Home /
Preservation & Taphonomy /
! S. Adl et al. (2010): Reconstructing the soil food web of a 100 million-year-old forest: The case of the mid-Cretaceous fossils in the amber of Charentes (SW France). PDF file, Soil Biology & Biochemistry. See also here.
S. Álvarez-Parra et al. (2024): Taphonomy and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of a new amber-bearing outcrop from the mid-Cretaceous of the Maestrazgo Basin (E Iberian Peninsula). In PDF, Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 39.
AmbarAzul, LLC:
Blue Amber.
This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
American Museum of Natural History, New York:
Amber: Window to the Past.
Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
An exhibit on some of the creatures that have been preserved in amber
(good quality images). See also:
Search result "amber".
! K.B. Anderson (2006): The nature and fate of natural resins in the geosphere. XII. Investigation of C-ring aromatic diterpenoids in Raritan amber by pyrolysis-GC-matrix isolation FTIR-MS. PDF file, Geochem Trans., 7: 2.
Arbeitskreis Bernstein
(Verein zur Förderung des Geologisch-Paläontologischen Museums
der Universität Hamburg). In German.
Worth checking out:
Amber of the month.
Volker Arnold, Museum of Prehistory in Dithmarschen at Heide, Germany:
A Perfect Fossil Trap.
Go to:
Pollen Grains Extracted from Oise Amber.
Websites outdated. Links lead to versions archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
! Volker Arnold, Museum of Prehistory in Dithmarschen at Heide, Germany: Amber: A Perfect Fossil Trap. Worth checking out: The Amber Dictionary from A-F , and The Amber Dictionary from G-Z. Superbly done! See also: Pollen Grains Extracted from Oise Amber.
BBC: Discovering the lost world of the amber forests. See also here.
G. Bechly (2012): An interesting new fossil relict damselfly (Odonata: Zygoptera: Coenagrionoidea) from Eocene Baltic amber. In PDF, Palaeodiversity, 5: 51-55.
S. Beurel et al (2024):
flower inclusion and fossil evidence of Cryptocarya (Laurales, Lauraceae) from Miocene amber
of Zhangpu (China). In PDF,
Fossil Record, 27: 111.
See likewise
and there.
"... We here described the first Cenozoic Lauraceae flower of Asia
and confirmed the presence of Cryptocarya in the Miocene Zhangpu flora
[...] We scanned the specimen using synchrotron radiation-based micro-computed tomography (SRìCT)
and then compared the fossil with extant flowers of the genus ..."
C. Bisulca et al. (2012):
in the Deterioration of Fossil Resins
and Implications for the Conservation
of Fossils in Amber. In PDF,
American Museum of Natural History.
see also
B.E. Boudinot et al. (2024): Et latet et lucet: Discoveries from the Phyletisches Museum amber and copal collection in Jena, Germany. In PDF, Dtsch. Entomol. Z., 71: 111176.
V. Bouju and V. Perrichot (2020): A review of amber and copal occurrences in Africa and their paleontological significance. Open access, Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 191.
G. Breton and G. Poinar (2020): Synopsis of rare fossil animal spermatozoa in amber and sedimentary deposits Free access, Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 191.
D.E.G. Briggs (2018):
the insects of the amber forest. Abstract,
PNAS, 115: 6525-6527.
See also
(in PDF).
MSc Palaeobiology Students, Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Bristol,
(the author´s name appears on the title page for each section):
Fossil Lagerstätten.
A catalogue of sites of exceptional fossil preservation. Go to:
Websites still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Leif Brost, Swedish Amber Museum, Höllviken: Missing inclusions. Among the missing pieces are very rare inclusions. See the "Frozen Dramas"-exhibition.
S.W. Carmichael (2019): Did Beetles Pollinate Ancient Plants? A review. Free access, MicroscopyToday, 27: 8-11
Robert Caspary (1906): Die Flora des Bernsteins und anderer fossiler Harze des ostpreussischen Tertiärs. Nach dem Nachlasse des Verstorbenen bearbeitet von Richard Klebs. In German.
Karen Chin (Nature 451, 1053;2008): Pest friends in the Cretaceous. Fossils preserved in amber hint at surprising links between dinosaurs and their insect contemporaries. Book review: What Bugged the Dinosaurs? Insects, Disease, and Death in the Cretaceous; by George Poinar, Jr & Roberta Poinar, Princeton University Press, 2008. 296 pp.
N.D.L. Clark and C. Daly (2010): Using confocal laser scanning microscopy to image trichome inclusions in amber. In PDF, Journal of Paleontological Techniques, 8: 1-7. See also here.
P. Cockx and R.C. McKellar (2024):
amber deposits: a review of taphonomy and palaeontological significance. Open access,
Evolving Earth, 2.
Note figure 1: Taphonomy of bonebed deposits and amber deposits.
D. Coty et al. (2014): The First Ant-Termite Syninclusion in Amber with CT-Scan Analysis of Taphonomy. Open access, PLoS ONE 9.
J. Dal Corso (2011):
Middle-Late Triassic d13Cplant trend and the carnian pluvial event C-isotope signature.
Ph.D. thesis, University of Padua. See also
Amber from the Triassic of the
Italian Alps.
Anders Leth Damgaard, Denmark:
www.Amber-inclusions.dk. Go to:
types and mines.
Different types of amber listed by contries and sorted" in order of their geological age.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
Also worth checking out:
The Treasure Chest.
J.D. Daza et al. (2016): Mid-Cretaceous amber fossils illuminate the past diversity of tropical lizards. In PDF, Science Advances, 2. See also here.
X. Delclos et al. (2023):
and the Cretaceous Resinous Interval. Free access,
Earth-Science Reviews, 243.
Note figure 2 (palaeogeographical maps): Distribution of resiniferous
forests based on known amber-bearing localities and known occurrences of potential coniferous resin-producing tree
families throughout the Cretaceous.
Figure 4: Oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) atmospheric composition, temperature, and Large
Igneous Province (LIP) activity throughout the Cretaceous.
"... Here we discuss the set of interrelated abiotic and biotic factors potentially involved in resin production
during that time. We name this period of mass resin production by conifers during the late Mesozoic, fundamental as an
archive of terrestrial life, the Cretaceous Resinous Interval (CREI) ..."
M. Dolezych et al. (2019):
of CretaceousPaleogene coniferous woods and their distribution in fossil Lagerstätten of the high
latitudes. PDF file,
in: Piepjohn K., Strauss J.V., Reinhardt L., McClelland W.C. (eds.),
Circum-arctic structural events: tectonic evolution of the arctic
margins and trans-arctic links with adjacent orogens. Boulder (CO).
See also
Note figure 3B: Fossil wood with a resin inclusion.
E. Estrada-Ruiz and F. Riquelme (2017): First fossil record of Hypnodontopsis (Bryopsida: Rhachitheciaceae) from the Americas. In PDF, Ameghiniana 54: 124131.
K. Feldberg et al. (2017): Problems related to the taxonomic placement of incompletely preserved amber fossils: transfer of the Paleogene liverwort Cylindrocolea dimorpha (Cephaloziellaceae) to the extant Odontoschisma sect. Iwatsukia (Cephaloziaceae). Free access, Fossil Record, 20: 147157.
Dario De Franceschi, Jean Dejax & Gaël De Ploëg,
Laboratoire de paléontologie, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris, France:
du pollen inclus dans l'ambre
[Sparnacien du Quesnoy (Oise), bassin de Paris] :
vers une nouvelle spécialité de la paléo-palynologie.
Abridged version about amber fragments from Le Quesnoy (Oise), yielding pollen.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
R.DeSalle et al. (1992): DNA sequences from a fossil termite in Oligo-Miocene amber and their phylogenetic implications. PDF file, Science, 257.
Hermann K. Dittrich, Mineraltown.com:
This expired link is still available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
J.A. Dunlop et al. (2012): A minute fossil phoretic mite recovered by phasecontrast X-ray computed tomography. In PDF, Biol. Lett., 8: 457-460.
E.M. Dunne et al. (2022):
law, and politics in palaeontological research: The case of Myanmar amber. Open access,
Communications Biology, 5.
"... we conduct a bibliometric analysis of Myanmar amber publications (19902021)
[...] An analysis of the authorship networks for publications on amber
inclusions reveals how current research practices have excluded Myanmar researchers from
the field. In addition, the international trade of Myanmar amber with fossil inclusions falls into
a legal grey-zone which continues to be exploited. ..."
E. Estrada-Ruiz and F. Riquelme (2017): First fossil record of Hypnodontopsis (Bryopsida: Rhachitheciaceae) from the Americas. In PDF, Ameghiniana 54: 124131. See also here.
K. Feldberg et al. (2017):
related to the taxonomic placement of incompletely
preserved amber fossils: transfer of the Paleogene liverwort
Cylindrocolea dimorpha (Cephaloziellaceae) to the extant
Odontoschisma sect. Iwatsukia (Cephaloziaceae). In PDF,
Foss. Rec., 20: 147157.
See likewise
K. Feldberg et al. (2013): Exploring the impact of fossil constraints on the divergence time estimates of derived liverworts. In PDF, Plant Syst. Evol., 299: 585-601. See also here.
T.C. Fischer et al. (2017): Amber from the Alpine Triassic of Lunz (Carnian, Austria): a classic palaeobotanical site. Abstract, Palaeontology.
G. Forte et al. (2022): Amber droplets in the southern alps (NE Italy): A link between their occurrences and main humid episodes in the Triassic. In PDF, Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 128. See also here.
V. Girard and S.M. Adl (2011): Amber microfossils: On the validity of species concept. Abstract, C. R. Palevol, 10: 189-200.
! V. Girard et al. (2011): Protist-like inclusions in amber, as evidenced by Charentes amber. In PDF, European journal of Protistology.
Gabriela del Pilar González (2014): Stable isotopic fingerprint of resins and ambers: validation of a novel paleoclimatic indicator. Thesis, in PDF, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
M. Grünemeier (2017):
just hyphae the amber mite Glaesacarus rhombeus as a forager on
hardened resin surfaces and a potential scavenger on trapped insects. In PDF,
Palaeodiversity, 10.
Note fig. 5: Illustration depicting the possible behaviour of Glaesacarus rhombeus on the bark of Pinus succinifera with a trapped spider.
C. Hartl et al. (2015): Lichen preservation in amber: morphology, ultrastructure, chemofossils, and taphonomic alteration. In PDF, Foss. Rec., 18: 127-135.
C. Haug et al. (2023):
in Myanmar amber demonstrate the diversity of anti-predator strategies of Cretaceous
holometabolan insect larvae. Open access,
iScience, 27. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.108621.
"... This overview demonstrates that already 100 million years ago many modern
strategies had already evolved in multiple lineages, but also reveals some cases of
now extinct strategies ..."
T. Hegna et al. (2013): Not Quite Frozen in Time: Windows into the Internal Taphonomy of Fossils in Amber via MicroCT-scan Technology. Abstract.
! J. Heinrichs et al. (2015): Molecular and Morphological Evidence Challenges the Records of the Extant Liverwort Ptilidium pulcherrimum in Eocene Baltic Amber. Open access, PLoS ONE 10: e0140977.
J. Heinrichs et al. (2012): The sporophyte of the Paleogene liverwort Frullania varians Caspary. In PDF, Fossil Record, 15: 115120.
J. Heinrichs et al. (2011):
Kaolakia borealis
nov. gen. et sp. (Porellales, Jungermanniopsida): A leafy liverwort
from the Cretaceous of Alaska. In PDF,
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 165: 235-240.
See also
L. Hernandez-Sandoval et al. (2023):
Nichima gen. nov.
(Alismataceae) based on reproductive structures from the Oligocene]Miocene of Mexico. Open access,
American Journal of Botany, 110.
Note figure 7: Fossil flower reconstructions and proposed inflorescence organization.
"... Two fossil flowers preserved in amber from the Miocene ..."
D. Hibbett et al. (1997): Fossil mushrooms from Miocene and Cretaceous ambers and the evolution of Homobasidiomycetes. Open access, American Journal of Botany, 84: 981-991.
G. Horváth et al. (2021):
did amber get its aquatic insects? Water-seeking polarotactic insects trapped by tree resin. Open
access, Historical Biology, 33: 46856.
"... The resin continues
to flow out of the trees even when fallen over or fractured in a storm. Our findings support and complement
an earlier hypothesis, according to which amber-preserved adult aquatic insects have been trapped by
resiny bark when they dispersed over land ..."
! G. Horváth et al. (2019): How did amber get its aquatic insects? Water-seeking polarotactic insects trapped by tree resin. Free access, Historical Biology, DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2019.1663843.
W. Huang et al. (2024):
First Macrofossil Record of Parasitic Plant Flowers from an Eocene Baltic Amber. Open access,
Helyon, 10.
"... we report a fossil corolla and stamens of a probable schoepfiaceous flower (Schoepfiaceae,
Santalales) from late Eocene (37.833.9 Ma ago) of Kaliningrad, Russia ..."
E. Kustatscher et al. (2019): Triassic macro- and microfloras of the Eastern Southern Alps. In PDF, Geo.Alp, 16.
C. Labandeira (2014):
PDF file.
In: Laflamme M, Schiffbauer JD, Darroch SAF, editors.
Reading and Writing of the Fossil record: Preservational Pathways to
Exceptional Fossilization, Paleontol. Soc. Pap., vol. 20: 163216. See also
Note fig. 7: Steps in the transformation of raw amber into collection items.
C.C. Labandeira (2014):
Table 1.
The twenty-five most significant amber deposits and their evolutionary phases. In PDF.
In chronological order, from youngest (top) to oldest (bottom). From:
"Amber". Pp. 163-215 in Reading and Writing of the Fossil Record: Preservational Pathways to Exceptional
Fossilization: Presented as a Paleontological Society Short Course at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society
of America, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 18, 2014 (LaFlamme, M., Schiffbauer, J. D. and Darroch, S. A. F.).
Paleontological Society.
M. Lak et al. (2008): Phase contrast X-ray synchrotron imaging: opening access to fossil inclusions in opaque amber. In PDF, Microsc. Microanal., 14, 251-259.
C.R. Levine et al.,
The Library Online Basic Orientation (LOBO) Project, NCSU Libraries, North Carolina State University, Raleigh:
Ancient DNA from Amber.
A bibliography.
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
! Ronald J. Litwin and Sidney R. Ash (1991): First early Mesozoic amber in the Western Hemisphere. Abstract, Geology, 19: 273-276.
Z.-J. Liu et al. (2018):
Core Eudicot Boom Registered
in Myanmar Amber. Open access,
Scientific Reportsvolume 8.
Note figure 5: Reconstruction of Lijinganthus revoluta.
Q. Liu et al. (2018): High niche diversity in Mesozoic pollinating lacewings. Open access, Nature Communications, 9: 3793.
X. Liu et al. (2018):
Mimesis in a Cretaceous Lacewing Larva. Open access,
Current Biology, 28: 1475-1481.
Note figure 3: Reconstruction of two larvae resting on liverworts.
E.J.T. Loewen et al. (2024):
Canadian amber deposit fills gap in fossil record near end-Cretaceous
mass extinction. In PDF, Current
Biology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.03.001.
as well.
"... we report a diverse amber assemblage from the Late Cretaceous
(67.04 ± 0.16 Ma) of the Big Muddy Badlands, Canada. The new deposit fills a critical 16-million-year gap in
the arthropod fossil record
Amber chemistry and stable isotopes suggest the amber was produced by coniferous
(Cupressaceae) trees in a subtropical swamp ..."
R.P. Lozano et al. (2020): Phloem sap in Cretaceous ambers as abundant double emulsions preserving organic and inorganic residues. In PDF, Scientific Reports, 10.
J. Luque et al. (2021): Crab in amber reveals an early colonization of nonmarine environments during the Cretaceous. Free access, Science Advances, 7.
! X. Martinez-Delclòs et al. (2004): Taphonomy of insects in carbonates and amber. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 203: 19-64. See also here.
A. Martín-González et al. (2009): Double fossilization in eukaryotic microorganisms from Lower Cretaceous amber. Open access, BMC Biol., 7.
! C. Mays et al. (2019): The botanical provenance and taphonomy of Late Cretaceous Chatham amber, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. In PDF, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 260: 1626. See also here.
C. Mays et al. (2017):
the limits of neutron tomography in palaeontology: Three-dimensional modelling of in situ resin
within fossil plants. Open access,
Palaeontologia Electronica, 20.3.57A: 1-12.
See also
"... This study demonstrates the feasibility of NT [neutron tomography]
as a means to differentiate chemically distinct organic compounds within fossils ..."
Mark R. Meyer, 3 Dot Studio: The Natural History of Amber. By navigating through these pages, you can sample a variety of amber-related photographs and information that should give you a glimpse into the fascinating realm of amber (with the breathtaking amber gallery and a FAQ).
J.D. Moreau and D. Néraudeau (2023):
and plants from the Upper Cretaceous of La Gripperie-Saint-Symphorien
(Charente-Maritime, Western France). Free access,
Comptes Rendus. Palevol, 22.
See also
J.-D. Moreau et al. (2017): 100-million-year-old conifer tissues from the mid-Cretaceous amber of Charente (western France) revealed by synchrotron microtomography. Free access, Annals of Botany, 119: 117128.
Palaeobotanical Research Group, Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms University, Münster, Germany.
History of Palaeozoic Forests,
Link list page with picture rankings. The links give the most direct connections to pictures available on the web.
Website outdated. The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
National Geographic News: Photo in the News: First Orchid Fossil Found in Amber. See also here (abstract, Nature).
Palanga Amber Museum, Lithuania: Amber Museums of the World.
J. Panczak et al. (2023):
in fossil resins and their palaeoecological significance. Open access,
Earth-Science Reviews, 242.
"... The biomarkers found in fossil resins were divided into compounds providing chemotaxonomic (botanical
biomarkers) and environmental information (other biomarkers). Botanical biomarkers provide high utility
in paleobotanical studies. The initial identification of a source tree, gymnosperm, or angiosperm is
possible, due to certain chemical patterns of these types. Moreover, in chemotaxonomic studies, the
restriction to more specific taxonomic levels, especially to the level of family, is usually possible ..."
! R. Pérez-de la Fuente et al. (2018): The hatching mechanism of 130-million-year-old insects: an association of neonates, egg shells and egg bursters in Lebanese amber. In PDF, Palaeontology, 2018, pp. 113. See also here (open access).
! D. Peris et al. (2017): False Blister Beetles and the Expansion of Gymnosperm-Insect Pollination Modes before Angiosperm Dominance. In PDF, Current Biology, 27. See also here.
V. Perrichot and V. Girard (2009): A unique piece of amber and the complexity of ancient forest ecosystems. PDF file, Palaios, 24: 137-139.
(in German, sponsored by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung):
aus der Urzeit
Insektenbestäubung doch keine Erfindung der Blütenpflanzen?
phys.org: Trapped in amber: Flower identified as new species. See also here (ScienceDaily).
! Garry Platt, UK, Amber Home: Index. All about amber! This web page has information on "Properties" and "Identifying True Amber", "Different Types of Amber, Copal and Resin", "Transformation - Resin into Amber", etc. Excellent!
! Garry Platt, Bob´s Rock Shop:
Identifying True Amber (Succinite).
A number of simple tests.
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
G. Poinar (2019): Associations between Fossil Beetles and Other Organisms. In PDF, Geosciences, 9. See also here.
George Poinar and Greg Poinar (2018):
antiquity of floral secretory tissues that provide todays fragrances. Abstract,
Historical Biology. See also:
schon Dinos Blumenduft?
Kreidezeitliche Blütenpflanzen könnten bereits Düfte produziert haben. In German,
G. Poinar et al. (2016): Fossil species of Boehmerieae Gaudich. (Urticaceae) in Dominican and Mexican amber: A new genus (Ekrixanthera) and two new species with anemophilous pollination by explosive pollen release, and possible lepidopteran herbivory. In PDF, Botany.
G. Poinar (2014): Evolutionary history of terrestrial pathogens and endoparasites as revealed in fossils and subfossils. In PDF, Advances in Biology. See also here (abstract).
G. Poinar Jr. (2011): Silica bodies in the Early Cretaceous Programinis laminatus (Angiospermae: Poales). In PDF, Palaeodiversity, 4: 1-6.
Poinar, G. O. Jr., Waggoner, B. M., and Bauer, U.-C. 1993: Earliest terrestrial protists and other microorganisms in Triassic amber. Science 259(5092): 222-224.
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS, a private,
nonprofit corporation, whose members are America´s public TV stations):
This is one of the highest rated science series on television and the
most watched documentary series on public television.
Go to:
Trapped in Amber.
A. Quinney et al. (2015): The Range of Bioinclusions and Pseudoinclusions Preserved in a New Turonian (~90 Ma) Amber Occurrence from Southern Australia. PLoS ONE 10.
L. Regalado et al. (2017): A fossil species of the enigmatic early polypod fern genus Cystodium (Cystodiaceae) in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. Scientific Reports, 7.
M. Reich et al. (2019): Faszination Bernstein. Momentaufnahmen aus einer vergangenen Zeit / Fascination Amber. Snapshots from the Distant Past. In PDF. About the the famous amber collection of Adolf Freiherr Bachofen von Echt (1864 1947). Munich Palaeontology Museum, Germany. See also here.
G Roghi et al. (2022):
Exceptionally Preserved Terrestrial Record of LIP Effects on Plants in the
Carnian (Upper Triassic) Amber-Bearing Section of the
Dolomites, Italy. In PDF,
Frontiers in Earth Science.
Note figure 1: Pangaean floristic subprovinces during the Late Triassic.
Fig. 6: Fossil plant remains and palynomorphs enclosed in the amber droplets.
! G. Roghi et al. (2017): Middle Triassic amber associated with voltzialean conifers from the Southern Alps of Italy. Abstract, Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 123: 193-202. See also here (in PDF).
Guido Roghi et al. (2014):
trip to Permo-Triassic Palaeobotanical and
Palynological sites of the Southern Alps. In PDF,
Geo.Alp, 11: 29-84.
Triassic amber drops on PDF page 71, concerning amber please take notice PDF page 72, 74.
Guido Roghi, Evelyn Kustatscher & Johanna H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert: Late Triassic plant fossils from north-eastern Italy. Abstract, Workshop on Permian - Triassic Paleobotany and Palynology, June 16-18, 2005; Natural Science Museum of South Tyrol, Bolzano, Italy. Some amber drops still attached to conifer shoots from the Triassic Dogna macroflora, Italy!
Andrew Ross and Jeremy Austin, The Natural History Museum, London: Nature online, Earth, Fossils, The search for DNA in amber (PDF file).
E.M. Sadowski and C.C. Hofmann (2023):
largest amber-preserved flower revisited. Open access,
Scientific Reports, 13.
Note also:
(by Katharina Menne, Spektrum.de; in German).
E.-M. Sadowski et al. (2021):
preparation and imaging of diverse ambers and their inclusions. In PDF,
Earth-Science Reviews, 220.
See also
Note figure 8: Simplified scheme guiding through the process of epoxy preparation.
Also of interest in this context:
Botschaften aus der Urzeit
(by Tamara Worzewski,
November 08, 2022, Spektrum.de, in German).
E.-M. Sadowski et al. (2017):
of the "Baltic amber forest" and
their palaeoecological significance. In PDF, Stapfia, 106.
See also
Note Fig. 1: Terminology of the stomata morphology.
J.P. Saint Martin and S. Saint Martin (2021): Amber, from deposit to inclusions: new data. Free access, Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 192.
! J.A. Santiago-Blay and J.B. Lambert (2017): Plant Exudates and Amber: Their Origin and Uses. In PDF, Arnoldia, 75: 2-13.
A.R. Schmidt et al. (2022):
in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. Open access,
Willdenowia, 52: 179245.
Breathtaking photographs showing mid-Cretaceous plant remains in
A.R. Schmidt et al. (2014): Amber fossils of sooty moulds. In PDF, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 200: 53-64.
A.R. Schmidt et al. (2012):
in amber from the Triassic Period. Free access,
PNAS, 109.
A.R. Schmidt et al. (2010):
African life captured in amber. PDF file,
PNAS, 107: 7329-7334.
This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
A.R. Schmidt and D.L. Dilcher (2007): Aquatic organisms as amber inclusions and examples from a modern swamp forest. Free access, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 104: 16581-16585.
A.R. Schmidt et al. (2007):
Fungi from Cretaceous Amber.
PDF file, Science, 2007: 1743.
See also
A.R. Schmidt et al. (2001): The Mesozoic amber of Schliersee (southern Germany) is Cretaceous in age. PDF file, Cretaceous Research, 22: 423-428.
H. Schneider et al. (2016): Burmese amber fossils bridge the gap in the Cretaceous record of polypod ferns. In PDF, Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 18: 7078. See also here (abstract).
Fabian Seredszus, University of Köln: Wasserinsekten des Baltischen Bernsteins unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Chironomiden. This thesis (PDF file, in German) deals with taphonomy, systematics and paleoecology of chironomid midges in Baltic amber.
L.J. Seyfullah et al. (2024):
of in situ resinous traces in Jurassic conifers from floras lacking amber. Free access,
Fossil Imprint, 80: 6876.
See likewise
"... We identified [...] resin traces in
leaves that were only visible via autofluorescence with UV light. These resinous traces
likely define the former position of resin
canals in the leaves, but the resin is not preserved as in situ rods. Instead, it
has impregnated the coalified mesophyll, likely
during fossilization, to form thin lines (chemical ghosts of preserved resin)
within the conifer leaf remains ..."
L.J. Seyfullah et al. (2018):
and preservation of resins past and present. Open access,
Biol. Rev., 93: 16841714.
Also of interest in this context:
Botschaften aus der Urzeit
(by Tamara Worzewski,
November 08, 2022, Spektrum.de, in German).
L.J. Seyfullah et al. (2018):
Carnian Pluvial Episode and the first global appearance of amber. Abstract,
Journal of the Geological Society, 175: 1012-1018.
Also of interest in this context:
Botschaften aus der Urzeit
(by Tamara Worzewski,
November 08, 2022, Spektrum.de, in German).
C. Shi et al. (2022):
Rhamnaceae with South African
affinities in Cretaceous Myanmar amber. In PDF,
Nature Plants, 8: 125135.
See also
"... We report the
discovery of two exquisitely preserved fossil flower species, one identical to the
inflorescences of the extant crown-eudicot
genus Phylica and the other recovered as a sister group to Phylica, both preserved as
inclusions together with burned plant
remains in Cretaceous amber from northern Myanmar (~99 million years ago) ..."
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See likewise
Note figure 8: Schema of the main taphonomic processes in their sedimentary context showing the three scenarios inferred of the fungal growth within
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"... both preserved as inclusions in Cretaceous amber from northern Myanmar (~99 Ma). These
specialized flower structures, named Phylica piloburmensis sp. nov.
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Worth checking out:
is Amber?
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See likewise
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"... It is rare to find aquatic organisms in amber, and it is extremely
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[...] The exceptional occurrence
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"To get the clear 3D structures, all images were taken by using
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