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Scientific Drawing
American Society of Botanical Artists (ASBA).
The ASBA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting public awareness
of contemporary botanical art, to honoring its traditions, and to furthering its
development. Worth checking out:
Member Gallery.
G. Amorós and J.S. Carrión (2024): The kitsch dimension of paleoart. In PDF, https://dx.doi.org/10.5209/aris.97299.
Paul A. Barber and Philip J. Keane (2007):
novel method of illustrating microfungi. PDF file,
Fungal Diversity, 27: 1-10.
"... Composite line drawings in most cases can represent
the morphological characters of a fungus
better than digital photographic images
[...] A novel technique combining computer
hardware and software to illustrate microfungi as line drawings is described in detail ..."
Stefan Bruckner et al. (2010): Hybrid visibility compositing and masking for illustrative rendering. Comput Graph., 34: 361-369.
B.J. Ford (2003): Scientific illustration in the eighteenth century. PDF file.
Felice Frankel: Envisioning Science: The Design and Craft of the Science Image. Book announcement, by Amazon.
K. Guenther (2010): Scientific Illustration in Anthropology. PDF file.
The Guild of Natural Science Illustrators
S. Hiller et al. (2003):
Beyond Stippling
- Methods for Distributing Objects on the Plane. PDF file.
"Conventionally, stippling is an effective technique for representing surfaces in pen-and-ink.
We present new efficient methods for stipple drawings by computer ..."
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Elaine R.S. Hodges (ed.), Guild of Natural Science Illustrators (U.S.):
Guild Handbook of Scientific Illustration, 2nd Edition, (2003). 656 pages, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.).
This is an indispensable reference guide for anyone who produces, assigns, or simply
appreciates scientific illustration. See also
Some chapters are available via
Bernhard A. Huber, Alexander Koenig Zoological
Research Museum, Bonn, Germany:
a scientific drawing.
This expired link
is available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
International Association of Astronomical Artists
T. Isenberg: Visualisierungseffekte in liniengraphischen Animationen und Stillbildern. PDF file, in German.
J. Krüger and R. Westermann (2007):
stipple rendering. In PDF, Proceedings of IADIS Computer Graphics and Visualization. Good examples!
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
A. Lu et al. (2002):
volume rendering using stippling techniques. PDF file, IEEE Conference on Visualization, 2002.
See also
M. Lynch (1985): Discipline and the material form of images: An analysis of scientific visibility. PDF file, Social Studies of Science.
J. Madhusoodanan (2016):
illustration: Picture perfect. In PDF,
Nature, 534: 285–287.
Note the Gilboa Fossil Forest reconstruction.
Bryan Maycock et al. (2009): Where to Begin? Eye-Movement When Drawing. Journal of Research Practice, 5.
C. McNulty (2017): Paleoimagery: The Artistic Restoration of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life In PDF, Bowling Green State University. Note here as well.
G. Montesanto (2015): A fast GNU method to draw accurate scientific illustrations for taxonomy. Zookeys, 515: 191–206.
K.M. Northcut (2011): Insights from illustrators: The rhetorical invention of paleontology representations. Abstract, Technical Communication Quarterly.
K.M. Northcut (2007): Introduction: visual communication in life sciences. Technical Writing and Communication, 37.
! K.M. Northcut (2004):
making of knowledge in science: case studies of paleontology illustration.
In PDF. Dissertation, Texas Tech University.
See also
J.M. Ottino (2003):
a picture worth 1,000 words?
Abstract, Nature.
See also
(in PDF).
Rezwan Sayeed and Toby Howard (2006): State of the Art Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR) Techniques (PDF file).
! Mario Costa Sousa: Scientific Illustration - Part 1: Traditional Techniques and NPR Approaches. PDF file.
Harold Speed: The Practice and Science Of Drawing. Ebook, Project Gutenberg.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Line art
Line drawing
Category:Graphic design
S.R. Williams:
Drawing in Biology. PDF file.
site search by freefind |
C. McNulty (2017): Paleoimagery: The Artistic Restoration of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life In PDF, Bowling Green State University. Note here as well.