Links for Palaeobotanists

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Access to Libraries

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Access to selected libraries

United Kingdom

Home / Literature Search / Access to Libraries / Access to selected libraries / Australia



The Australian National University: Earth Sciences.

Australian Science at Work. A register of the many industries, corporations, research institutions, scientific societies and other organisations that have contributed to Australia's scientific, technological and medical heritage, with references to their archival materials and a bibliography of their historical published literature. You may also navigate from here.

Home / Literature Search / Access to Libraries / Access to selected libraries / Austria



Arbeitsgruppe Bibliotheksautomation (AGBA), ÖSTERREICHISCHER BIBLIOTHEKENVERBUND: Library Catalogues in Austria. Also access to the Austrian Union Library Catalogue. "Österreichischer Verbundkatalog, Gesamtkatalog" (in German).

Home / Literature Search / Access to Libraries / Access to selected libraries / Canada



University of Calgary: Calgary Libraries Automated Virtual Information System. Search the catalogue via WebCat.

Canadian Geoscience Information Centre (CGIC).

Home / Literature Search / Access to Libraries / Access to selected libraries / Germany


Access to German Libraries
Meta-Indexes Germany

Home / Literature Search / Access to Libraries / Access to selected libraries / Germany / Access to German Libraries


Access to German Libraries

Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg

Bibliotheks-Verbund Bayern (in German).

Bibliothek Geowissenschaftlicher Institute an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Go to: OPAC Search "Gast".

Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.

Gateway Bavaria 2000. Parallel search in more then 30 bibliographic databases. Having logged in to the Gateway Bavaria Internet Portal, you will get to the search screen. To select a whole group of databases, just click the selection box left to the group heading.

Universitätsbibliothek "Georgius Agricola" der Technischen Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany.

Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.

Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg (sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft): WEBIS. Search for literature (in German). Check Geosciences out here.

! Karlsruhe University Library: Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog. Easy access to the holdings of Germanys university libraries. More than 35 millions of books and serials. Allows combined search, e.g. in the British COPAC. Excellent!

Institute of Geoscience, University of Potsdam: Library of the "Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft". In German.

Library of the University of Würzburg: Gateway to the OPAC.

Home / Literature Search / Access to Libraries / Access to selected libraries / Germany / Meta-Indexes Germany


Meta-Indexes Germany

Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut (DBI), Zeitschriftendienst (ZD): Search engine. Search for essays, in German.

University of Hannover: Verzeichnis der deutschsprachigen abfragbaren Kataloge und Institutionen In German.

Geobibliothek Münster, Germany: Databases (in German).
Website outdated, download a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

Stadtbibliothek Schopfheim, Germany: SHVB - Schopfheimer hypervirtuelle Bibliothek - Naturwissenschaften, Ue Geowissenschaften A link directory.

Home / Literature Search / Access to Libraries / Access to selected libraries / Sweden



ESSEL, Earth Science Sweden Electronic Library: Earth Science Libraries in Sweden - addresses.

Library of the University of Lund, Nordic WAIS/World Wide Web Project: WWW subject tree of WAIS databases, and All WAIS databases sorted by ASCII, with annotations. Very helpful!

Home / Literature Search / Access to Libraries / Access to selected libraries / United Kingdom


United Kingdom

National Bibliographic Service, The British Library; Boston Spa, Wetherby, Yorkshire: Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC 97, The British Library) This online catalog contains information on over eight and a half million books and other material as included in some of the British Library's most important catalogs. Normal working hours are Monday to Saturday 0400 to 2400 GMT, Sundays and English Bank Holidays no service.

Portico. The British Library´s Online Information Server.

! COPAC. COPAC provides free access to the merged online catalogues of 21 of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland. It is one of the MIMAS services, produced at Manchester Computing, University of Manchester.

NISS (formerly "JANET-OPACS"): OPACs in Britain and Ireland. A directory of library catalogues and services. See also: Higher Education & Research Library Catalogues (OPACs)

Manchester Computing, University of Manchester & Consortium of University Research Libraries: COPAC. COPAC is a new Online Public Access Catalogue, providing unified access to the online catalogues of some of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland.

Home / Literature Search / Access to Libraries / Access to selected libraries / U.S.A.



North Carolina State University Earth Science(Gopher)

Duke University, Durham, NC USA: Duke Libraries Online Catalog. Easy search by author, title, subject heading, keyword(s), etc.

MELVYL, University of California.

New York Public Library: Web-Opac CATNYP (since 1971).

Stanford University: Branner Earth Sciences Library and Map Collections.

Princeton University Observatory. The Astrophysical Sciences WWW server at Princeton.

The Library of Congress, Washington: The Library of Congress is a major information provider on the Internet.

Home / Literature Search / Access to Libraries / Meta-Indexes of Libraries


Meta-Indexes of Libraries

Represented by the Conference of European National Libraries (CENL), hosted by the British Library: GABRIEL Online Public Access Catalogues, sorted by countries, the National Bibliographies, maintained by Europe´s National Libraries, and access to Online services of Europe´s National Libraries.

! dmoz: Reference: Libraries: Research.

Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany: Access to library catalogues in Belgium and abroad.

LibrarySpot: Libraries Online.

! Comprehensive List of Library Servers on the Web . A listing of a number of libraries across the globe.

SWITCH: Swiss Academic and Research Network, Swiss Libraries.

U.S. Geological Survey Library

YAHOO: Libraries. Unequivocally one of the best indexes. See also: Reference.

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This index is compiled and maintained by Klaus-Peter Kelber, Würzburg,
Last updated July 11, 2018

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