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Plant Roots
Reinhard Agerer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and
Gerhard Rambold, Universität Bayreuth, Germany:
An expert information system with descriptions and images for the
characterization and determination of ectomycorrhizae - structures formed by fungi and the roots
of forest trees. Go to: Character listing, morphology, mycorrhizal system,
mycorrhizal system ramification
Now provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
T. Alekseeva et al. (2016):
of Early Earth's Critical Zone Based on Middle—Late Devonian Paleosol Properties
(Voronezh High, Russia). In PDF,
Clays and Clay Minerals, 64: 677–694. https://doi.org/10.1346/CCMN.2016.064044.
Note also
Note figure 13: Terrane map of western and central Laurussia (including the Laurentian sector) and adjacent areas in the late Devonian
P. Baldrian (2017): Forest microbiome: diversity, complexity and dynamics. Free access, FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 41: 109–130.
M.K. Bamford, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa: Methods for reconstructing past vegetation based on macroplant fossils. In PDF.
H. Beraldi-Campesi (2013):
life on land and the first terrestrial ecosystems. In PDF,
Ecological Processes, 2. See also
Note figure 1: Suggested chronology of geological, atmospheric, and biological events during the Hadean,
Archean, and Paleoproterozoic
C.M. Berry and J.E.A. Marshall (2015): Lycopsid forests in the early Late Devonian paleoequatorial zone of Svalbard. Free access, Geology, 43: 1043-1046.
Margaret E. Berry and James R. Staub, Department of Geology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL: Root Traces and the Identification of Paleosols.
M. Bertling et al. (2022):
for trace fossils 2.0: theory and practice in ichnotaxonomy. Free access,
Lethaia, 55.
Note figure 2: Preservation types of plant roots.
P. Bonfante and A. Genre (2010): Mechanisms underlying beneficial plant - fungus interactions in mycorrhizal symbiosis. PDF file, Nature Communications.
V. Borruel-Abadía et al. (2015):
changes during the Early–Middle Triassic
transition in the E. Iberian plate and their palaeogeographic significance in the
western Tethys continental domain. In PDF,
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 440: 671–689.
See also
Brighter Side of News:
discover the world’s oldest forest dating back 385 million years.
By Rebecca Shavit, February 18, 2025.
M.C. Brundrett (2002):
of roots and mycorrhizas of land plants. In PDF,
New phytologist, 154: 275-304.
This expired link
is available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Mark Brundrett , CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products:
The Mycorrhiza Site.
Introduction to mycorrhizal associations, structure and development or roots and mycorrhizas.
Chiefly information about Australian plants and fungi.
See also:
The older webpage.
Books and cited references.
and Text
books on mycorrhizas.
These expired links are available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Mark Brundrett , CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products:
An introduction to the root structures which influence mycorrhizal
fungi. Including root systems and root growth.
This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
R. Buckley Trabuco Canyon, California:
adventitious root growth in cycad leaves.
Reprinted with permission from The Cycad Newsletter, Issue 1, 1999.
Still available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Frances M. Cardillo, Manhattan College: Plant System Tissues. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine. Go to: Tissue Systems of the Root.
S.N. Césari et al. (2021):
logs: An ecological strategy in a late Paleozoic forest from the southern Andean region. In PDF,
Geology, 38: 295-298.
See also
"... Decaying logs on the forest floor can act as “nurse logs” for new seedlings, helping with the regeneration
of the vegetation.
[...] Little rootlets preserved inside the wood of several specimens indicate that
seedlings developed on these logs. ..."
B.-Y. Chen et al. (2022):
of Stigmaria asiatica Jongmans et Gothan from the
Asselian (lowermost Permian) of Wuda Coalfield, Inner Mongolia,
North China. In PDF,
Palaeoworld, 31: 311–323.
See also
reviews in the life sciences (Wiley). Go to:
! Michael Clayton, Department of Botany,
University of Wisconsin, Madison:
Instructional Technology (BotIT).
Some image collections. Excellent! Go to:
Michael Clayton, Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin, Madison: The Virtual Foliage. Go to: Root Images.
! Harold G. Coffin, Geoscience Research Institute,
Loma Linda, CA:
All about the petrified forests of Yellowstone National Park in
Wyoming and Montana.
Website outdated, download a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
C.E. Colombi and J.T. Parrish (2008):
Triassic Environmental Evolution in Southwestern Pangea: Plant Taphonomy of
the Ischigualasto Formation. In PDF,
Palaios, 23: 778–795.
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
See also
D. Corenblit et al. (2015): Considering river structure and stability in the light of evolution: feedbacks between riparian vegetation and hydrogeomorphology. In PDF, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40. See also here.
John D. Curtis, Biology Department, University of Wisconsin; Nels R. Lersten, Department of Botany, Iowa State University, and Michael D. Nowak, Biology Department, University of Wisconsin: Photographic Atlas of Plant Anatomy. Go to: Root Systems.
M.P. D'Antonio and F. Herrera (2024):
Evidence of Unequal Branching in Stigmaria ficoides (Lycopsida). Open access,
International Journal of Plant Sciences, 185.
"... Stigmaria ficoides is the main form species of rooting organ for late Paleozoic arborescent
lycopsids in the families Diaphorodendraceae and Lepidodendraceae.
[...] we report two S. ficoides specimens based on the presence of the diagnostic rootlet scar
pattern ..."
N.S. Davies et al.(2024): Earth's earliest forest: fossilized trees and vegetation-induced sedimentary structures from the Middle Devonian (Eifelian) Hangman Sandstone Formation, Somerset and Devon, SW England. Open access, Journal of the Geological Society. https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2023-204.
A.-L. Decombeix et al. (2011): Root suckering in a Triassic conifer from Antarctica: Paleoecological and evolutionary implications. In PDF, American Journal of Botany, 98: 1222-1225.
C. de Vega et al. (2011): Mycorrhizal fungi and parasitic plants: Reply. Free access, American Journal of Botany, 98: 597-601.
W.A. DiMichele et al. (2023):
paleontological perspective on ecosystem assembly rules in the Paleozoic
terrestrial realm. Open access,
Evolving Earth, 1.
Note figure 1: Early Devonian (Emsian) flora from Gaspe, Canada.
William A. DiMichele et al. (2010): Cyclic changes in Pennsylvanian paleoclimate and effects on floristic dynamics in tropical Pangaea. PDF file, International Journal of Coal Geology, 83: 329-344. See also here.
R.F. Dubiel (1992): Sedimentology and Depositional History of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation in the Uinta, Piceance, and Eagle Basins, Northwestern Colorado and Northeastern Utah. In PDF, See also here (Google books).
! J. Enga (2015): Paleosols in the Triassic De Geerdalen and Snadd formations. In PDF, Master thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet. See also here.
F.A.A. Feijen et al. (2018): Evolutionary dynamics of mycorrhizal symbiosis in land plant diversification. In PDF, Scientific reports.
Z. Feng et al. (2022):
logs: A common seedling strategy in the Permian Cathaysian Flora. In PDF,
iScience, 25.
See also
"... We report seven coniferous nurse logs from lowermost to uppermost Permian strata of
northern China that have been colonized by conifer and sphenophyllalean roots. These roots are
associated with two types of arthropod coprolites and fungal remains. ..."
K.J. Field et al. (2015): Symbiotic options for the conquest of land. In PDF, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30: 477-486. See also here.
S.J. Fischer and S.T. Hasiotis (2018): Ichnofossil assemblages and palaeosols of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation, south-eastern Utah (USA): Implications for depositional controls and palaeoclimate. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 88: 127-162. See also here.
J.E. Francis,
Earth Sciences, University of Leeds:
Fossil Trees
in the Basal Purbeck Formation on Portland
- The Great Dirt Bed Forest.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
R.A. Gastaldo (1992):
growth in fossil horsetails following burial by alluvium. In PDF,
Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology, 6: 203-219.
See also
and there.
C.T. Gee et al. (2018): Fossil burrow assemblage, not mangrove roots: reinterpretation of the main whale-bearing layer in the late Eocene of Wadi Al-Hitan, Egypt. Abstract, Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 99: 143–158. See also here (in PDF).
N. Geldner and D.E. Salt (2014): Focus on Roots. Free access, Plant Physiology, 166: 453–454.
! A. Genre et al. (2020):
and common traits in mycorrhizal symbioses. In PDF,
Nature Reviews Microbiology, 18, 649–660.
See also
Note figure 1: Major mycorrhizal types.
"... Mycorrhizas are among the most important biological interkingdom interactions,
as they involve ~340,000 land plants and ~50,000 taxa of soil fungi
[...] During evolution, mycorrhizal fungi have refined their biotrophic capabilities to take advantage
of their hosts as food sources and protective niches, while plants have developed multiple strategies
to accommodate diverse fungal symbionts ..."
Pamela J.W. Gore, Department of Geology, Georgia Perimeter College, Clarkston, GA: Historical Geology. Online laboratory manual. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine. Go to: Fossil Preservation Laboratory.
David R. Greenwood, Zoology Dept., Brandon University, Manitoba, Canada:
tree stumps on Axel Heiberg Island, Canada
(PDF file). In low grade lignite preserved tree stumps.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
W. Guo et al. (2024): Rapid riparian ecosystem recovery in low-latitudinal North China following the end-Permian mass extinction. In PDF, bioRxiv. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.11.17.624019. See likewise here.
L. Guo et al. (2024):
and ecological forces shape nutrient strategies of mycorrhizal woody plants. Free access,
Ecology Letters, 27.
See likewise
Note figure 1: Phylogenetic tree of the species that have data related to
nutrient acquisition strategies.
H. Hagdorn et al. (2015):
Fossile Lebensgemeinschaften im Lettenkeuper. - p. 359-385, PDF file, in German.
Go to PDF page 3:
Equisetites roots from the germanotype Lower Keuper (Lettenkeuper, Erfurt Formation,
Ladinian, Triassic).
In: Hagdorn, H., Schoch, R. & Schweigert, G. (eds.): Der Lettenkeuper - Ein Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern.
Palaeodiversity, Special Issue (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart).
You may also navigate via
back issues of Palaeodiversity 2015.
Then scroll down to: Table of Contents
"Special Issue: Der Lettenkeuper - Ein Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern".
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
H. Hagdorn et al. (2015):
Fossile Lebensgemeinschaften im Lettenkeuper. - p. 359-385, PDF file, in German.
Go to PDF page 3:
Equisetites roots from the germanotype Lower Keuper (Lettenkeuper, Erfurt Formation,
Ladinian, Triassic).
In: Hagdorn, H., Schoch, R. & Schweigert, G. (eds.):
Der Lettenkeuper - Ein
Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern.
Palaeodiversity, Special Issue (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart).
Navigate from here
for other downloads (back issues of Palaeodiversity 2015, scroll down to
"Special Issue: Der Lettenkeuper ...").
A.J. Hetherington (2024):
role of fossils for reconstructing the evolution of plant development. Free access,
The Company of Biologists, 151.
Note figure 1:
Fossils indicate that roots and leaves evolved independently in vascular plants.
"... The focus of this Spotlight is to showcase the rich plant
fossil record open for developmental interpretation and to cement the
role that fossils play at a time when increases in genome sequencing
and new model species make tackling major questions in the area of
plant evolution and development tractable for the first time ..."
A.J. Hetherington (2024):
evidence supports at least two origins of plant roots. PDF file, pp. 3-18, in:
T. Beeckman & A. Eshel (eds.), Plant Roots: The Hidden Half. Fifth edn, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
See likewise
Note figure 1.4: Geological timeline showing major events in early land plant evolution.
Figure 1.8, A: Complex rooting system of Asteroxylon mackiei composed of root-bearing axes
and rooting axes. A, Artists reconstruction of A. mackiei in life.
A.J. Hetherington et al. (2021):
evidence-based 3D reconstruction of Asteroxylon mackiei the most complex plant
preserved from the Rhynie chert. Free access,
eLife. See also
here, and
Worth checking out:
den Wurzeln der pflanzlichen Evolution (ORF.at, in German).
rekonstruieren, wie die ersten Wurzeln Fuß fassten
(Der Standard, in German).
A.J. Hetherington et al. (2020): Multiple origins of dichotomous and lateral branching during root evolution. Abstracts, Nature Plants, 6: 454–459. See also here (in PDF).
A.J. Hetherington and L. Dolan (2019): Rhynie chert fossils demonstrate the independent origin and gradual evolution of lycophyte roots. Abstract, Current opinion in plant biology, 47: 119-126. See also here and there (in PDF).
! A.J. Hetherington and L. Dolan (2018): Stepwise and independent origins of roots among land plants. Free access, Nature, 561: 235–238. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019.
! A.J. Hetherington et al. (2016). Networks of highly branched stigmarian rootlets developed on the first giant trees. Free access, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 113: 6695–6700.
A. Hetherington (2017): Evolution and morphology of lycophyte root systems. In PDF, Thesis, St Catherine’s College, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford. See also here.
A.J. Hetherington et al. (2016):
Cellular Organization in the Oldest Root Meristem. In PDF,
Current Biology.
See also
and there
(Botany One).
! A.J. Hetherington and L. Dolan (2016): The evolution of lycopsid rooting structures: conservatism and disparity. In PDF, New Phytologist.
! A.J. J. Hetherington et al. (2016): Networks of highly branched stigmarian rootlets developed on the first giant trees. In PDF, PNAS, 113.
! A Ielpi et al. (2015): Impact of Vegetation On Early Pennsylvanian Fluvial Channels: Insight From the Joggins Formation of Atlantic Canada. In PDF, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 85: 999-1018.
P. Kenrick and C. Strullu-Derrien (2014): The Origin and Early Evolution of Roots. In PDF, Plant Physiology, 166: 570-580. See also here (abstract).
H. Khalilizadeh et al. (2022):
fossilized swamps containing in situ Sphenophyta stems, rhizomes, and root systems
from the Middle Jurassic Hojedk Formation, Kerman area (Iran) . In PDF,
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments.
See also
Khudadad (2021): A Middle Devonian vernal pool ecosystem provides a snapshot of the earliest forests. Open access, PLoS ONE 16(9): e0255565.
A.A. Klymiuk and B.A. Sikes (2019):
of root-endogenous fungi in persistently inundated Typha roots. Free access,
Mycologia. See also:
ScienceDaily (2019): Fungi
living in cattail roots could improve our picture of ancient ecoystems.
Ross Koning, Biology Department, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT:
Biology of Plants.
Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine. Go to:
Root Vocabulary.
D. Knaust (2015):
fossils from the continental Upper Triassic Kågeröd Formation of Bornholm, Denmark. In PDF,
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 85: 481–492.
Please take notice:
Fig. 7, root traces (rhizoliths) in fine- to medium-grained sandstone.
J. Kowal et al. (2018): From rhizoids to roots? Experimental evidence of mutualism between liverworts and ascomycete fungi. In PDF, Annals Of Botany, 121: 221-227. See also here.
M.J. Kraus and S.T. Hasiotis (2006):
of different modes of rhizolith preservation to interpreting paleoenvironmental
and paleohydrologic settings: examples from Paleogene paleosols. In PDF,
Journal of Sedimentary Research, 76: 633-646.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Khudadad (2021):
Middle Devonian
vernal pool ecosystem provides a snapshot of the
earliest forests. Open access,
PLoS ONE 16(9): e0255565.
Note figure 14: Representative fossils of roots systems belonging to three Middle Devonian
tree clades.
A. Lakehal et al. (2023):
and evolution of lateral roots. In PDF,
Current Biology.
See also here.
"... we point out that positional control of lateral root stem cell specification has not been
the prevailing mechanism among all plants and discuss the process in ferns ..."
Note figure 1: Evolution of root branching in land plants.
M.A.K. Lalica and A.M.F. Tomescu (2021):
early fossil record of glomeromycete fungi: New data on spores associated with early
tracheophytes in the Lower Devonian (Emsian; c. 400 Ma) of Gaspé (Quebec, Canada). In PDF,
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. See also
"... occurrence in fluvial-coastal environments and their putative mycorrhizal
role suggest that glomeromycetes were relatively ubiquitous symbionts of tracheophytes,
M. Lu et al. (2019):
Evidence of First
Forestation in the Southernmost
Euramerica from Upper Devonian
(Famennian) Black Shales. Free access,
Scientific Reports, 9.
"... Plant residues (microfossils, vitrinite and inertinite) and
biomarkers derived from terrestrial plants and wildfire occur throughout the stratigraphic section,
suggesting widespread forest in the southern Appalachian Basin, a region with no macro plant fossil
record during the Famennian. Inorganic geochemical results, as shown by increasing values of SiO2/
Al2O3, Ti/Al, Zr/Al, and the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) upon time sequence, suggest enhanced
continental weathering that may be attributed to the invasion of barren lands
by rooted land plants. ..."
L. Luthardt et al. (2016):
and site-specific conditions in the early Permian fossil
forest of Chemnitz—Sedimentological, geochemical and
palaeobotanical evidence. In PDF,
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 441: 627–652.
See also
! D.W. Malloch et al. (1980): Ecological and evolutionary significance of mycorrhizal symbioses in vascular plants (a review). In PDF, PNAS, 77.
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Anthony J. Martin, Geosciences Program, Emory University,
Atlanta, GA:
Trace Fossil Images Page,
Plant Trace Fossils.
Modern and fossil root traces.
This expired link
is available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
! F. Martin et al. (2016): Unearthing the roots of ectomycorrhizal symbioses. Abstract, Nature Reviews Microbiology, 14: 760–773. See also here (in PDF).
! K.K.S. Matsunaga and A.M.F. Tomescu (2016): Root evolution at the base of the lycophyte clade: insights from an Early Devonian lycophyte. Free access, Annals of botany, 117: 585–598.
! B. Meyer-Berthaud et al. (2013): Archaeopterid root anatomy and architecture: new information from permineralized specimens of Famennian age from Anti-Atlas (Morocco). In PDF, Int. J. Plant Sci., 174: 364–381.
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R.L. Mitchell et al. (2023):
surface stabilisation by modern analogues of the earliest land plants:
A multi-dimensional imaging study. Open access,
Note figure 1:
Summary chart highlighting the evolution of different CGC elements [cryptogamic ground covers] from
contrasting molecular, phylogenetic and fossil dating methods, and schematic land plant
phylogeny of modern terrestrial organisms, focussing on
the bryophytes and specific liverwort genera.
R.L. Mitchell et al. (2021):
ground covers as analogues for early terrestrial biospheres: Initiation and evolution of
biologically mediated proto-soils. Open access,
Geobiology, 19: 292-306.
Note fig. 8: Illustrations summarising the key features in modern lichen, thalloid plant,
moss and mixed proto-soils.
! J.L. Morris et al. (2015): Investigating Devonian trees as geo-engineers of past climates: linking palaeosols to palaeobotany and experimental geobiology. In PDF, Palaeontology, 58: 787-801. See also here.
T.E. Mottin et al. (2022): A glimpse of a Gondwanan postglacial fossil forest. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 588. See also here.
S. Oplustil et al. (2014): T0 peat-forming plant assemblage preserved in growth position by volcanic ash-fall: A case study from the Middle Pennsylvanian of the Czech Republic. In PDF, Bulletin of Geosciences, 89: 773–818.
T.J. Orr and E.M. Roberts (2024):
review and field guide for the standardized description and sampling of paleosols. Open access,
Earth-Science Reviews, 253.
"... Paleosols are unrivaled terrestrial archives of paleoclimatic, paleoecological, and paleoenvironmental conditions
[...] we have illustrated and tabulated key paleosol features and classification schemes,
including horizon determination and classification; ped determination and classification;
mottle description; mineral accumulation description/morphology; burrow/chamber morphology
and description; and rhizolith morphology and classification ..."
D. Ortlam (1980): Erkennung und Bedeutung fossiler Bodenkomplexe in Locker- und Festgesteinen. PDF file, in German. Geol. Rdschau, 69: 581-593.
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J.G. Pausas et al. (2018):
belowground bud banks in fire-prone ecosystems. Free access,
New Phytologist, 217: 1387-1778.
Note figure 1: Stylized diagrams of 16 belowground bud bank (BBB) structures that enable plants
to resprout following fire.
Figure 3: Oldest time of origin for different
belowground bud bank (BBB) organs
in selected angiosperm
"... Recognizing the diversity
of BBBs provides a basis for understanding the many evolutionary
pathways available to plants for responding to severe recurrent
disturbances. ..."
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See also
Note fig. 2. Spatial configuration of continents in the Devonian.
Note fig. 3: Landscape reconstruction with stands of Pseudosporochnus, up to 4 m high, with
Protopteridium in shruby layer and herbaceous Drepanophycus
and Protolepidodendron in understorey.
Note fig. 6: A close look at trees diversification and selected accompanying events
in the Devonian.
! T.O. Perry (1989): Tree roots: facts and fallacies. In PDF, Arnoldia, 49: 3-21.
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C. Puginier et al. (2021):
interactions that have impacted plant terrestrializations. Free access,
Plant Physiology.
Note figure 1: 1 Phylogenetic tree of the Viridiplantae. showing
the evolution of the AMS [arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis], the putative evolutions of lichens and clades
that contain LFA [lichen forming algae] and terrestrial species.
Figure 3: Lichens and their tolerance against terrestrial-related constraints.
M. Qin et al. (2024):
In situ
forest with lycopsid trees bearing lobed rhizomorphs from the Upper Devonian of
Lincheng, China. Free access,
PNAS Nexus, 3. pgae241, https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae241.
Note figure 7: Reconstruction of Heliodendron’s rooting system.
"... The Devonian witnessed the transformation from clastic
nonlycopsid dominated forests to Carboniferous swampy forests dominated by giant lycopsid trees.
These trees form a
multigenerational community, as shown by the in situ preserved stems at various levels ..."
J.A. Raven and D. Edwards (2001): Roots: evolutionary origins and biogeochemical significance. PDF file, J. Exp. Bot., 52: 381-401.
! B. Reinhold-Hurek et al. (2015): Roots Shaping Their Microbiome: Global Hotspots for Microbial Activity. Free access, The Annual Review of Phytopathology, 53: 403–423.
! R. Rellán-Álvarez et al. (2016): Environmental control of root system biology. In PDF, Annual Reviews Plant Biology, 67: 1–26.
! W. Remy et al. (1994): Four hundred-million-year-old vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae. In PDF, PNAS. See also here.
! G.J. Retallack (1988): Field recognition of paleosols. In PDF, Geological Society of America Special Papers, 216: 1-20.! G.J. Retallack (1985): Fossil soils as grounds for interpreting the advent of large plants and animals on land. In PDF, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London B, 309: 105-142.
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D. Rockenbach Boardman et al. (2016): A new genus of Sphenopsida from the Lower Permian of the Paraná Basin, Southern Brazil. In PDF, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 233: 44–55. See also here and there.
R. Rößler (2014): Die Bewurzelung permischer Calamiten: Aussage eines Schlüsselfundes zur Existenz freistehender baumförmiger Schachtelhalmgewächse innerhalb der Paläofloren des äquatornahen Gondwana. PDF file, in German. The roots of Permian calamitaleans - a key find suggests the existence of free-stemmed arborescent sphenopsids among the low latitude palaeofloras of Gondwana. Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 548.
R. Rößler et al. (2014): The root systems of Permian arborescent sphenopsids: evidence from the Northern and Southern hemispheres. In PDF, see also here (abstract).
R. Rößler et al. (2012):
largest calamite and its growth architecture - Arthropitys bistriata from the Early
Permian Petrified Forest of Chemnitz. In PDF,
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 185: 64-78.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
S. Saha et al. (2023): Fine root decomposition in forest ecosystems: an ecological perspective. Free access, Front. Plant Sci., 14. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1277510.
H. Sato (2023):
evolution of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis in the Late Cretaceous is a key driver
of explosive diversification in Agaricomycetes. Free access,
New Phytologist, 241: 444-460.
Note figure 7: Historical character transition of ectomycorrhizal (EcM) symbiosis and
dynamics of net diversification rates.
"... Ectomycorrhizal (EcM) symbiosis, a ubiquitous plant–fungus interaction in forests, evolved
in parallel in fungi
[...] findings suggest that the evolution of EcM symbiosis in the Late Cretaceous, supposedly
with coevolving EcM angiosperms, was the key drive of the explosive diversification in
Agaricomycetes ..."
E. Schuettpelz and S.B. Hoot (2006): Inferring the Root of Isoetes: Exploring Alternatives in the Absence of an Acceptable Outgroup. Abstract, Systematic Botany, 31: 258-270.
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! M.-A. Selosse and F. Rousset (2011): The Plant-Fungal Marketplace. In PDF, Science. Note here as well.
S.S.T. Simon et al. (2018):
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Processes of mud accumulation and the role of vegetation
in channel dynamics. In PDF,
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See also
"... weakly laminated mudstone with desiccation cracks contains leaves and
seeds of Evolsonia texana, marattialean foliage
and Taeniopteris sp., with root traces penetrating the leaves. ..."
M.S. Smart et al. (2022):
terrestrial nutrient release during the Devonian emergence and expansion of forests: Evidence from
lacustrine phosphorus and geochemical records. Free access,
GSA Bulletin. Note also:
Wurzeln töten?
By P. Heinemann, Frankfurter Allgemeine, March 07, 2023 (in German).
F. Sønderholm and C.J. Bjerrum (2021):
levels of atmospheric oxygen from fossil tree roots imply new plant-oxygen feedback. Open access,
Geobiology,19: 250–260.
"... we consider archaeopterid fossil root systems, resembling those of modern mature conifers.
...The absence of large and deeply penetrating roots prior
to the Middle Devonian may have been related to low atmospheric
O2 pressures, but it is just as likely that the early evolution of roots
reflects structural plant evolution rather than available soil O2. ..."
V. Spencer et al. (2020): What can lycophytes teach us about plant evolution and development? Modern perspectives on an ancient lineage. Open access, Evolution & Development, 23: 174–196.
R.A. Spicer (1989):
characteristics of land plants in relation to environment through time. In PDF,
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh, 80.
See also
W.E. Stein et al. (2019):
Archaeopteris Roots Signal Revolutionary Change in Earliest Fossil Forests. Free access,
Current Biology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2019.11.067. See also
(in PDF).
Worth checking out:
have discovered the world’s oldest forest—and its radical impact on life
(by Colin Barras, Science Magazine, www.sciencemag.org/news/).
W.E. Stein et al. (2012): Surprisingly complex community discovered in the mid-Devonian fossil forest at Gilboa. Abstract, Nature, 483. Numerous Eospermatopteris root systems in life position within a mixed-age stand of trees, large woody rhizomes with adventitious roots.
C. Strullu-Derrien et al. (2018):
origin and evolution of mycorrhizal symbioses: from palaeomycology to phylogenomics. Free access,
New Phytologist, 220: 1012–1030.
Note figure 1: Geological timescale with oldest known
fossils. Left: Antiquity of genomic traits related
to mycorrhizal evolution based on
molecular clock estimates. Right: Oldest known fossils.
Figure 5: Simplified phylogenetic tree showing the minimum stratigraphic ranges
of selected groups based on fossils (thick bars) and their minimum implied range
extensions (thin lines).
! C. Strullu-Derrien et al. (2016): Origins of the mycorrhizal symbioses. PDF file, In: F Martin (ed.): Molecular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, John Wiley & Sons.
C. Strullu-Derrien et al. (2015): Fungal colonization of the rooting system of the early land plant Asteroxylon mackiei from the 407-Myr-old Rhynie Chert (Scotland, UK). In PDF, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 179: 201–213. See also here.N.J. Tabor et al. (2013): Conservatism of Late Pennsylvanian vegetational patterns during short-term cyclic and long-term directional environmental change, western equatorial Pangea. Geol Soc Spec Publ., 376: 201–234; available in PMC 2014.
L.H. Tanner et al. (2014): Pedogenic and lacustrine features of the Brushy Basin Member of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation in Western Colorado: Reassessing the paleoclimate interpretations. In PDF.
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New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 40: 209–214.
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
See also
(provided by Google books).
"... We propose alternatively that the
casts are rhizoliths formed by the deep tap roots of the
sphenopsid Neocalamites. ..."
! B.A. Thomas and L.J. Seyfullah (2015): Stigmaria Brongniart: a new specimen from Duckmantian (Lower Pennsylvanian) Brymbo (Wrexham, North Wales) together with a review of known casts and how they were preserved. Abstract, Geological Magazine, 152: 858–870. See also here (in PDF).
! A.M.F. Tomescu et al. (2016): Microbes and the fossil record: selected topics in paleomicrobiology. Abstract, in: Hurst C. (ed.) Their World: A Diversity of Microbial Environments. Advances in Environmental Microbiology, vol 1: 69-169. See also here (in PDF).
A.M.F. Tomescu (2016): Development: Paleobotany at the High Table of Evo-Devo. Free access, Current Biology, 26: R505-R508.
A.M. Trendell et al. (2013): Determining Floodplain plant distributions and populations using paleopedology and fossil root traces: Upper Triassic Sonsela Member of the Chinle Formation at Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona. Abstract, Palaios.
! M.G.A. van der Heijden et al. (2015): Mycorrhizal ecology and evolution: the past, the present, and the future. In PDF, New Phytologist, 205: 1406–1423. See also here.
L.G. van Galen et al. (2023): Correlated evolution in an ectomycorrhizal host–symbiont system. Open access, New Phytologist, 238: 1215–1229doi: 10.1111/nph.18802.
! M. Van Noordwijk et al. (2015): Root distribution of trees and crops: competition and/or complementarity. In PDF, In: Ong, Chin K.; Black, Colin R.; Wilson, Julia, (eds.): Tree-crop interactions: agroforestry in a changing climate. 2nd ed. Wallingford, UK, CAB International, 221-257.
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See also
"... various deformational processes, which are subdivided here into (1) endogenic
processes resulting in endoturbations; (2) gravity-dominated processes resulting in graviturbations, which can be
subdivided further into (2a) astroturbations, (2b) praecipiturbations, (2c) instabiloturbations, (2d) compagoturbations
and (2e) inclinaturbations; and (3) exogenic processes resulting in exoturbations, which can be further subdivided into
(3a) bioturbations – with subcategories (3a’) phytoturbations, (3a’’) zooturbations and (3a’’’) anthropoturbations – (3b)
glaciturbations, (3c) thermoturbations, (3d) hydroturbations, (3e) chemoturbations, and (3f)
eoloturbations. ..."
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of Ireland's oldest fossil forest: Plant-sediment and plant-animal interactions recorded in
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Note figure 6, 7: Lignophyte root systems within the lower Sandeel Bay plant bed.
"... new evidence for early plant-sediment interactions from the Late Devonian (Famennian) Harrylock
Formation (County Wexford, Ireland), which hosts standing trees that represent Ireland's earliest
known fossil forest.
[...] Fossilized driftwood preserved in the lacustrine facies contains the earliest evidence for arthropod(?) borings in large
vascular plant debris. Together these early examples show that plant-sediment and
plant-animal interactions, frequently recorded in Carboniferous strata, were already
in existence by the Devonian ..."
! B. Wang and Y.-L. Qiu (2006): Phylogenetic distribution and evolution of mycorrhizas in land plants. In PDF, Mycorrhiza, 16: 299-363. See also here.
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Most Extensive Devonian Fossil Forest with Small Lycopsid Trees Bearing the
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29: 2604-2615. See also
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Note figure 6: Reconstruction of Guangdedendron.
Note figure 7: Reconstruction of Xinhang Forest Landscape.
Also worth checking out:
fossiler Wald Asiens entdeckt. Scinexx, in German.
Wayne´s Word.
Biology and Botany,
Stem and Root Anatomy.
Cellular structure of vascular plants.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
David T. Webb, University of Hawaii at Manoa,
Plant Anatomy Home Page.
Lecture notes.
Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Go to:
M. Wei-Haas (2019): Bizarre Fossils Reveal Asia's Oldest Known Forest. National Geographic Australia.
! Ian West, Southampton University: The Fossil Forest - East of Lulworth Cove, Dorset.
www.kieseltorf.de. Permineralized plant fossils from Germany (in German).
! J. Xue et al. (2016): Belowground rhizomes in paleosols: The hidden half of an Early Devonian vascular plant. In PDF, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113. See also here (abstract).
X. Yang et al. (2023): Spatial transcriptomics of a lycophyte root sheds light on root evolution. Abstract, Current Biology, 33.
! R.W. Zobel and Y. Waisel (2010): A plant root system architectural taxonomy: A framework for root nomenclature. In PDF, Plant Biosystems, 144: 507-512. See also here.
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