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Atlapedia Online. Atlapedia Online contains full color physical and political maps (showing water marks) as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world.

Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre (AGCRC): GRASSLinks. GRASSLinks is a World Wide Web interface to the AGCRC-4DGM database which includes maps covering the geography, geology, and geophysics of the Australian continent. E-mail registration!

Muawia Barazangi, Dogan Seber, Eric Sandvol, and Marisa Vallve, Institute for the Study of the Continents (INSTOC), Snee Hall, Ithaca, NY, and Cornell University-Department of Geological Sciences: The Middle East and North Africa geological and geophysical information, data, and map server. This Web server is organized to provide you with the maximum ability to obtain information about the geological and geophysical databases available for the Middle East and North Africa region.

University of California, Berkeley: EARTH SCIENCES & MAP LIBRARY

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency Office of Public Affairs, Washington, D.C.):
! The World Factbook. The World Factbook is a comprehensive view of each country in the world through facts and statistics on such topics as population, economy and government. The book also includes maps and flags for each country.
See also here (by Wikipedia).

Alakananda Deonath and Abhijit D. Deonath, The Geological map of India. Click on an area on the map to know what lies underneath that area.

Digital Reflections, Mining and Exploration Australia and New Guinea: Maps.

! dmoz: Reference: Maps, and Regional: Europe: Germany: Maps and Views.

Claire Englander, University of California Library, Berkeley, and Phil Hoehn, David Rumsey Collection, San Francisco: Checklist of Online Vegetation and Plant Distribution Maps. A link directory. Excellent!

! ETH Zürich, Switzerland: The World of Maps.

! The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany (under the aegis of the Commission of the Geological Map of the World): The 1 : 5 Million International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas (IGME 5000). The major European GIS project involves over 40 European and adjacent countries and the final area covered will reach from the Caspian Sea in the east, to the Mid-Ocean Ridge in the west, and from Svalbard to the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The aims of the project are to develop a GIS underpinned by a geological database, and also a printed map providing up-to-date and consistent geological information. (published by Hobart King). News and information about geology and earth science. Go to:
World Political, Physical Maps and Satellite Images.

Geoscience Australia. Go to Maps and Images of Australian Geoscience.

The J. Paul Getty Trust, Getty Research Institute: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN). The TGN contains nearly 1 million place names representing approximately 900,000 places.

! Google Maps. and Google Maps Germany. View maps and get directions. Google provides dynamic, interactive maps that are draggable — no clicking and waiting for graphics to reload each time you want to view the adjacent parts of a map. You can use the slider to zoom in and zoom out. Including satellite and aerial images. Excellent!

GraphicMaps.Com offers a large selection of map clipart from various sections of the world. These maps are free, and may be used in projects and pages that discuss the globe, world, or specific countries. Their companion site offers additional maps and a variety of statistics about different countries and areas.

The Great Globe Gallery. There are 83 different globes included on this page.

Cheryl Hallam, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston: Atlas of Antarctic Research.

Calvin J. Hamilton: Earth Introduction (Site is part of the "Views of the Solar System"). With earth statisitics and access to earth movies and views of the earth, sorted by continents.

Bruce C. Heezen and Marie Tharp, Tectonic Designs, (page hosted by World Ocean Floors. Unfortunately in small size 8.91 x 4.83 cm, 150 dpi (jpg). This amazing piece of work accurately illustrates the tectonic Earth including mid-ocean ridges, the giant Pacific Plate, continental shelves, and undersea mountain chains. See also here.

Geological Survey of Japan: Geological Map Database of Japan. This database is the part of the geological map of Japan, CD-ROM version. Maps and Geodata (in German).

Tom Kress, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA: Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data (SDDP). SDDP main objectives are to coordinate the generation of complete, seamless, digital databases of geologic, lithologic, geochemical, geophysical, and mineral deposit information. Via the on-line tool, users may generate national, state or global maps that illustrate the spatial distribution of the data.

Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress (sponsored by the U.S. Department of Army): Country Studies. A useful resource for information on countries around the world, especially in terms of history. Partly not updated for a long time ("Germany (East)"). The books represent the analysis of the authors and should not be construed as an expression of an official United States Government position.

LITHOPROBE, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver. This is Canada's national Earth science research project to investigate the 3-dimensional structure and evolution of Canada's landmass and continental margins. Go to: Classroom - Media. Worth checking out: Slide sets about the Earth.

! Map-Generator (in German). Creates simplified Google maps.

! MSN (Microsoft Corporation, Maps & Directions. Type or paste an address (even in Europe) and find the place on the map. Excellent!

National Geographic Society: Map Machine. Downloadable maps.

! Earth Observatory, NASA: The Blue Marble. This spectacular "blue marble" image (true color global imagery at 1 km resolution) is the most detailed true-color image of the entire Earth to date. Using a collection of satellite-based observations, scientists and visualizers stitched together months of observations of the land surface, oceans, sea ice, and clouds into a seamless, true-color mosaic. Excellent!

NASA/USGS: NASA/USGS Planetary Geologic Mapping Program. The Astrogeology Team at USGS provides coordination of NASA´s planetary geologic mapping program.

NASA: Visible Earth. The goal of Visible Earth is to provide a consistently updated central catalog/collection point to the superset of Earth science-related visualizations and images. Images are accompanied by a description and information on file size and format, usually TIF and JPEG. Excellent!

NASA Jet Propulson Laboratory, California Institute of Technology:
! The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM).
SRTM obtained elevation data on a near-global scale to generate the most complete high-resolution digital topographic database of Earth. Navigate from here.

The Digital Tectonic Activity Map (DTAM).
See also: P. Lowman et al. (1999): A Digital Tectonic Activity Map of the Earth (in PDF).

The North Africa Research Group GeoNet. A platform for the exchange of ideas and information about geology and exploration in North Africa.

Jim O'Donnell, Caltech Library System, California Institute of Technology: Maps and Information about Maps.

! OMNI Resources, Burlington, NC: International Maps and Guides.

Pennsylvania State University Libraries: Digital Chart of the World Server. Downloadable maps in ARC/INFO, ARCVIEW formats and GIF files.

! The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, The University of Texas at Austin. Go to: Maps of Europe, or Maps of Africa.

F.M. Persits, G.F. Ulmishek, and D.W. Steinshouer (Website hosted by U.S. Geological Survey): MAPS SHOWING GEOLOGY, OIL AND GAS FIELDS AND GEOLOGIC PROVINCES OF THE FORMER SOVIET UNION.

J.-Y. Royer, R.D. Müller, L.M. Gahagan, L.A. Lawver, C.L. Mayes, D. Nürnberg and J.G. Sclater, Austin Institute for Geophysics (UTIG), University of Texas: A global isochron chart. (Technical Report No. 117, 1992). The Paleoceanographic Mapping Project (POMP), a global plate reconstruction project, provide color images of plate reconstruction with isochrons, References for coastlines, sutures, continental margins references for plate boundaries, satellite interpretations, ship-track data by region and finite poles of rotation used to reconstruct isochrons.

! Smithsonian Institution: This Dynamic Planet. The map is designed to show Earth's most prominent features when viewed from a distance, and more detailed features upon closer inspection (interactive mapping functions, including zoom).

SOSIG Internet Catalogue: GIS and Cartography, Europe.

South Dakota Geological Survey, Vermillion: Maps & Mapping Agencies.

State Library of South Australia, Adelaide, SA: Maps and geodata.

Blanka Sperner, Research Project of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: The World Stress Map (WSM). WSM is one of the fundamental global databases about topography, gravity, heat flow etc. The database contains information on the contemporary tectonic stress in the Earth´s crust.

SRTM Project Office, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena (NASA): Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. Mapping the World in 3 dimensions.

Stanford University: Branner Earth Sciences Library and Map Collections.

! Ray Sterner: Color Landform Atlas of the United States. Digital color shaded relief maps. Excellent! Downloadable USGS (United States Geological Survey) topographic maps. Enter the name of a place (hill, town, stream - just about anything) and start a search.

! The United Nations, Cartographic Section: Atlas of the Oceans. The atlas is an information system designed for those people who need to become familiar with ocean issues. Actually it is an Internet portal providing information relevant to the sustainable development of the oceans. You may navigate from here.

U.S. Census Bureau: American FactFinder. This site allows access to demographic and economic data, with accompanying maps.

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS): The Tapestry of Time and Terrain. Woven into the fabric of this new map are data from previous U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maps that depict the topography and geology of the United States. The resulting composite is the most detailed and accurate portrait of the U.S. land surface and the ages of its underlying rock formations yet displayed in the same image. The new map resembles traditional 3-D perspective drawings of landscapes with the addition of a fourth dimension, geologic time, which is shown in color. PDF files of the Tapestry map are available for download here.

U.S. Geological Survey (Open-File Report 99-430 Online version 1.0): Public Review Draft – Digital Cartographic Standard for Geologic Map Symbolization (PostScript Implementation). Prepared in cooperation with the Geologic Data Subcommittee of the Federal Geographic Data Committee.

U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior: National Geologic Map Database Project (NGMDB). The NGMDB is a collaborative effort primarily involving the USGS and the Association of American State Geologists. This Web site contains informal, generally time-sensitive material intended for project members, cooperators, and interested parties.

US Geological Survey (USGS), Menlo Park: The Earth´s Crust. Crustal Structure Maps (Project Crust 5.1: USGS).

John Walker, Satellite data provided by The Living Earth Inc./Earth Imaging: Earth and Moon Viewer. You can view either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment, or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, from a satellite in Earth orbit, or above various cities around the globe.

John Watson, U.S. Geological Survey; Reston; Virginia: This Dynamic Planet. This website (in pdf) provides thematic maps of volcanoes, earthquakes, impact craters, and plate tectonics.

! Wikipedia: Category:WikiProject Geographical coordinates.
Currently one of the best tools getting rapidly maps of every place on earth!
! Step one: Search in Wikipedia for a location, village, town or landscape.
! Step two: After getting your search result, in line 2, click the bottom "Coordinates".
! Step three: Get a variety of maps, photos and other informations on the "Geohack"-result page. Excellent! Provided by Graphic Maps, Galveston, Texas: Temporally, this detailed world atlas only includes a limited selection of images for general use.

! (Virgil Huber, Rüschlikon Switzerland). Online maps and travel information.

! YAHOO: Science > Geography > Cartography > Maps > Interactive.

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Online Route Planner and Interactive Maps

! map24 (Mapsolute Ltd.). Type or paste an address (even in Europe) and find the place on the map. Excellent! Also accessible via Apacho.

Excite: Maps & Directions. This website provides maps for U.S. addresses and driving directions for North American and European destinations.

Falk. City maps and routing planning (in German). Zooming and scrolling in route planner needs registration procedure!

! Google Maps, and Google Maps Germany. View maps and get directions. Google provides dynamic, interactive maps that are draggable — no clicking and waiting for graphics to reload each time you want to view the adjacent parts of a map. You can use the slider to zoom in and zoom out. Including satellite and aerial images. Excellent!

Google Germany: Stadtpläne City and Town Maps (via Michelin or Map24, in German).

klickTel (the formerTeleinfo). In German.

map24 (Mapsolute Ltd.). Type or paste an address (even in Europe) and find the place on the map. Excellent! Also accessible via Apacho.

! Map-Generator (in German). Creates simplified Google maps.

MSN (Microsoft Corporation, Maps & Directions. Type or paste an address (even in Europe) and find the place on the map. Excellent!

! Online maps all over the world. Excellent!

! (in German).

! Stadtplandienst (in German). One of the best interactive maps of Germany, including aerial views free of charge. Best decipherable map quality, many details. Superbly done!

! viaMichelin. Route planner, maps. Good decipherable map quality!

! WEB.DE Auto > Routenplaner. All in one page, via Teleinfo (klickTel),, Falk, or ViaMichelin (in German). Weblinks to, Opel, Routenplaner24, Aral, and Volkswagen. Excellent!

! Wikipedia: Category:WikiProject Geographical coordinates.
Currently one of the best tools getting rapidly maps of every place on earth!
! Step one: Search in Wikipedia for a location, village, town or landscape.
! Step two: After getting your search result, in line 2, click the bottom "Coordinates".
! Step three: Get a variety of maps, photos and other informations on the "Geohack"-result page. Excellent!

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This index is compiled and maintained by Klaus-Peter Kelber, Würzburg,
Last updated February 28, 2023

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