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Ternary Diagrams
AWI, Foundation Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research and MARUM, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Bremen: PANGAEA. Go to: Software, PanPlot. It´s freeware! PanPlot is available for the MacOS (PanPlot for Macintosh) and for Windows 95/98/Me/NT 4.0/2000/XP. It can be used as a stand-alone application or started automaticly by the information system to plot data versus depth or time or in a ternary view. The format of data the progam PanPlot needs is a tabular saved in plain ASCII.
BYTriangle (a free ternary diagram viewer/editor), Houston, Texas. This is a ternary diagram editing and plotting ActiveX control. It provides editing features for three components, as well as fraction and percentage display. People expressing interest can email to receive a copy.
Software for Windows. Go to:
triangular plot phase diagrams.
Gabor Doka, Zürich, Switzerland: MIXTRI. This is a MS Excel macro to draw results in a mixing triangle.
N. Khalid, University of Alberta: Which software is most suitable in preparing ternary phase diagrams in microemulsions. ResearchGate, October 2013.
! Daniel Marshall, Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada: Some Programs/Utilities, download: ternplot.xls: An excel spreadsheet to plot ternary diagrams (~24 K zipped). These are programs written by Daniel Marshall for general use, please feel free to copy them and/or give them to colleagues and friends.
Monkeybread Software Germany: Graphische Auswertungen (In German).
Russell E. McDuff and G. Ross Heath, University of Washington, Seattle: Oceanography 540, Marine Geological Processes, Phase Diagrams and Petrological Relationships in Generation of the Ocean Crust.
Y. Mohassab Guardian Industries:
there any good open source program to plot ternary phase diagrams?
ResearchGate, March 2014.
! Stephen A. Nelson, Department of Geology, Tulane University, New Orleans: Petrology. Lecture notes. Go to: Triangular Plots in Metamorphic Petrology, and Ternary Phase Diagrams.
E.H. Nickel: Solid solutions in mineral nomenclature (PDF file) Diagrammatic representation of ternary solid-solution series. Part of the International Mineralogical Association Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names reports (compiled by the Mineralogical Association of Canada and the Canadian Mineralogist on the occasion of the IMA 17th General Meeting in Toronto).
PostAnalysis 6.0 (in German).
! ProSim SA, Labege Cedex, France: - Software and Services Solutions for Process Modeling, Optimization and Simulation: ProSim. A new tool to draw ternary diagrams. It is a downloadable freeware!
! Shareware Connection: Software Listing: Ternary Plot. An annotated link list.
Software Informer
(Informer Technologies, Inc.):
Triplot 4.1
Free of charge!
TernaryPlot.com (by Jules Blom).
A zero-setup ternary diagram generator, get started creating your ternary diagram now.
Easily create ternary plots online, downloadable in PNG or SVG format.
TriDraw. Program for drawing and printing ternary plots. TriDraw can now handle an unlimited number of points.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ternary plot. See also here (in German).
(in German).
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