctica. In PDF, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 163.

A.L. Decombeix (2010): Understanding the biology of high-latitude trees in a greenhouse world. In PDF, Palaios, 25: 423–425.
See also here.
Note figure 1C: Cross section of two roots (Vertebraria) showing growth rings and the typical air spaces in the wood.

Anne-Laure Decombeix, Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud, Nick Rowe & Jean Galtier: Diversity of large woody lignophytes preceding the extinction of Archaeopteris: new data from the middle Tournaisian of Thuringia (Germany). PDF file.

I. Degani-Schmidt and M. Guerra-Sommer (2016): Charcoalified Agathoxylon-type wood with preserved secondary phloem from the lower Permian of the Brazilian Parana Basin. Abstract, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 226: 20-29. See also here (in PDF).

Â.C.S. dos Santos et al. (2022): Record of Brachyoxylon patagonicum, a Cheirolepidiaceae wood preserved by gelification in the aptian Maceió Formation, Sergipe–Alagoas Basin, NE Brazil. In PDF, Journal of South American Earth Sciences.
See also here.
"... The presence of fungal remains within the wood tissue, and the absence of signs of plant defense against fungal decay suggest saprophytic fungus–wood interactions that likely occurred during a stage of aerobic exposure before burial.

T. Drouet et al.: Long-term records of strontium isotopic composition in tree rings ... PDF file, Global Change Biology, 2005.

J.M. Drovandi et al. (2020): A new paleofloristic assemblage from the Cuyana Basin (Agua de los Pajaritos depocenter), Argentina and its paleobiogeographic and paleoenvironmental implications. In PDF, Journal of South American Earth Sciences. See also here.

T.L. Dutra and A. Crisafulli (2022): Petrified woods in the mesozoic of southern Brazil. In PDF, Brazilian Paleofloras: From Paleozoic to Holocene.
See also here.
"... This chapter summarizes the main components of xylotaphofloras that have been studied since the twentieth century ..."

T. Eglin et al. (2008): Biochemical composition is not the main factor influencing variability in carbon isotope composition of tree rings. PDF file, Tree Physiology, 28: 1619-1628.

! H.J. Falcon-Lang and D.M. Digrius (2014): Palaeobotany under the microscope: history of the invention and widespread adoption of the petrographic thin section technique. In PDF.

! H.J. Falcon-Lang (2000): A method to distinguish between woods produced by evergreen and deciduous coniferopsids on the basis of growth ring anatomy: a new palaeoecological tool. In PDF, Palaeontology.

H.J. Falcon-Lang (2005): Global climate analysis of growth rings in woods, and its implications for deep-time paleoclimate studies. In PDF, Paleobiology, 31: 434–444.
See also here.
"... Data reprocessed from the International Tree-Ring Data Bank are used to analyze three parameters, mean ring width, mean sensitivity, and percentage latewood, from 727 sites across a global climatic range.
[...] Only in well-constrained studies where paleoclimatic, ontogenetic, and taxonomic sources of variability can be controlled, and data sets are very large, may fossil growth ring analysis provide useful paleoecological data. ..."

H.J. Falcon-Lang et al. (2004): Palaeoecology of Late Cretaceous polar vegetation preserved in the Hansen Point Volcanics, NW Ellesmere Island, Canada. PDF file, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 212: 45-64.
Note PDF page 14: Growth rings in woods.

H.J. Falcon-Lang and D.J. Cantrill (2001): Leaf phenology of some mid-Cretaceous polar forests, Alexander Island, Antarctica. Abstract, Geological Magazine.

T.L. Fletcher et al. (2015): Wood growth indices as climate indicators from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) portion of the Winton Formation, Australia. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 417: 35-43.
See likewise here.

! J.E. Francis (1983): The dominant conifer of the Jurassic Purbeck formation, England.In PDF, Palaeontology, 26.
Note figure 3: Reconstruction of the dominant Purbeck conifer.

J.E. Francis, Earth Sciences, University of Leeds: Fossil Trees in the Basal Purbeck Formation on Portland - The Great Dirt Bed Forest.
This expired link is still available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

Robert A. Gastaldo, Department of Geology, Colby College, Waterville, Maine: PLANTS AS KEYS TO PAST CLIMATIC CONDITIONS.
Still available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

C.T. Gee et al. (2019): Silicified logs of Agathoxylon hoodii (Tidwell et Medlyn) comb. nov. from Rainbow Draw, near Dinosaur National Monument, Uintah County, Utah, USA, and their implications for araucariaceous conifer forests in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation. Open access, Geology of the Intermountain West, 6: 7–92. See also here.

! A. Gessler et al. (2014): Stable isotopes in tree rings: towards a mechanistic understanding of isotope fractionation and mixing processes from the leaves to the wood. Free access, Tree Physiology, 34: 796–818.
Note figure 1: Overview of the different processes influencing the carbon (a) and oxygen (b) isotope signature, from primary sources (CO2 and H2O, respectively) to tree-ring cellulose, going through different organic and inorganic pools.

S.C. Gnaedinger and A.M. Zavattieri (2020): Coniferous woods from the Upper Triassic of southwestern Gondwana, Tronquimalal Group, Neuquén Basin, Mendoza Province, Argentina. Abstract, Journal of Paleontology, 94: 387–416. See also here (in PDF).

X.-D. Gou and Z. Feng (2024): Checklist of the Triassic wood (updated June 2024). Free access, Mesozoic, 1: 173-185.
"... The list contains 50 genera and 130 species of gymnospermous wood taxa documented from 16 countries across seven continents.
[...] Taxonomically, 7 genera and 8 species were documented from the Lower Triassic, 7 genera and 8 species from the Middle Triassic, and 37 genera and 98 species from the Upper Triassic ..."

X.-D. Gou and Z. Feng (2024): Checklist of the Jurassic wood (updated March 2024). Open access, Mesozoic, 1.

X.D. Gou et al. (2021): A new Protophyllocladoxylon stem from the Xishanyao Formation (Middle Jurassic) in the Santanghu Basin, Xinjiang, Northwest China. Free access, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 292. See also here.

! X.-D. Gou et al. (2021): Leaf phenology, paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental insights derived from an Agathoxylon stem from the Middle Jurassic of Xinjiang, Northwest China. Free access, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 289. See also here.

E. Gulbranson et al. (2022): Paleoclimate-induced stress on polar forested ecosystems prior to the Permian–Triassic mass extinction. In PDF, Scientific Reports.
See also here.

E.L. Gulbranson et al. (2014): Leaf habit of Late Permian Glossopteris trees from high-palaeolatitude forests. In PDF, Journal of the Geological Society, London, 171: 493–507.

E.L. Gulbranson and P.E. Ryberg (2013): Paleobotanical and geochemical approaches to studying fossil tree rings: Quantitative interpretations of paleoenvironment and ecophysiology. In PDF, Palaios, 28: 137-140. See also here.

E.L. Gulbranson et al. (2012): Permian polar forests: deciduousness and environmental variation. In PDF, Geobiology, 10: 479-495.
See also here.
Note upright permineralized stumps in figure 3 and 6.

R.D. Heady and G.E. Burrows (2008): Features of the secondary xylem that facilitate branch abscission in juvenile Wollemia nobilis. In PDF, IAWA Journal, 29: 225-236.
See here as well.

L.A. Hoffman and A.M.F. Tomescu (2013): An early origin of secondary growth: Franhueberia gerriennei gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Devonian of Gaspé (Quebec, Canada). OPen access, American Journal of Botany, 100: 754-763.

T.H. Jefferson (1987): The preservation of conifer wood: examples from the Lower Cretaceous of Antarctica. In PDF, Palaeontology, 30. See also here.
! With instructive line drawings.

Z. Jiang et al. (2019): Tree ring phototropism and implications for the rotation of the North China Block. Open access, Scientific Reports,, 9.

Z. Jiang et al. (2016): A Jurassic wood providing insights into the earliest step in Ginkgo wood evolution. Sci. Rep., 6.

K.-P. Kelber, Würzburg (2007): Die Erhaltung und paläobiologische Bedeutung der fossilen Hölzer aus dem süddeutschen Keuper (Trias, Ladinium bis Rhätium).- In German. PDF file, 33 MB! pp. 37-100; In: Schüßler, H. & Simon, T. (eds.): Aus Holz wird Stein - Kieselhölzer aus dem Keuper Frankens.- (Eppe), Bergatreute-Aulendorf.
Growth rings in wood from the germanotype Keuper (Upper Triassic) in fig. 11f (on PDF page 18) and fig. 14f (on PDF page 20).

Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY:
Fossils of the Month. Go to:
! Fossil of the Month: Callixylon.
Note the illustration: Floating logs on today’s seas provide a habitat for a multitude of organisms.

K. Kim et al. (2005): Coniferous Fossil Woods from the Jogyeri Formation (Upper Triassic) of the Nampo Group, Korea. PDF file, IAWA Journal, 26: 253-265.

F. Lang: Erntezeit für Kieselhölzer. PDF file, in German. Permineralized wood mainly from the Upper Triassic of Germany.

L.V. Leiz et al. (2022): New records of Late Triassic wood from Argentina and their biostratigraphic, paleoclimatic, and paleoecological implications. In PDF, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 67: 329–340.
See also here.
Note fig. 4: Schemes showing anatomical characters of Baieroxylon cicatricum.
Fig. 7. Schemes showing anatomical characters of Protophyllocladoxylon hilarioense.

J.A. Luczaj et al. (2019): Comment on “Non-Mineralized Fossil Wood” by George E. Mustoe (Geosciences, 2018). Free access, Geosciences, 8.

! L. Luthardt et al. (2017): Tree-ring analysis elucidating palaeo-environmental effects captured in an in situ fossil forest – The last 80 years within an early Permian ecosystem. Abstract, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 487: 278-295. See also here (in PDF).

L. Luthardt and R. Rößler (2017): Fossil forest reveals sunspot activity in the early Permian. Abstract, Geology. See also here (in PDF).

L. Luthardt et al. (2016): Palaeoclimatic and site-specific conditions in the early Permian fossil forest of Chemnitz—Sedimentological, geochemical and palaeobotanical evidence. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 441: 627–652.
See also here.

C. Macfarlane and M.A. Adams: .13C of wood in growth-rings indicates cambial activity of ... PDF file.

L. Marynowski et al. (2011): Effects of weathering on organic matter Part II: Fossil wood weathering and implications for organic geochemical and petrographic studies. Abstract, Organic Geochemistry, 42: 1076-1088.

W.J. Matthaeus et al. (2022): Stems matter: Xylem physiological limits are an accessible and critical improvement to models of plant gas exchange in deep time. In PDF, Front. Ecol. Evol., 10:955066. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.955066.
See also here.
Note figure 1: Vascular plant hydraulic pathway conducting element features.

V. Mencl et al. (2014): Summary of Occurrence and Taxonomy of Silicified Agathoxylon-Type of Wood in Late Paleozoic Basins of the Czech Republic. In PDF, Folia Musei rerum naturalium Bohemiae occidentalis. Geologica et Paleobiologica, 47. See also here.

! B. Meyer-Berthaud et al. (2013): Archaeopterid root anatomy and architecture: new information from permineralized specimens of Famennian age from Anti-Atlas (Morocco). In PDF, Int. J. Plant Sci., 174: 364–381.

! Sandra Niemirowska, Warsaw: Petrified Wood. Various species of fossilized wood taken under the microscope and shown in tomograms.
Worth checking out:
! Anatomical details under the stereoscopic optical microscope and scanning electron microscope.
Gallery of petrified wood. A collection of petrified wood arranged in order of locations.

C. Oh et al. (2015): Xenoxylon synecology and palaeoclimatic implications for the Mesozoic of Eurasia. In PDF, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 60: 245-256. See also here.

! M. Philippe (2023): Palaeoclimate and fossil woods—is the use of mean sensitivity sensible? Free access, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 68: 561–569.
"... The growth rings of fossil wood provide valuable data on tree ecology. As many of the parameters controlling width are climatic, it is tempting to use these rings as an indicator of climate.
[...] Within fossil wood assemblages, average sensitivity varies widely, but rarely consistently ..."

! M. Philippe et al. (2017): The palaeolatitudinal distribution of fossil wood genera as a proxy for European Jurassic terrestrial climate. Abstract, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 466: 373-381.

! M. Philippe et al. (2015): News from an old wood - Agathoxylon keuperianum (Unger) nov. comb. in the Keuper of Poland and France. Abstract, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 221: 83–91. See also here (in PDF).

Marc Philippe (2011): How many species of Araucarioxylon? Abstract, Comptes Rendus Palevol., 10: 201-208.

! M. Philippe and M.K. Bamford (2008): A key to morphogenera used for Mesozoic conifer-like woods. PDF file, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 148: 184-207. See also here (abstract).

ETIENE F. PIRES and MARGOT GUERRA-SOMMER: Sommerxylon spiralosus from Upper Triassic in southernmost Paraná Basin (Brazil): a new taxon with taxacean affinity. PDF file; Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2004)76(3):595-609; (Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences).

! J. Pittermann et al. (2015): The structure and function of xylem in seed-free vascular plants: an evolutionary perspective. In PDF. See also here.

R.R. Pujana et al. (2016): Proposals for quantifying two characteristics of tracheid pitting arrangement in gymnosperm woods. In PDF, Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 18. See also here.

! M.K. Putz and E.L. Taylor (1996): Wound response in fossil trees from Antarctica and its potential as a paleoenvironmental indicator. PDF file, IAWA Journal, 17: 77-88. See also here.

! L. Ragnia and T. Greb (2018): Secondary growth as a determinant of plant shape and form. Open access, Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 79: 58-67.

J.A. Raven and M. Andrews (2010): Evolution of tree nutrition. In PDF, Tree Physiology, 30: 1050-1071. See also here.

R. Rößler (2019): Der Wald aus Stein unter Chemnitz – einzigartiges „Pompeji des Erdaltertums“. In German, PDF file. Kalenderblatt April 2019, Online-Plattform der Professur Geschichte Europas im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz.
See also here.

! R. Rößler et al. (2014): Which name(s) should be used for Araucaria-like fossil wood? - Results of a poll. In PDF, Taxon, 63: 177-184.

R. Rößler (2009): 300 Jahre Schatzsuche in Chemnitz: Die wissenschaftliche Grabung nach dem versteinerten Wald. In German (PDF file), Fossilien, 26.
Now available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

D.P. Ruiz and J. Bodnar (2019): The oldest record of Juniperoxylon, a cupressaceous fossil wood from the Middle Triassic of Argentina. In PDF, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 64: 481–488.

P.E. Ryberg and E.L. Taylor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center, University of Kansas, Lawrence: Silicified wood from the Permian and Triassic of Antarctica: Tree rings from polar paleolatitudes. PDF file, Geological Survey and The National Academies; USGS OF-2007-1047, Short Research Paper 080.

Patricia E. Ryberg and Edith L. Taylor, University of Kansas, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology: Fossil tree rings as paleoclimatic indicators in the Permian and Triassic of Antarctica. Abstract, Botany 2005, Botanical Society of America.

! F.H. Schweingruber and A. Börner (2018): Fossilization, permineralization, coalification, carbonization and wet wood conservation. PDF file, pp. 183-192.
In: F.H. Schweingruber and A. Börner:
! The Plant Stem. A Microscopic Aspect. Open access!

A.R. Semeler and M.G. Sommer (2024): Research data in paleobotany: petrographic thin sections fossil wood dataset. In PDF, Encontros Bibli, Florianópolis, 29. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. DOI:
See likewise here, and there.

X. Shi (2016): Fossil plants and environmental changes during the Permian-Triassic transition in Northwest China. Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie,Paris VI. See also here.

Thomas Siccama and Daniel Vogt, Yale School for Forestry and Environmental Studies: Methods of Ecosystem Analysis, Saltonstall Ridge, East Haven, Ct., Tree Rings Introduction. Go to: Challenges to Accurate Tree Ring Measurement. About false rings.
These expired links are available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

A.M. Siegloch et al. (2021): Paleoclimatic inferences based on wood growth interruptions in Late Triassic flood deposits from the southernmost Brazilian Gondwana. In PDF, Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 24: 3–20.

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! J.S. Sperry (2003): Evolution of water transport and xylem structure. PDF file, International Journal of Plant Sciences.

! R. Spicer and A. Groover (2010): Evolution of development of vascular cambia and secondary growth. Open access, New Phytologist, 186: 577-592.
Note figure 1: Orientation of cells and tissues within a woody stem.
Figure 2: A phylogeny of vascular plants illustrating multiple origins of secondary growth via a vascular cambium.

C. Strullu-Derrien (2014): The earliest wood and its hydraulic properties documented in c. 407-million-year-old fossils using synchrotron microtomography. Abstract, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 175: 423-437.

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H. Süss et al. (2009): Drei neue fossile Hölzer der Morphogattung Primoginkgoxylon gen. nov. aus der Trias von Kenia. PDF file (in German), Feddes Repertorium, 120: 273 - 292. See also here (Abstract).

E.L. Taylor and P.E. Ryberg (2007): Tree growth at polar latitudes based on fossil tree ring analysis. PDF file, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 255: 246-264.
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! E.L. Taylor et al. (1992): The present is not the key to the past: a polar forest from the Permian of Antarctica. In PDF, Science, 257.

N. Tian et al. (2016): New record of fossil wood Xenoxylon from the Late Triassic in the Sichuan Basin, southern China and its paleoclimatic implications. Abstract, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 464: 65–75. See also here (in PDF).

A. Toumoulin et al. (2023): Early Jurassic silicified woods from Carapace Nunatak, South Victoria Land, Antarctica. In PDF, Fossil Record, 26: 103–115. DOI 10.3897/fr.26.102570.
Note figure 2b,c: Early Jurassic wood from Carapace Nunatak in transverse section showing several growth ring boundaries.

Susan Trulove, Virginia Tech: Ancient climate record preserved in prehistoric plants. Ancestor of modern trees preserves record of ancient climate change. About Devonian/Carboniferous growth rings.

! Dieter Uhl (2004): Anatomy and taphonomy of a coniferous wood from the Zechstein (Upper Permian) of NW-Hesse (Germany). In PDF, Geodiversitas, 26: 391-401.
See also here.

! E.A. Vaganov et al. (2011): How well understood are the processes that create dendroclimatic records? A mechanistic model of the climatic control on conifer tree-ring growth dynamics. In PDF, Dendroclimatology. See also here (abstract).

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This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

Mike Viney, Ft. Collins, Colorado: The Virtual Petrified Wood Museum. Images of fossil wood and other fossils sorted by geological age. See especially:
! The Anatomy of Arborescent Plant Life Through Time.

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Yongdong Wang et al. (2009): Starting on PDF page 13, Biodiversity and palaeoclimatic implications of fossil wood from the non-marine Jurassic of China. PDF file, Episodes, 32.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

Z. Wawrzyniak and P. Filipiak (2023): Fossil floral assemblage from the Upper Triassic Grabowa Formation (Upper Silesia, southern Poland). Free access, Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 93: 165–193.
See here as well.

WAYNE'S WORD, Escondido, CA (A nonprofit quarterly journal published by WOLFFIA INC.): Stem & Root Anatomy. Cellular structure of vascular plants.

! Ian West, Southampton University: The Fossil Forest - East of Lulworth Cove, Dorset.

! E.A. Wheeler (2024): Fossil woods of Yellowstone National Park. Free access, Parks Stewardship Forum, 40.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Growth ring, and Jahresring (in German).

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Category:Plant anatomy.
Verthyllung (in German).

J.P. Wilson and A.H. Knoll (2010): A physiologically explicit morphospace for tracheid-based water transport in modern and extinct seed plants. PDF file, Paleobiology, 36: 335-355.
See also here.

M.M. Windell (2024): A Permian permineralised peat reveals high spatial and temporal variation in plant assemblage. In PDF. Degree Project in Physical Geography and Quaternary Geography, Stockholm University.
See here as well.
Note figure 10: Reconstruction of the rift-valley-bound mid-Permian forest swamp ecosystem of East Antarctica, at the beginning of autumn.

! D.W. Woodcock (2022): A Typology of Vessel Patterning in Trees with Examples from the Fossil Record. Free access, International Journal of Plant Sciences, 183: 235-250.
"... Variation in vessel patterning shows clear relationships to climate and environment that can be used in interpreting paleoenvironments. ..."
! Note figure 8: Typology of vessel patterning in trees, showing the variation in vessel patterning and geographical and ecological correlates.

H.-H. Xu et al. (2017): Unique growth strategy in the Earth’s first trees revealed in silicified fossil trunks from China. In PDF, PNAS, see also here

Yale Forestry School, Methods of Ecosystem Analysis: Challenges to Accurate Measurement of Tree Rings. About false rings.
Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! H.-H. Xu et al. (2017): Unique growth strategy in the Earth´s first trees revealed in silicified fossil trunks from China. Abstract, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114: 12009–12014. See also:
! D. Yuhas (2018): Ancient Tree Structure Is Like a Forest unto Itself. Arboreal fossils reveal an unusual and complex structure. Scientific American. See further: Paläobotaniker lüften das Geheimnis der Urbäume (, in German).

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Last updated April 21, 2024

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