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Fossil Clubs and Societies

Agora Paleobotanica (in French):
Agora Palaeobotanica is an association that brings together researchers and amateurs interested in paleobotany and palynology.

Alberta Palaeontological Society, Canada.
The Meeting Place for Amateur and Professional Palaeontologists.
A collection of useful links about various aspects of palaeontology.

The Amateur Geology Society of the Hunter Valley (AGSHV).
AGSHV is made up of people who live in the Hunter Valley of NSW Australia that have a broad range of interests and expertise in Geology. Worth checking out:

Arbeitskreis Paläontologie Hannover (in German).

Mineralien- und Fossilienverein Sektion Basel (SVSMF). In German.
Weiterführende Links (in German).

Mineralien- und Fossilienverein Sektion Basel und Nordwestschweiz (SVSMF Section Basel, Switzerland): Mineralien- und Fossilienforum (in German).
Website outdated, a version archived by Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

R.T. Bex (2019): Scientific Twitter: The flow of paleontological communication across a topic network. PLoS ONE 14: e0219688.
"... This study adds to our understanding of the important scientific contribution being made by members of the public as they interact with professional scientists and educators as peers in an open social media platform that supports a diverse and active community ..."

CFK-Fossilien Coburg (in German).

Dry Dredgers.
The Oldest Continuously-Operating Fossil Club in North America.

Florida Fossil Hunters, Orlando.

Fondation paléontologique jurassienne.
Links (in German).

The Fossil Club of Australia.
The Fossil Club of Australia is an active group of enthusiastic people of all ages and backgrounds who want to learn and share information about fossils.

Fossilien. Erdgeschichte erleben. A German fossil magazine.
Links (in German).
Anstehende Veranstaltungen (in German).

FossilWeb (by Ed DeRouin).
Links to Fossil/Paleontology Related Sites.

FSB Fossiliensammler Bedarf (in German). Go to:
Vereine, Verbände und Communities (in German).
Tipps und Erfahrungen,
Die Sandstrahltechnik, by Olaf Schwitalla (in German).
Präparieren mit Kaliumhydroxid, by Olaf Schwitalla (in German).
Verwendung von Rewoquat, by Olaf Schwitalla (in German).
PalCol - Sammlungsverwaltung für Fossilien, by Hannes Löser (in German).

! C. Haug et al. (2020): Comment on the letter of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) dated April 21, 2020 regarding "Fossils from conflict zones and reproducibility of fossil.based scientific data": the importance of private collections. Open access, PalZ.

The Hull Geological Society, GB.
List of regional geological societies in GB.

Kuban's Paleo Place.
! Paleontological Societies and Clubs.

! B.J. MacFadden et al. (2016): Amateur paleontological societies and fossil clubs, interactions with professional paleontologists, and social paleontology in the United States. In PDF, Palaeontologia Electronica. See also here.
Note figure 8: Map of amateur paleontological organizations, Facebook likes, and Twitter followers.
"... Our research indicates that more than 60 amateur fossil clubs and societies exist in the USA, of which almost 40 have elected to be part of the FOSSIL network. Overarching goals of this program include enhanced collaborations between amateurs and professionals, knowledge-building about paleontology, access to resources for lifelong learning, and development a viable learning community of practice focused on topics of common and societal interest, such as collections (including digitization), evolution, climate change, and K-12 outreach ,,,"

The Maryland Geological Survey, USA.
Fossil, Rock, Gem and Mineral Clubs and Societies in the Greater Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area.

Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas. A lively non-commercial project (in German).
Go to: Fossilien / Fossils >
! Paläobotanik (fossile Pflanzen / fossil plants).
Ausstattung und Arbeitsmittel.

! MyFossil A community of amateur and professional paleontologists. Go to:
! Interactive map of Organizations and Societies in the USA.

Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging (NGV).
Websites en link.

Paläontologische Gesellschaft.
An association not only for German speaking palaeontologists. Go to:
! Sammlernetzwerke and "Ask a Scientist" (in German).
These expired links are now available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine. (provided by Reinhold R. Leinfelder).
This portal is a service developed for everyone interested in Palaeontology, Geology, Geobiology, Biodiversity and Anthropocene studies.

! The Paleontological Society.
The Paleontological Society is an international nonprofit organization devoted exclusively to the advancement of the science of paleontology.
Code of Fossil Collecting.

! The Paleontology Portal (produced by the University of California Museum of Paleontology et al.).
This site is a resource for anyone interested in paleontology, from the professional in the lab to the interested amateur scouting for fossils to the student in any classroom. Go to:
! Resources. A variety of resources including courses, field guides, legalities, methods, maps and publications.
Resources for the media. Links of interest to media professionals.

Schweizerische Vereinigung der Strahler, Mineralien- und Fossiliensammler (SVSMF), In German.
Sektionen Regional clubs).

! (in German).
See especially: For preserving the right to collect.
See also here and there.
Steinkern-Forum (in German).
Börsen, Ausstellungen, Events (in German).
! Sammlergruppen und Vereine (in German).

Trias Verein Thüringen e.V. (in German).
Trias Forum (in German).

UKAFH (UK Association of Fossil Hunters).
The UK Association of Fossil Hunters encourage everyone, of all ages, and all abilities, to enjoy learning and understanding geology and palaeontology.
Useful links.

UK Fossils.
UK Fossils features hundreds of fossil collecting locations in the UK, with geological guides and fossil hunting events. Go to:
! Directory of Societies.
Useful links.

! Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e.V. (in German).
! Vereine und Gruppen (in German).
Ausstellungen und Museen (in German).
Links zu interessanten Webseiten (in German).

Vestjysk Stenklub for amatørgeologer (in danish).
Links (in danish).

The Vug.
List of Rocks and Mineral Clubs across the United States.

Wikipedia, the fre encyclopedia:
Amateur geology.
! Fossil collecting.
Fossiliensammler (in German).

Wikipedia, the fre encyclopedia:
! Fossil trade.

Wikiversity: This is a Wikimedia Foundation project devoted to learning resources, learning projects, and research for use in all levels, types, and styles of education from pre-school to university. Go to:
Paleontology/External Resources.
Courses and Degrees.
! Paleontology resources.

Mineralien- und Fossilienfreunden Würzburg (in German).
Interessante Links.

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This index is compiled and maintained by Klaus-Peter Kelber, Würzburg,
Last updated Max October 22, 2023