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Websites, showing Plant Fossils
Rainer Albert (2011), Forum Steinkern.de: Pflanzenfunde aus dem Hauptsandstein des Unteren Lettenkeupers (Ladin, Erfurt-Formation) von Heilbronn (PDF file, in German).
The University of Alberta's Department of Museums and Collections Services: Joffre Bridge Fossil Exhibition. This interactive exhibit explores the rich fossil record from Joffre Bridge, one of the most significant fossil-collecting areas in south-central Alberta. Joffre Bridge Fossil Exhibition allows visitors to examine the variety of material collected from the site, specifically fossilized plants. This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Sarah Allen, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida: Blue Rim Paleobotany.
American Geological Institute (AGI), Alexandria, VA: The Earth Science World Image Bank. This Image Bank is designed to provide quality geoscience images to the public, educators, and the geoscience community. Select a Category, e.g. "Plants".
American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY: Natural History, Inner Beauty. Petrified wood from the Triassic Chinle Formation, Arizona. Remarkable photographs reveal the structure of fossil organisms whose tissues, over eons, have been replaced by minerals. Photographs by Giraud Foster and Norman Barker.
American Society of Botanical Artists (ASBA).
The ASBA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting public awareness
of contemporary botanical art, to honoring its traditions, and to furthering its
development. Worth checking out:
Member Gallery.
Antiquariaat Junk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Go to: Paleontology, or Phytopaleontology / Fossil plants.
Paleobotany section, Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: Paleobotany Image Gallery. Archaeopteris macilenta, Tipuana ecuatoriana, Pityostrobus kayei.
Arctic Plant Fossils
(hosted by the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences).
This interactive illustrated catalogue of Cretaceous and Paleogene Arctic plant fossils
is the outcome of a project from the United States Geological Survey
and administered through the University of Oxford, UK,
and the Imperial College, London.
Images of the fossils and information on where they were found can be accessed through
interactive maps,
or navigating the site by means of
tables of taxonomic names (if known),
museum collections or the collectors and researchers who worked on them. Excellent!
Argumenta Palaeobotanica. From Münster, Germany.
Reconstruction of the gametophyte Kidstonophyton discoides and Langiophyton mackiei.
This expired link
is available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
W.P. Armstrong, WAYNE´S WORD, (1999):
of Jurassic Park.
Easy to understand article
(modified from Pacific Horticulture 55: 42-48).
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
The L. H. Bailey Hortorium at Cornell University: Paleobotanical Holdings at the Bailey Hortorium. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine. Go to: Cretaceous Fossils. Articles with numerous photographs.
L. Baisas (2024):
oldest known fossilized forest discovered in England.
Popular Science.
See also
Stan Balducci Fossil News: Mesozoic Plants. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
D. Barthelt-Ludwig et al. (2004): Rätsel im Stein – Auf paläontologischer Spurensuche. PDF file, in German.
Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie, München:
Fossil des Monats (in German).
Go to
eines Schachtelhalmgewächses. Leaf sheath impression of
Equisetites arenaceus.
Websites outdated. Links to versions
archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Branko M. Begovic Bego (2011):
Nature´s Miracle,
biloba L. 1771. In PDF (40.5 MB!).
Table of contents PDF page 9-11. See especially:
PDF page 49: "Ancestors
and relatives of Ginkgo biloba".
See also
Access via Scribd.
The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley: Paleontology Collections Photos. About 6400 images from the UCMP collections are now available in the on-line catalog, with new images appearing daily. Go to: Fossil Plants.
The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley: Localities of the Devonian: Rhynie Chert, Scotland. Section through a fossilized stem of Aglaophyton major. See also: The Lake Winnipeg Algal Flora. Late Ordovician algae.
E.M. Bordy et al. (2024):
Karoo geoheritage sites of palaeontological significance in South Africa and Lesotho. Open access,
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 543: 431-446.
See likewise
Note figure 3c: Palaeo-art mural of a late Permian
scene (artwork by Gerhard Marx).
Figure 9f: Reconstruction of the Early Jurassic dinosaur-dominated ecosystem of
southern Gondwana.
The Botanical Society of America: Online Image Collection. This is a collection of approximately 800 images available for instructional use. The site is run by a search engine database, designed and maintained by Scott Russell; slides scanned by Tom Jurik and Dave Webb. The copyright and any intellectual property rights for these images are retained by the individual donors. Visit SET 11 - PALEOBOTANY. Paleobotany section slides contributed by John Hall.
The Botanical Society of America:
American Journal
of Botany Cover Images Index.
Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
The collection on the page holding the cover images of
the American Journal of Botany. A great set of images!
See also:
Image Collection.
This page acts as a map to
the entire collection. Images are classified
in groups in which they were submitted for historical purposes, e.g.
BOTANY.cz (a non profit web organisation, managed by the Natural Science Society, Prague): Fossil Plants. Images with annotations (in Czech).
! Jamie Boyer, New York Botanical Garden: Paleoplant.blogspot.
Silvio Brandt, Halle, Germany: www.kupferschiefer.de (in German). Upper Permian Fossils. Go to: Plants. Images of Araucarites ludwigii, Culmitzschia florinii, Ortiseia leonardii, Pseudovoltzia liebeana, Quadrocladus solmsii, Quadrocladus orobiformis, Rhenania reicheltii, Ullmannia frumentaria, Ullmannia brandtii, Ullmannia bronnii, Voltzia hexagona, Peltaspermum martinsii, Taeniopteris eckardtii, Sphenobaiera digitata, Calamites kutorgai, Cyclocarpus eiselianus.
Mariana Brea et al. (2009): Darwin forest at agua de la zorra: the first in situ forest discovered in South America by Darwin in 1835. Abstract (free PDF file also available), Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 64: 21-31. Images of Cladophlebis kurtzii, Cladophlebis mesozoica, Cladophlebis mendozaensis, Neocalamites carrerei, Nododendron suberosum, Neocalamostachys arrondoi and two Triassic reconstructions.
MSc Palaeobiology Students, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, (the author's name appears on the title page for each section): Fossil Lagerstätten. A catalogue of sites of exceptional fossil preservation. Go to: Santana Formation, Fauna and Flora (e.g. a Cheiroledpidiaceous conifer); Mazon Creek, Fauna and Flora (Lepidodendron, Lepidostrobophyllum, Lepidophyllum, Calamites, Asterophyllites equisetiformis, Spenophyllum, Equisetites, Pecopteris, Asterotheca, Alethopteris, Diplothmema).
MSc Palaeobiology Students, Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Bristol,
(the author´s name appears on the title page for each section):
Fossil Lagerstätten.
A catalogue of sites of exceptional fossil preservation. Go to:
Websites still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden: Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis).
! Robert Buckley Trabuco Canyon, California,
(Illustrations by Douglas Henderson, John Sibbick and Mark Hallet),
The Palm & Cycad Societies of Florida (PACSOF):
Fossil Cycads. See
(in PDF).
These expired links are now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
! Robert Buckley Trabuco Canyon, California,
(Illustrations by Douglas Henderson, John Sibbick and Mark Hallet),
The Palm & Cycad Societies of Florida (PACSOF):
Fossil Cycads. See
(in PDF).
These expired links are now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
B. Chaloner and G. Creber, Royal Holloway, University of London
(website hosted by
The International Organisation of Palaeobotany, IOP):
Unexpected occurrences,
An unexpected
exposure: Pleuromeia.
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
The Field Museum,
Chicago, IL:
Focus: Fossil Plants. See especially:
Samuel J. Ciurca, Jr.,
Rochester, New York:
Silurian Plants (under construction).
Recovered from the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
S. Collins (2024):
Earth’s earliest
forest revealed in Somerset fossils.
University of Cambridge.
See also
Owen Kent Davis, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson:
of Internet Pollen and Spore Images.
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS), Denver, Colorado: DMNS Paleobotany Collection. This website contains over 1000 images of fossil plants spanning the late Cretaceous through early Eocene from the Western Interior of North America. Go to: Advanced Search: Character States.
D.L. Dilcher et al. (2005):
Plants from the Union Chapel Mine, Alabama.
PDF file, from: Buta, R.J., Rindsberg, A.K., and Kopaska-Merkel, D.C., eds., 2005, Pennsylvanian Footprints
in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama.
Alabama Paleontological Society Monograph no. 1.
Images of
Lepidodendron, Lepidostrobus, Lepidostrobophyllum, Lepidophylloides, Calamites,
Calamostachys, Asterophyllites charaeformis,
phenopteris, Neuralethopteris, Trigonocarpus ampulliforme, Whittleseya elegans.
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Jeanne Doubinger, Pierre Vetter, Jean Langiaux, Jean Galtier, Jean Broutin:
flore fossile du bassin houiller de Saint-Étienne.
Black and white photographs of
Pecopteris polymorpha, Syringodendron fenestratum, Annularia mucronata, Pecopteris cyathea,
Alethopteris zeilleri.
A version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Mike Everhart, Sternberg Museum of Natural History, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS: Charles H. Sternberg, Fossil Hunter, 1850-1943. Sassafras leaves, Dakota Sandstone.
Evolving Earth Foundation
Issaquah, WA:
The Evolving Earth Foundation is a small Private Operating Foundation
with focus on the Tertiary paleobotany of western North America,
with interests in systematics, paleoecology and biogeography. Go to:
Plant Image Collection.
With line drawings of leaves from the Tertiary.
M.J. Farabee,
Estrella Mountain Community College Center, Avondale, Arizona:
On-Line Biology Book.
Introductory biology lecture notes.
Now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
The Field Museum, Chicago: Fossil Plants Collections Mesofossils. Mid to late Cretaceous plant fossils in charcoal preservation.
The Field Museum, Chicago, IL: Expedition to East Greenland. The purpose of the Greenland expedition was to gather fossil plants that would help to investigate a great mass extinction event that occurred at the transition from the Triassic to the Jurassic. Go to: Fossil Plant Image Gallery. Images of Dictyophyllum, Nilssonia, Lepidopteris ottonis, Ginkgoites, Anomozamites, Spiropteris, Thaumatopteris brauniana, Pseudoctenis, Stachyotaxus, Podozamites, Stachyotaxus septentrionalis, Ricciopsis.
Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville: Visit the Paleobotany and Palynology Image Gallery. Images of Paleomyrtinaea, Macginitiea angustiloba, Macginicarpa glabra, Lygodium kaulfussi, Paracarpinus chaneyi, Asterocarpinus perplexans, Cedrelospermum, Cyclocarya brownii, Clarnoxylon blanchardii, Diplodipelta miocenica, Tilia pedunculata, Cruciptera, Trochodendron, Ostrya oregoniana, Polyptera manningii, Juglandiphylloides glabra, Cunninghamia marquettii, Mahonia simplex, etc.
Giraud Foster & Norman Barker, Ancient Microworld:
Photo Gallery. Some
petrified plants.
Click on an image to view an enlarged version. See also:
Snapshots provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Google: Search results Fossil plants on stamps (images).
M. Gross (1999): Die phytopaläontologische Sammlung Franz UNGER am Landesmuseum Joanneum. PDF file, in German. Joannea Geol. Paläont., 1: 5-26.
Jason Hilton (2007):
Living Fossils,
Ginkgo biloba - its ancestors and allies.
Website hosted by
The International Organisation of Palaeobotany (IOP).
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Illinois State Geological Survey Champaign:
A 300 Million
Year Old Pennsylvanian Age Mire Forest.
See also:
Plant fossils.
A reconstruction of Medullosa as well as line drawings of Neuropteris and Lepidodendron.
Illinois State Museum, Springfield:
Mazon Creek Plants.
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Institut für Spezielle Botanik der FSU Jena:
Paläobotanische Sammlung (Collection Schweitzer).
In German.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
K.-P. Kelber (2007): Die Erhaltung und paläobiologische Bedeutung der fossilen Hölzer aus dem süddeutschen Keuper (Trias, Ladinium bis Rhätium).- In German. PDF file, 33 MB! pp. 37-100; In: Schüßler, H. & Simon, T. (eds.): Aus Holz wird Stein - Kieselhölzer aus dem Keuper Frankens.- (Eppe), Bergatreute-Aulendorf.
K.-P. Kelber (2005): Makroflora (Die Keuperfloren). PDF file (12 MB), in German. In: Beutler, G., Hauschke, N., Nitsch, E. and Vath, U. (eds.): Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission, Stratigraphie von Deutschland IV - Keuper. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 253: 32-41.
K.-P. Kelber & E. Nitsch (2005): Paläoflora und Ablagerungsräume im unterfränkischen Keuper (Exkursion H am 1. April 2005).- PDF file (20 MB), in German. Jber. Mitt. oberrhein. geol. Ver., N.F., 87: 217-253; Stuttgart.
! Hans Kerp, Palaeobotanical Research Group, Westfälische Wilhelms University, Münster. Click: "Rhynie Chert" (The Rhynie Chert and its Flora). A depiction of the silica permineralized fossil flora of Rhynie (Scotland), a 400 Million year old flora, which contains a wide diversity of taxa varying from unicellular fungi to the earliest anatomically preserved higher land plants and animal remains. Breathtaking thin section micro-photographs, e.g. in " V. The alternation of generations in early land plants": The male gametophyte with antheridia, the release of sperm from antheridium, etc. Including "The life cycle of Aglaophyton - Lyonophyton", modified after Taylor, Kerp & Hass, 2005, PNAS, v. 102, p. 5892-5897.
(Bernd Kipping, Klingenberg, Germany). Go to:
Michael P. Klimetz, Science Department, John Dewey High School, Brooklyn, NY:
Resource for Students and Teachers. Go to:
J. Konecny, S. Konecny and J. Null, Fossil News, Journal of Avocational Paleontology:
Mazon Creek Nodules.
Still available from the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
J. Kovar-Eder (2007): Fossile Pflanzen – Puzzlesteine der Evolution. PDF file, in German. Denisia 20, zugleich Kataloge der oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen, Neue Serie 66: 367-377. (2013):
Jayson Kowinsky, the FossilGuy Web Page: Fossils Found in the Mahoning Formation, at Ambridge, PA (Middle-Pennsylvanian). Images of fossil plants, e.g. Pecopteris arborescens.
M. Krings, LMU München:
obertriassische Flora von Lunz (Niederösterreich) unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Samenpflanzen: Systematik, Paläobiologie und
Paläoökologie. Scientific project report (in German).
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
L. Kunzmann et al. (2013): Die Innovation von Melbourne: eine fossile Pflanze – ein Name. PDF file, in German. Senckenberg natur forschung museum, 143: 222-229. See also here.
Cor Kwant, The Netherlands:
The Ginkgo Pages. See especially:
Fossils and
Ginkgo fossils: picture gallery.
Also worth checking out:
J. Laurie et al. (2009): Living Australia (in PDF). Earth history in Australia.
Leeds Geoblitz Project.
A review of the geology collection at Leeds Museum, England, UK.
Go to:
The Palaeobotany Review.
"The aim of the review is to establish material that is of scientific merit and specimens which are good representatives,
possessing public potential for display and community events. These two criteria do not necessarily go hand in
hand; as a specimen may have a fantastic scientific research potential, but may not be
visually impressive. Therefore the specimens are graded against two separate criteria: Scientific Merit
(as a numerical value of stars) and Public Engagement (as a Gold, Silver or Bronze status)".
Microgeodynamics Laboratory, School of Earth Sciences, Leeds University:
Pyritisation of
fossil wood.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
See also
The Natural History Museum, London: Earth lab. This datasite is a new educational resource allowing to investigate UK geology on-line and fossil plant specimens. > Access the database, > select: "fosssil", > select: "group", > select: "plants", > push "view selected". Currently 41 images of plant fossils. Just click on the images for an enlarged view.
Michael Lucks, Waiblingen:
Some images of fossil plants, e.g. Danaeopsis arenacea
from the Lower Keuper, Triassic (website in German).
Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
See also
J. Marder, PBS News (Public Broadcasting Service), January 19, 2012:
Fossils Released From Hiding.
Now provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
See also
E. Martinetto and L. Macaluso (2018):
application of the Whole-Plant Concept to the Messinian – Piacenzian flora of
Italy. In PDF, Fossil Imprint, 74: 77–100.
Note Fig. 5h: The reconstruction of
Glyptostrobus europaeus.
Jürgen Meyer et al.: Pflanzenfossilien.de (in German). Website under construction.
! Palaeobotanical Research Group,
Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms University, Münster, Germany.
The older website
is still available by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
History of Palaeozoic Forests,
Link list page with rankings and brief explanations. Images of Lepidodendron aculeatum, Lepidophyllum, Lepidophylloides, Cyperites bicarinatus,
Lepidostrobus, Lepidostrobophyllum, Lepidostrobophyllum lanceolatum, Lepidophloios laricinus,
Lepidophloios. See also:
Images of Calamites, Calamites carinatus, Calamites cistii, Annularia, Annularia radiata, Annularia mucronata,
Annularia stellata, Annularia sphenophylloides, Asterophyllites, Asterophyllites equisetiformis, Asterophyllites charaeformis,
Asterophyllites longifolius, Calamostachys, Calamostachy binneyana, Sphenophyllum, Sphenophyllum cuneifolium, Sphenophyllum emarginatum, Sphenophyllum longifolium,
Sphenophyllum majus, Sphenophyllum geinitzii, Sphenophyllum plurifoliatum. See also:
Images of Psaronius, Psaronius melanedrus, Tietea singularis, Pecopteris,
Pecopteris cyathea, Pecopteris oreopteridia, Pecopteris arborescens, P. (Senftenbergia) plumosa, Asterotheca,
Scolecopteris, Scolecopteris (P.) mertensiodes, Ptychocarpus (P.) unita, Ptychocarpus (P.) unita, Senftenbergia crenata,
Alloiopteris coralloides, Anachoropteris involuta, Ankyropteris, Botryopteris, Etapteris, Oligocarpia gutbieri, Pseudosporochnus,
Saccopteris cristata, Stauropteris. See also:
Images of Lyginopteris, Lagenostoma, Sphenopteris crepinii, Lagenostoma lomaxii, Pachytesta,
Trigonocarpus, Bernaultia, Schopfipollenites, Bernaultia formosa, Whittleseya microphylla, Medullosa noei, Myeloxyleon,
Neuropteris, Alethopteris, Sphenopteris, Alethopteris decurrens, Alethopteris lonchitica, Alethopteris sullivantii,
Neuropteris obliqua, Eusphenopteris, Mariopteris, Mariopteris muricata, Reticulopteris, Cyclopteris, Lescuropteris genuina,
Alethopteris zeilleri. See also:
Images of Lebachia, Walchia, Walchia piniformis, Cassinisia orobica,
Pseudovoltzia liebeana, Majonica alpina, Dolomitia cittertiae. See also:
Images of modern cycads. See also:
Link list page with picture rankings. Several dioramas of coal swamp forests. The links give the most direct connections to
illustrations available on the web. See also:
Images of Autunia conferta, Rhachiphyllum schenkii. See also:
The links give the most direct connections to pictures available on the web. See also:
Images of Cordaites, Cordaites principalis, Cordaicladus,
Cordaianthus, Cordaianthus williamsii, Cardiocarpus spinosus, Samaropsis,, Artisia horizontalis, Mesoxylon, Mesoxylon iowense,
Amyelon. See also:
Images of Silurian cryptospores and Parka decipiens. See also:
Images of precambrian microfossils and stromatolites.
The links give the most direct connections to pictures available on the web; in many cases they are from sites
that have additional palaeobotanical information. See also:
Images of Rhynia, Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii, Cooksonia,
Cooksonia hemisphaerica, Baragwanathia, Cooksonia pertonii, Aglaophyton major, Lyonophyton rhynienensis, Horneophyton lignieri,
Nothia aphylla, Crenaticaulis, Sawdonia, Sawdonia acanthotheca, Sawdonia ornata, Serrulacaulis furcatus, Rebuchia ovata,
Zosterophyllum divaricatum, Zosterophyllum rhenanum, Psilophyton, Psilophyton crenulatum, Psilophyton dawsonii, Psilophyton dapsile,
Psilophyton ornata, Pertica, Pertica quadrifaria, Asteroxylon, Asteroxylon mackiei. See also:
Images of Archaeopteris, Tetraxylopteris schmidtii, Callixylon,
Archaeopteris gaspensis, Archaeopteris halliana, Archaeopteris hibernica. Excellent!
These expired links
are now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Dennis Murphy, Devonian Times (funded in part by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia). Navigate from: "A survey of the plants, animals and geology at Red Hill". Images of Barinophyton spp., an unidentified cormose lycopsid, cf Lepidodendropsis sp., Gillespiea randolphensis, Rhyacophyton ceratangium, Archaeopteris spp., and other early seed plants.
Henry Alleyne Nicholson (1876): The Ancient Life History of the Earth. A Project Gutenberg EBook. Including some line drawings of plants.
Museum of Natural History,
Nova Scotia Museum:
Fossils of Nova Scotia,
Browse the Fossil Gallery. This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Open the
Triassic/Jurassic Periode
Research Centre of Palaeontology and Historical Geology: Institute, States Collections, and Museum of Palaeontology and Historical Geology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: Online Exhibition "Living Fossils". Go to: Handfarne, Ginkgos und Mammutbäume, and Walter Jung, Der Ginkgo - Baum, ein Unikum mit Vergangenheit, and Walter Jung, Die Metasequoia, ein zum Leben erwecktes Fossil. In German.
Dennis C. Murphy, Devonian Times: Archaeopteris.
Museum Victoria Australia, (Victoria's State Museum), Melbourne:
Plant fossils. Images of
Thinnfeldia feistmanteli, Araucaria,
Cladophlebis, Ginkgoites australis.
Website outdated, download a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Henry Alleyne Nicholson (1876): The Ancient Life History of the Earth. A Project Gutenberg EBook. Including some line drawings of plants.
Paläontologische Museum
Image of
Dioonitocarpidium pennaeforme
(website in German).
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
The Paleontology Portal. (produced by the University of California Museum of Paleontology, the Paleontological Society, the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, and the United States Geological Survey; funded by the National Science Foundation): Fossil Gallery, Plants.
Paleophilatelie.eu: Fossil plants on stamps (Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, India).
The Palm and Cycad Society of Florida:
The fossil Cycads.
With paintings and reconstructions of Douglas Henderson, John Sibbick, and Mark Hallett.
Go to:
Cretaceous Cycadales.
Reconstruction images, image of Cycadeoidea marylandica.
Websites still available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Petralga. The PETRALGA (PErmian & TRiassic ALGAe) Project was initiated in order to provide useful palaeontological tools for both Scientific Institutions and Industry.
Mihai Emilian Popa, Department of Geology and Palaeontology, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest: Fossil plants in Romania. Images and short descriptions of fossil plants from Romania.
Christian Pott,
Forschungsstelle für Paläobotanik,
Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut,
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany:
Lunz - a famous flora.
Triassic (Carnian) macroplant remains from Austria.
Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine. Go to:
Literature concerning the Lunz flora and adjacent aspects.
An extensive bibliography.
Rosemary Prevec, Geology Department Rhodes University, South Africa (website by Science in Africa): The power of plants: how ancient forests drive SA´s economy. About Glossopteris forests and coal. This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS): NOVA (a high rated science series on TV). First Flower. Go to: Flowers Modern and Ancient. About Archaefructus liaoningensis, discovered in the fossil beds of Liaoning Province in northeastern China.
Bill Rember, Jesse Garnett White and Susan Butts,
Tertiary Research Center, Department of Geological Sciences
University of Idaho, Moscow, ID: The
Clarkia Flora of northern Idaho. Fossil plants from the Miocene.
Still available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
R. Rößler, (2006): Einzigartig und dennoch ausgestorben - Die Schachtelhalm-Giganten des Perms (in German). In PDF, Fossilien, 23: 87-92. Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Ronny Rößler & Robert Noll (website hosted by fossilien-journal.de): Calamitea COTTA 1832. Fossile Pflanze zwischen Historie und aktueller Forschung. PDF file, in German. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Sächsische Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie (2006): Das Döhlener Becken bei Dresden - Geologie und Bergbau. PDF file, in German. Bergbau in Sachsen, vol. 12. See especially PDF page 30: Makroflora und zugehörige "in situ"-Sporen (by M. Barthel).
Senckenberg Natural History Museum and Centre for Biodiversity Research, Frankfurt am Main: Entwicklung der Pflanzenwelt (via wayback archive). Easy to understand introduction (in German). Image of Moresnetia, image and reconstruction of Cycadeoidea. See also: Fossil plants on stamps (via wayback).
Dan Skean,
Albion College, Albion, Michigan:
Albion College Vascular Plant Image Gallery.
Images are listed by class and then alphabetically by family and scientific name.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
B. Slater (2011): Fossil focus: Coal swamps. n PDF, Palaeontology Online. See also here.
National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC: A Virtual Tour of the Fossil Plants. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Department of Paleobiology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.: Underground Carboniferous Forest (Riola mine, Illinois). A lycopsid tree stump and a pith cast of Calamites. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Doug Soltis, Amber Tilley and Hongshan Wang, Florida Museum of Natural History (FLMNH), University of Florida: Deep Time. A comprehensive phylogenetic tree of living and fossil angiosperms. Go to: Virtual Fossil Collection. Images of Androdecidua, Archaeanthus, Liriophyllum kansense, Archaefructus.
Geology Collection,
Southampton Oceanography Centre (SOES), University of Southampton:
Geology Collection / Fossils / Plants /
Images of Alethopteris, Asterophyllites, Annularia, Calamites,
Lepidodendron, Stigmaria, Trigonocarpus, Lepidostrobus, Mesolobus, Neuropteris, Pecopteris.
Also worth checking out:
Go to: Jurassic.
Images of Cycadeoidea, Cycadeoidea gigantea, Cycadeoidea microphylla.
See also:
SOES Geology Collection / Plants / Antarctica / Mt. Flora /
Collected from Mt. Flora in Graham Land, Antartica.
These expired links are available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
! Count Kaspar Maria Sternberg (provided by the National Museum Prague and Czech Geological Survey): Versuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt. Some pages and plates (online demo version). Don`t miss the Gallery.
! Hans Steur, Ellecom, The Netherlands:
Hans´ Paleobotany Pages.
Plant life from the Silurian to the Cretaceous. Images of
(Cooksonia, Nematothallus, Parka, Pachytheca,
Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii, Asteroxylon mackiei, Horneophyton lignieri,
Aglaophyton major, Nothia aphylla,
neuropteris-, pecopteris-, alethopteris-, sphenopteris-, mariopteris-like leaflets,
Cyclopteris, Aphlebia, Lepidodendron, Sigillaria, Psaronius, Tempskya. See also:
Exceptionally preserved plant fossils from Crock Hey, or
The Jurassic flora of North Yorkshire.
Ed Strauss: Petrified Wood From Western Washington. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine. Go to: Table of Genera. Microscopic images of Acer momijiyamense, Alnus latissima, Carpinus absarokensis, Cercidiphyllum, Cornoxylon, Diospyroxylon, Fagoxylon, Quercinium lamarense, Licquidambaroxylon weylandi, Carya tertiara, Pterocarya rhoifilia, Laurinoxylon, Robinioxylon, Magnolia, Lirodendroxylon.
P. K. Strother,
Paleobotanical Laboratory at Weston Observatory:
Grand Canyon:
Paleobotanical Research on the Bright Angel Shale.
Fossil spore polyads and a dyad as well as cryptospores and spore clusters of Middle
Cambrian age.
Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Prem Subrahmanyam, Graphic Design, Prem´s fossil gallery, or Beneath the Calamites Tree: Fossil Plants. Pennsylvanian plants collected in the Cahaba coal field near Marvel north of Montevalo, AL and south-southwest of Birmingham, AL.
G. Sun et al. (1998):
Search of the First Flower: A Jurassic Angiosperm, Archaefructus,
from Northeast China. In PDF,
Science, 282: 1692-1695.
Images of
Archaefructus liaoningensis.
Department of Palaeobotany, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm (Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine): Rhaetian and Jurassic plants of Scania. This database includes the Rhaetian and Jurassic plant fossils from Scania, southern Sweden, housed in the Stockholm collections.
Department of Palaeobotany, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm:
Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Pictures of
Alnus, Annularia stellata, Araucaria mirabilis, Baiera furcata, Bergeria mimerensis,
Cercidiphyllum crenatum, Corylus, Credneria zenkeri, Cyclostigma kiltorkense,
Ginkgoites hermelinii, Ginkgoites regnellii, Glossopteris browniana, Lepidodendron aculeatum,
Metasequoia occidentalis, Odontopteris stradonicensis, Psaronius infarctus,
Scandianthus costatus, Sigillaria elongata, Silvianthemum suecicum, Weichselia reticulata,
Weltrichia spectabilis. See also:
Tertiary plants of Spitsbergen,
Rhaetian and Jurassic plants of Scania,
Miocene flora of Iceland,
Cretaceous plants of Quedlinburg,
Cretaceous and Tertiary Plants of Greenland, and
Quaternary Plants of Cameroon.
Ralph E. Taggart, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology/Department of
Geological Sciences at Michigan State University, East Lansing:
BOT335 Lecture Schedule.
Some interesting chapters in
terms of palaeobotany, e.g.
First Vascular Land Plants;
Carboniferous Forests;
Arborescent Lycopods;
Psaronius: a Carboniferous tree-fern;
Carboniferous Horsetails;
Carboniferous Seed Ferns;
The Evolution of Conifers;
Cycadophytes, the True Cycads;
Mesozoic Cycadeoids;
American Redwoods, Past and Present.
These expired links are available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Museum of Geology, Tartu, Estonia:
Image of Alethopteris meriani,
Triassic, Lunz, Austria.
Available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
I. Tomelleri et al. (2022): The plant fossils in the paleontological collection Georg Gasser (1857–1931). In PDF, Geo. Alp, 19. See also here.
Rickard S. Toomey, Richard L. Leary, Bruce McMillan, and Erich Schroeder, Illinois State Museum: Mazon Creek Fossils. Go to: Mazon Creek Plants. Images of Calamites, Asterophyllites, Annularia, a horsetail relative, foliage (48k) Sphenophyllum, Equisetites, Sigillaria, Lepidodendron, Lepidophyllum, Lepidostrobus, Lepidostrobophyllum, Lepidocarpon, Knorria, Cordaites, Artisia Cordaianthus, Cordaicarpus, Pecopteris, Asterotheca, Sphenopteris, Sphenopterid Alethopteris, Neuropteris, Diplothmema.
V. Vajda and B.P. Kear (2024):
earliest Triassic riparian ecosystem from the Bulgo Sandstone (Sydney Basin), Australia:
palynofloral evidence of a high-latitude terrestrial vertebrate habitat after the end-Permian
mass extinction. Open access,
Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 48: 483–494.
Note figure 5: Reconstruction of the Early Triassic Bulgo Sandstone riparian ecosystem
with the lycopsid Pleuromeia (central foreground),
horsetails (left foreground) and other plants bordering waterways,
and Dicroidium constituting canopy vegetation (right foreground).
The Virtual
Fossil Museum:
Fossils through Geological Time.
See also:
Steve Wagner:
Images of fossils, e.g. from the Castle Rock Fossil Rainforest project
at the Denver Museum of Nature Science (DMNS).
Nice photo galleries of fossil plants, see:
Green River Fossil Excavation in Bonanza, UT,
The Fossils. See also:
Fossil Plants from
Cretaceous Laramie Formation.
WAYNE'S WORD, Escondido, CA (A nonprofit quarterly journal published by WOLFFIA
Fossils Of Ancient Plants.
This websites are dedicated to little-known facts and trivia about natural
history subjects.
Wayne´s Word, Escondido, California (A nonprofit quarterly journal published by WOLFFIA
Fossils Of Ancient Plants.
Petrified wood, leaf imprints and plants in amber. Go to:
W. P. Armstrong (1995):
Plants of Jurassic Park.
Plants that lived when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
WAYNE'S WORD Volume 8 (1999).
Reinhard Weber,
Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Ciudad Universitaria, Ciudad de México:
(in Spain, English version under construction). Go to:
Galería Fotográfica, e.g.
Triásico de Sonora.
I. Werneburg (2023):
Fossile Pflanzen.
Die Paläobotanische Schausammlung in Tübingen (1983 bis 2017). PDF file, in German.
Berichte aus der Paläontologischen Sammlung in Tübingen, 2: 139-178.
Whitby Museum,
The Whitby Literary & Philosophical Society, UK:
TYPE & FIGURED FOSSILS CATALOGUE,http://www.whitbymuseum.org.uk/
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Archaeopteris (in German).
Gerhard Winter, near Frankfurt am Main, Germany:
Fossil plants on stamps.
In German.
Student group, ?University of Alberta, WordPress @ Bio-Sci
(a website provided for
Biological Sciences):
ETH Zürich, Earth Science Collections:
Image Gallery.
of America. Another access:
Fossil Plants.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Note the depicted specimens in the photo documentation (plates) on pages 156-178 (PDF pages 18-40).
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Scroll down to
"Plantae". Images of
Cheirolepis setosus,
Cheirolepis setosus woolleri,
Clathopteris whitbiensis,
Cyclopteris beani,
Flabellaria? viminea,
Marzaria simpsoni,
Nageiopsis anglica,
Nilssonia compta,
Optopteris acuminata,
Pachypteris lanceolata,
Pecopteris propinqua,
Pecopteris undans,
Pterophyllum comptum,
Sphenopteris williamsonis,
Williamsonia gigas, Williamsonia himas,
Zamia gigas.
Category:Triassic events
Category:Triassic life
Category:Triassic first appearances
Category:Triassic animals
Category:Triassic plants
Paleobotany .
Numerous photographs of fossil plants, taxonomically sorted, e.g.:
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