Links for Palaeobotanists

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Confined to Geology Education > Geology > Careers & Jobs. Careers in geology, job opportunities and what geologists do.

Alfred-Wegener Institut, Bremerhaven: Jobs am AWI (in German).

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG):
Gateways. Helpful links to sites about career, cool spots, data, societies, international and related organizations, education, government and other resources. Go to:
These expired links are now available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG):
Career. Helpful links to sites about cool spots, data, societies, international and related organizations, education, government and other resources. Go to: Jobs.

American Geological Institute, (AGI), Alexandria, VA: The Guide to Geoscience Careers and Employers. This guide provides information about careers in various companies and organizations in the USA that employ geoscientists. Each listing also contains information regarding how to find out what jobs are available in each company for geoscientists. See also:
Careers in the Geosciences, and the annotated index Links to Career Websites. Although some of the sites do not specifically focus on geoscience, they all contain valuable information on science careers and job-hunting tips. Visit also Geotimes' Careers Page for career profiles, columns selected specifically for students, and other links related to careers in the geosciences.

American Geological Institute (AGI), Alexandria, VA: Earth Science World. Images from the Earth Science World Image Bank, geoscience books, information on careers in the geosciences, and more. Additionally, Earth Science World is the home of Earth Science Week.

Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler e.V. (in German).
The BDG (German Professional Association of Geoscientists) is a professional representation of geoscientists in Germany. Go to: Job-Börse (in German).

CALTECH (California Institute of Technology): Job Opportunities.

Chronicle of Higher Education: Academe This Week

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (DGG):
! Job aktuell (in German).

! EARTH The American Geosciences Institute, Alexandria, VA: Career Opportunities. News and trends in the geosciences.

! Earthworks-Jobs.Com.

EarthView Associates, Inc., Geoscience Consulting, Houston, Texas: More Geoscience and Job Hunting Resources. A short annotated index of job opportunities for geoscientists.

Earth (the former "Geotimes", American Geological Institute, AGI):
Classifieds. Career oportunities.

EARTHWORKS. The service is entirely free to browsers.

EUROLAT (European Network on Lateritic Weathering and Global Environment): Job opportunities.

FindHow: > Careers and work > Career Exploration > Science Careers > Geologists.

Friends of the Earth: Jobs at Friends of the Earth.

GeoHorizon (in German).
! Geo-Jobbörse.

Geoscientist Online (The Geological Society of London): Geoscience Jobs. This is the official jobs platform from the Geological Society.

GeoWeb Services Inc., Houston: GeoWeb Service Interactive. GeoWeb Interactive provides job advertising, resume searching, company profile listing, product/business news, and other services to many leading companies.

Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax: Looking for a Job in Oceanography? Meta index for job vacancies in oceanography, marine geology and earth sciences.

Mineralogical Society of America: The MSA Job Board. The job board announces employment and position opportunities in mineralogy and petrology, crystallography, geochemistry and related fields.

My Science (Scimetrica, Bern, Switzerland). A job portal for scientists, specialists and academics in Switzerland or nearby. Go to: Earth Sciences.

National Association of Black Geologists and Geophysicists (NABGG). NABGG will diligently increase minority representation in the geosciences through partnerships with academia and by mentoring undergraduate as well as graduate students.

Oil Survey. Oil Survey is a collection of resources for the oil and gas industry. Whether you are a job seeker, engineer, investor, manager or a student, you will find a lot of information relevant to you. Go to: Job center.

N. MacLeod, PaleoNet. PaleoNet is a listserver-web site system designed to enhance electronic communication among paleontologists.
Go to:
! PaleoNet Jobs Page.

Pangea International, Inc. (Pangea is a petroleum consulting firm): Jobs in Geology and Earth Sciences.

! Emma C. Rainforth, Ramapo College, New Jersey: Job Opportunities. A link list about jobs in Geology/Earth Science/Environmental Science.

! Salary Expert (PAQ Services, Inc.). provide reporting on salaries. This tool helps people make informed decisions when planning careers and searching for jobs. Go to: Paleobotanist Salaries.

Thomas Mining Associates. World wide mining opportunities.

U.S. Geological Survey: Employment with the USGS. Here is all the information you need to find your next job with the USGS, one of the premier scientific organizations in the world.

U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA: OARS. Online Automated Recruitment System. United States citizenship as well as registration procedure required.

Vocational Information Center (an education directory that provides links to online resources for career exploration): Environmental Career Guide. A new internet job site for the international Oil and Gas industry.

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Meta Indexes

ABIW Blaha and Ysker: HochschulabsolventInnen bewerben sich im World Wide Web. (In German).

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG): Gateways. Helpful links to sites about cool spots, data, societies, international and related organizations, education, government and other resources.

The American Geological Institute (AGI): Careers in the Geosciences.

Bundesagentur für Arbeit, the former Arbeitsamt, Germany. In German. Go to: Kurs- Aus- und Weiterbildungsangebote. Search for "Paläontologie".

Mark Francek, Woldt Residential College, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI: RESOURCES FOR EARTH SCIENCE AND GEOGRAPHY INSTRUCTION. The links are organized around the sequence of topics typically taught in an introductory earth science or physical geography class. Links are also available for environmental science, earth science/geography education, career opportunities, and more.
Website outdated. The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! Geologische Vereinigung e. V.: Job Announcements. Geologist Jobs - Oil and Gas Jobs - Earth Science Jobs. A directory for jobs and careers in Earth Science.

Henri D. Grissino-Mayer, Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences, Valdosta State University, TREE-RING WEB PAGES: Job Market.

! Jobmesse-Radar (S. Kubak, Berlin): Aktueller Karriere- und Jobmessenkalender (in German).

! Institute for Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz: Geoscience Jobs. An extensive link directory to annotated web sites offering job vacancies in the geosciences. Excellent!

! Emma C. Rainforth, Ramapo College, New Jersey: Job Opportunities. A link list about jobs in Geology/Earth Science/Environmental Science.

Jason G. Rose, Department of Geological Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton: Geojobs. Geological engineering and sciences career search page.

Vocational Information Center (an education directory that provides links to online resources for career exploration): Environmental Career Guide.

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Links to Articles on Science Careers

The American Geological Institute (AGI): Careers in the Geosciences.

! R.A. Berner (2013): From black mud to earth system science: A scientific autobiography. In PDF, American Journal of Science, 313: 1-60.
See also here.

! The Botanical Society of America (BSA):
! Careers in Botany Profiles.
! Post-doctoral, Fellowship and Career Opportunities

Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler e.V. (BDG). The BDG (German Professional Association of Geoscientists) is a professional representation of geoscientists in Germany. Go to: Berufe und Themen (in German).

D. Edwards (2017, interview): Q & A. Current Biology 27.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine. Salary of a Paleobotanist.

N. Gary Lane, Falls of the Ohio State Park: A Career in Paleontology. From The Paleontological Society brochure.

! The Palaeontological Association: Careers in Palaeontology and Postgraduate Opportunities. Go to:
So you want to be in the oil business! Being a palynologist.

Palaeontology Newsletter.
Starting on page 29 (PDF page 29):
From our correspondents: A Palaeontologist Abroad. In PDF, Palaeontology Newsletter, 108. This issue’s palaeontologists are Mónica Carvalho, William Harrison and Sergi López-Torres.
See also here.

The Paleontology Portal. (produced by the University of California Museum of Paleontology, the Paleontological Society, the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, and the United States Geological Survey; funded by the National Science Foundation): Careers, and PaleoPeople.

! Roy E. Plotnick, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois, Chicago:
SWOTing at Paleontology. PDF file, American Paleontologist 15, 2007.
Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
"SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in a project or in a business venture", see here (Wikipedia).

S.S. Renner (2022): Plant Evolution and Systematics 1982–2022: Changing Questions and Methods as Seen by a Participant. In PDF, Progress in Botany.
See also here.
"... With DNA data came lab work, bioinformatics, and both the need and the possibility to collaborate, which brought systematists out of their niche, gave comparative biology a huge push, and resulted in a better integration of biodiversity studies within biology. ..."

G. Rienzi (2014), The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland: A conversation with paleoecologist Grace Brush, known for her work on Chesapeake Bay ecology.

Servicebüro Eichwald, Weißwasser, Germany: Arbeits-ABC. Hints for better job applications (in German).

John Snyder, Furman University: The Biology Careers Page.

South Carolina Geological Survey.
Education and Outreach. Downloadable Earth Science Education presentations, posters, and handouts. Go to:

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Labor Market

! Bundesagentur für Arbeit, the former Arbeitsamt, Germany. In German. Careerjet is an employment search engine for the USA, designed to make the process of finding a job on the internet easier for the user. It maps the huge selection of job offerings available on the internet in one extensive database by referencing job pages originating from company web sites, recruitment agency web sites and large specialist recruitment sites.

Cesar (The Link Markenentwicklung GmbH, Hamburg).
A German job search engine that shows vacancies from German neswspapers and other sources.

FindHow: > Careers and work > Career Exploration > Science Careers > Geologists.

FOCUS: "Job & Karriere". In German. Multimedia-Stellenmarkt. In German.

! Indeed, a Job Portal for Germany (in German). The company (founded by Paul Forster and Rony Kahan) is privately held with investment from The New York Times Company, Allen & Company and Union Square Ventures. is a metasearch engine for job listings, currently available in 54 countries. See also here (Wikipedia).

Jobbö (CareerNetwork Jobbö GmbH & Co KG, Wiesbaden). In German.

Jobbörse Absolventa (in German). . A German job portal (in German). (StudiTemps GmbH; in German).

! Jobmesse-Radar (S. Kubak, Berlin): Aktueller Karriere- und Jobmessenkalender (in German). This site combines jobs from many job search engines.

Job Scout 24 (in German).
! Worth checking out: Protect yourself when applying for jobs., Dublin, Ireland. An Irish Jobsite offering jobs in all categories throughout all of Ireland, including employment information sections for Irish Jobseekers and Irish Employers, and accommodation listings and integration information for foreign nationals coming to work in Ireland. See also here.

Jobtensor, Berlin: Jobs in Science, IT, Engineering.

Jobware Germany. A gateway to multinational employment opportunities. In German.

! Jobbydoo. Search results link to other job portals in Germany.

Jooble (in German):
One site. All jobs. When you perform a search with Jooble, you´ll get links to job postings from many different job sites.
See especially:
! Searching jobs around the world.

! Juju´s search results link to jobs found on employer career portals, recruiter websites, and job boards all over the Internet.

Metajob (in German).
See the search result for Paläobotaniker/in.

The Monster Board. Jobs worldwide in all fields, searched by keyword. There is also a Usenet newsgroup search.

My Science (Scimetrica, Bern, Switzerland). A job portal for scientists, specialists and academics in Switzerland or nearby. Go to: Earth Sciences.

! naturejobs. International Science Jobs.

Net-Temps. A world of jobs neatly packaged.

Salary Expert (PAQ Services, Inc.). provide reporting on salaries. This tool helps people make informed decisions when planning careers and searching for jobs. Go to: Paleobotanist Salaries. (in German).

Stepstone. Job opportunities across Europe. is an internet higher education job marketplace. It was designed to meet the unique recruitment requirement for universities, colleges, and other academic organizations. The post of job is free at promotion stage. Beruf und Karriere. (In German).

Yourfirm. Jobs in highly successful companies (the unknown market leaders, the so called "hidden champions"). In German.

! Die Zeit. Zeit Robot. Approximately 35.000 Jobs (Page in German).

The associations of assistants and doctoral students of the technological institutes of Zurich (AVETH) and Lausanne (ACIDE): TeleJob. The electronic job exchange board. TeleJob advertises jobs from the academic and business worlds for young academics.

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Graduate Studentships and Internships

American Geosciences Institute: Internships and Fellowships.

Australia´s Careers OnLine.

! The Botanical Society of America (BSA):
! Careers in Botany Profiles.
! Post-doctoral, Fellowship and Career Opportunities

John C. Butler, Geosciences, University of Houston (Geophysics On The Internet): Sources of Support for Students.

The Cleveland Museum of Natural History (Kirtlandia Society):
The Kirtlandia Research Internship Program.
This Internship Program allows students to gain hands-on experience in fields in which they may be considering careers.

Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), Helmholtz-Zentrum, Potsdam: Das Dritte Mittel. Informations about grants to geoscientists (in German): Worth checking out:
! Links and Tools. An annotated link list of useful databases (in German).

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). German Academic Exchange Service. The DAAD is an organisation of the institutions of higher education and student bodies in the Federal Republic of Germany, an institution for the promotion of international academic exchanges. See especially: Information for Foreigners.

Internet-Studienführer der Zentralen Studienberatungsstellen der Hochschulen. Fields of Study at German Universities (in German).

Jobwire. The web service of the American National Association of Colleges and Employers.

National Internships. A source for information on paid and unpaid, pre-professional employment opportunities for college students and recent graduates.

PAGES (a core project of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)): scholarships.

The Palaeontological Association:
! Careers in Palaeontology and Postgraduate Opportunities.
! Current PhD projects in Palaeontology.

Palaeontology Newsletter.
Starting on page 29 (PDF page 29):
From our correspondents: A Palaeontologist Abroad. In PDF, Palaeontology Newsletter, 108. This issue’s palaeontologists are Mónica Carvalho, William Harrison and Sergi López-Torres.
See also here.

The Best The 10 Best Paleontology Graduate Programs.

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Grants and Funding Organisations

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants research fellowships and research awards to highly qualified scholars and scientists of all nationalities not resident in Germany, enabling them to undertake periods of research in Germany, as well as research fellowships to highly qualified German scholars, enabling them to spend periods of research at the institutes of former Humboldt guest-researchers abroad.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS):
Funded Projects.

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS): French granting agency for basic science (in French).

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The German granting agency for research at universities and public research institutions (in German).

Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), Helmholtz-Zentrum, Potsdam: Das Dritte Mittel. Informations about grants to geoscientists (in German): Worth checking out:
! Links and Tools. An annotated link list of useful databases (in German).

The European Commission of the European Union (EU).
Program-related support of scientific research in Europe. See especially:
Funding, Tenders.

The European Science Foundation. ESF promotes high quality science and acts as a catalyst for the development of science by bringing together leading scientists and funding agencies to debate, plan and implement pan-European initiatives.

The International Foundation for Science (IFS). Grants to scientists in developing countries. They have provided support to more than 3500 IFS Grantees in some 100 developing countries in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Jurassic Foundation (Jurassic Park TM & Universal Studios & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.). The Jurassic Foundation board awards grants via applications from fellow scientists with priority on support of graduate and international researchers.

The Linnaean Society of London. The Linnean Society awards a number of small grants. These include money for taxonomic publications, arthropod systematics, heredity, and others.

The National Environment Research Council (NERC). NERC funds various natural history related projects in the United Kingdom.

National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent), Durham, NC: NESCent is now accepting proposals for sabbatical scholars, working groups and catalysis meetings.

The National Science Foundation. US granting agency for general science.

NATO Scientific and Environmental Affairs. All about NATO fellowships and grants, primarily to citizens of NATO alliance countries.

! PAGES (Past Global Changes). PAGES supports research aimed at understanding the Earth´s past environment in order to make predictions for the future. PAGES encourage international and interdisciplinary collaborations and seek to involve scientists from developing countries in the worldwide palaeo-community.

! Palaeontologia Electronica: Grants and Fellowships. Grant-getting Centers and Major Granting Agencies (United States and Europe).

Paläontologische Gesellschaft: Möglichkeiten der Forschungsförderung A link list (in German). This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

The Paleobiological Fund, Readfield, ME. The Paleobiological Fund is established to support and enhance paleobiological and paleontological research and education in order to increase our knowledge about the evolution of all life forms and processes through fossil data.

The Palaeontographical Society. This society, established in 1847, exists for the purpose of figuring and describing British fossils by publishing monographs. The Society also supports taxonomic research into the British fossil faunas and floras through its Research Fund.

! The Paleontological Society: Grants and Awards. Paleontological Society invites applications from student members for a limited number of $750 grants to support research in any field or aspect of paleontology. All undergraduate and graduate students who are members of the Paleontological Society are eligible to apply. See also:
Student Grants.

Research Councils UK (RCUK): RCUK is a strategic partnership through which the UK´s seven Research Councils and the Arts & Humanities Research Board work together to champion the research, training and innovation they support.

Science. Science magazine's guide to resources.

! Senatskommission für Geowissenschaftliche Gemeinschaftsforschung, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): Diskussionsforum der Geokommission, Foren-Übersicht. Some memoirs about the new orientation of German Geosciences (in German).

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF). The Swiss granting agency for basic science.

SYNTHESYS is a European Commission - funded project, creating an integrated European infrastructure for natural history collections.
! Access:
SYNTHESYS funding is available to allow scientists based in European Member and Associated States to undertake short visits to utilize the collections, staff expertise, and analytical facilities at one of the 21 partner institutions for the purposes of their research. A core element is to provide funded researcher visits (Access) to the 390,000,000 specimens housed by SYNTHESYS institutions.
! Virtual Access:
For the first time in the SYNTHESYS programme, users will be able to request virtual access to collections. Participating institutions will digitise collections according to community demand and data will be made openly available.

Technology Grant News, New York: The News issue.

Technology Grant News and Technology Grant & Resource News. The latest edition is available for nonprofits, towns and cities, nonprofits, libraries & museums, and schools & universities. Technology Resource News is Free with TGN Electronic. Navigate from here.

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
A platform for many international long-term projects (e.g. IGCP).

! Volkswagenstiftung:
Evolutionsbiologie in Deutschland neu verankern (in German).

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This index is compiled and maintained by Klaus-Peter Kelber, Würzburg,
Last updated January 18, 2025

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