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Log Jams and Driftwood Accumulations

! Tim B. Abbe and David R. Montgomery (2003): Patterns and processes of wood debris accumulation in the Queets river basin, Washington. PDF file, Geomorphology, 51: 81-107.

! T.B. Abbe and D.R. Montgomery (1996): Large woody debris jams, channel hydraulics and habitat formation in large rivers. In PDF, Regulated Rivers Research & Management.

S. Abe and Y. Watanabe: Behaviour of driftwood in the Saru River during Typhoon No,10(Etau). In PDF.

R. Albert (2015): The Petrified Forest of Khorixas (Namibia). In PDf. See likewise here (PDF file, in German).

S.R. Ash and G.T. Creber (2000): The Late Triassic Araucarioxylon arizonicum trees of the Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA. In PDF.

J.A. Ballesteros-Cánovas et al. (2015): A review of flood records from tree rings. In PDF, Progress in Physical Geography. See also here.

! M.R. Bennett et al. (1996): Dropstones: their origin and significance. Abstract, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 121: 331-339. See also here (in PDF).

D. Bernoulli and P. Ulmer (2016): Dropstones in Rosso Ammonitico-facies pelagic sediments of the Southern Alps (southern Switzerland and northern Italy). Abstract, Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 109: 57–67.
Transportation of rocks by driftwood!

N. Boonchai et al. (2009): Paleontological parks and museums and prominent fossil sites in Thailand and their importance in the conservation of fossils. In PDF, Carnets de Géologie.
! Note figure 3 and 4: Petrified trunks with root plates.

C.A. Braudrick et al. (1997): Dynamics of wood transport in streams: a flume experiment. PDF file, Earth Surface Process and Landforms, 22: 669-683.
See likewise here.

Andrew P. Brooks et al. (2001): Putting the wood back into our rivers: An experiment in river rehabilitation. PDF file, Third Australian Stream Management Conference, Brisbane.

! C. Camporeale et al. (2013): Modeling the interactions between river morphodynamics and riparian vegetation. Reviews of Geophysics, 51. See also here (in PDF).

R.L. Capretz and R. Rohn (2013): Lower Permian stems as fluvial paleocurrent indicators of the Parnaíba Basin, northern Brazil. Abstract.

S.N. Césari et al. (2021): Nurse logs: An ecological strategy in a late Paleozoic forest from the southern Andean region. In PDF, Geology, 38: 295-298.
See also here.
"... Decaying logs on the forest floor can act as “nurse logs” for new seedlings, helping with the regeneration of the vegetation.
[...] Little rootlets preserved inside the wood of several specimens indicate that seedlings developed on these logs. ..."

S.N. Césari et al. (2010): Nurse logs: An ecological strategy in a late Paleozoic forest from the southern Andean region. Abstract, Geology, 38: 295-298. See also here (in PDF).

M. Church and R.I. Ferguson (2015): Morphodynamics: Rivers beyond steady state. Water Resour. Res., 51: 1883–1897.

Fred Clouter, Lower Eocene Fossils of the Isle of Sheppey: Fossil Trees & Logs. Teredo borings. Worth checking out:
! Two photographs of a freshly washed out tree section showing part of an oil rich Jurassic rock in the root system.

H.G. Coffin (1997): The Yellowstone petrified "forests". In PDF.
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

H.G. Coffin, Geoscience Research Institute, Loma Linda, CA: THE YELLOWSTONE PETRIFIED "FORESTS". All about the petrified forests of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Montana.
Website outdated, download a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! C.E. Colombi and J.T. Parrish (2008): Late Triassic Environmental Evolution in Southwestern Pangea: Plant Taphonomy of the Ischigualasto Formation. In PDF, Palaios, 23: 778–795.
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
See also here.

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. Hartford, CT: Large Woody Debris Fact Sheet. PDF file.
This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! D. Corenblit et al. (2024): Interactions between vegetation and river morphodynamics. Part I: Research clarifications and challenges. Free access, Earth-Science Reviews, 253.
Note figure 2: Conceptual model of river biogeomorphological dynamics as a complex adaptive system that has emerged and evolved following land colonization by plants in the Late Ordovician.
"... Riparian plants, capable of thriving within river corridors, both respond to and influence geomorphology
[...] we highlight key perspectives from a wide range of modern and ancient rivers of varied configuration in order to inform future studies of vegetation responses to, and effects on, river morphodynamics.

G. Correa et al. (2019): Systematics and taphonomy of fossil woods from a new locality in the Upper Triassic Carrizal Formation of the El Gigantillo area (Marayes-El Carrizal Basin), San Juan, Argentina. Abstract, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 90: 94-106. See also here (in PDF).

N.R. Cúneo et al. (1993): The Glossopteris flora from Antarctica: taphonomy and paleoecology. In PDF, Comptes Rendus, 2: 13-40.

A. Crisafulli et al. (2018): New gymnosperm wood fossils, a seed ovule structure, and a new generic affinity to Cedroxylon canoasense Rau from the Permian and Triassic Jurassic of southern Brazil. In PDF, Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 21: 47–62. See also here.
Note fig. 3: Fossil driftwood from the Caturrita Formation in the western area of central Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

A. Crisafulli et al. (2016): In-situ Late Triassic fossil conifer woods from the fluvial channel deposits of the Soturno River (Caturrita Formation, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). In PDF, Gaea, Journal of Geoscience, 9: 37-46.

! V.H. Dale et al. (2004): Effects of modern volcanic eruptions on vegetation. Google books. See also here.

! N.S. Davies et al. (2014) Cross-Bedded Woody Debris From A Pliocene Forested River System In the High Arctic: Beaufort Formation, Meighen Island, Canada. In PDF, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 84: 19-25.

! C.G. Diedrich (2009): A coelacanthid-rich site at Hasbergen (NW Germany): taphonomy and palaeoenvironment of a first systematic excavation in the Kupferschiefer (Upper Permian, Lopingian). In PDF, Palaeobio. Palaeoenv., 89: 67-94.
Mapped taphonomy of plants, invertebrates and fish vertebrates at six different planal levels on a 12 m2 area.

! N.S. Davies et al. (2014) Cross-Bedded Woody Debris From A Pliocene Forested River System In the High Arctic: Beaufort Formation, Meighen Island, Canada. In PDF, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 84: 19-25.

! N.S. Davies and M.R. Gibling (2013): The sedimentary record of Carboniferous rivers: Continuing influence of land plant evolution on alluvial processes and Palaeozoic ecosystems. In PDF, Earth-Science Reviews, 120: 40–79. See also here.
Note figure 14: Large woody debris within Devonian and Carboniferous alluvium.

Timothy M. Demko et al. (1998): Plant taphonomy in incised valleys: Implications for interpreting paleoclimate from fossil plants. Abstract, Geology, 26: 1119-1122. See also here (in PDF).

T.M. Demko (1995): Taphonomy of fossil plants in the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation. Dissertation, in PDF. Table of contents on PDF page 8; taphonomic studies of fossil plants introduction on PDF page 27.

P.J. de Schutter et al. (2023): An exceptional concentration of marine fossils associated with wood-fall in the Terhagen Member (Boom Formation; Schelle, Belgium), Rupelian of the southern North Sea Basin. Free access, Geologica Belgica, 26.
"... A large fragment of driftwood was discovered in the marine Terhagen Member (Boom Formation, NP23) at Schelle (Belgium), representing the first well-documented case of wood-fall in the Rupelian of the North Sea Basin ..."

W.A. DiMichele et al. (2015): Early Permian fossil floras from the red beds of Prehistoric Trackways National Monument, southern New Mexico. In PDF, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin, 65: 129-139. See also here.
! Note fig. 3 and 4: Large mats of Walchia branches encased in claystones.

M. Dolezych and L. Reinhardt (2020): First evidence for the conifer Pinus, as Pinuxylon selmeierianum sp. nov., during the Paleogene on Wootton Peninsula, northern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada. As well as here. In PDF, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 57: 25–39.
See also here.
Note fig. 2: Type locality and holotype trunk Pinuxylon selmeierianum.

M. Dolezych et al. (2019): Taxonomy of Cretaceous–Paleogene coniferous woods and their distribution in fossil Lagerstätten of the high latitudes. PDF file, in: Piepjohn K., Strauss J.V., Reinhardt L., McClelland W.C. (eds.), Circum-arctic structural events: tectonic evolution of the arctic margins and trans-arctic links with adjacent orogens. Boulder (CO).
See also here. Note figure 3B: Fossil wood with a resin inclusion.
Figure 10: Driftwood of Taxodioxylon vanderburghii.

S.L. Eggert et al. (2012): Storage and export of organic matter in a headwater stream: responses to long-term detrital manipulations. Free access, Ecosphere, 3: 1-25.
Note figure 1: Conceptual framework of predicted effects of reduction of leaf litter, small wood, and large wood.

H.J. Falcon-Lang (2005): Earliest mountain forests. Abstract. Geology Today, 21.
See fig. 3: A cordaite stump has been transported in an ancient river system from nearby mountains.

H.J. Falcon-Lang and A.R. Bashforth (2005): Morphology, anatomy, and upland ecology of large cordaitalean trees from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Newfoundland. PDF file, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 135: 223-243.
See Fig. 11: Whole plant reconstruction of a large cordaitalean tree.

Z. Feng et al. (2022): Nurse logs: A common seedling strategy in the Permian Cathaysian Flora. In PDF, iScience, 25.
See also here.
"... We report seven coniferous nurse logs from lowermost to uppermost Permian strata of northern China that have been colonized by conifer and sphenophyllalean roots. These roots are associated with two types of arthropod coprolites and fungal remains. ..."

David K. Ferguson, Department of Palaeontology, Geocentre, University of Vienna, Austria: Catastrophic events as a taphonomic window on plant communities. Abstract, International Plant Taphonomy Meeting Chemnitz, 2003.
Snapshot provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

L.C. Fermé et al. (2015): Tracing driftwood in archaeological contexts: experimental data and anthracological studies at the Orejas De Burro 1 Site (Patagonia, Argentina). Abstract, Archaeometry, 57: 175–193. See also here (in PDF).

! F.T. Fürsich et al. (2016): Event beds or condensed unit? Analysis of a wood-log concentration in the upper Jurassic of the Kachchh Basin, western India. Abstract, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
"The curious features of the Wood-Log Bed result from the interplay of flash floods, general sediment starvation, and the prevailing low oxygen conditions on the sea floor." See also here.

R.A. Gastaldo and T.M. Demko (2011): The relationship between continental landscape evolution and the plant-fossil record: long term hydrologic controls on preservation. In PDF, Taphonomy: 249-285.
See also here.

R.A. Gastaldo and C.W. Degges (2007): Sedimentology and paleontology of a Carboniferous log jam. PDF file, International Journal of Coal Geology, 69: 103-118.
See also here.

! R.A. Gastaldo (2004):The Relationship Between Bedform and Log Orientation in a Paleogene Fluvial Channel, Weißelster Basin, Germany: Implications for the Use of Coarse Woody Debris for Paleocurrent Analysis. PDF file, Palaios, 19: 587-597.
See likewise here.

R.A. Gastaldo (1990): The paleobotanical character of log assemblages necessary to differentiate blow-downs resulting from cyclonic winds. PDF file, Palaios, 5: 472-478.
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
See also here.

M.R. Gibling et al. (2014): Palaeozoic co-evolution of rivers and vegetation: a synthesis of current knowledge. In PDF, Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 125: 524–533. See also here.
Note fig. 2E: Log accumulation at base of braided-fluvial channel.
Note fig. 2F: Upright lycopsid tree, 1.5 m tall.

! M.R. Gibling and N.S. Davies (2012): Palaeozoic landscapes shaped by plant evolution. In PDF, Nature Geoscience, 5. See also here (abstract).

M.R. Gibling et al. (2010): Log Jams and Flood Sediment Buildup Caused Channel Abandonment and Avulsion in the Pennsylvanian of Atlantic Canada. In PDF,, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 80: 268-287.
See also here.
Note figure 9: Four stages in the filling, abandonment and reoccupation of channels.

! R.G. Gillespie et al. (2012): Long-distance dispersal: a framework for hypothesis testing. Free access, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27.
See likewise here (in PDF).

C.A. Góis-Marques et al. (2019): The loss of a unique palaeobotanical site in Terceira Island within the Azores UNESCO global geopark (Portugal). Free access, Geoheritage, 11: 1817-1825.

E. Murphy et al. (2020): Modelling Transport and Fate of Woody Debris in Coastal Waters. In PDF, Coastal Engineering Proceedings. See also here.

Greb, S.F., Eble, C.F., Chesnut, D.R., Jr., Phillips, T.L., and Hower, J.C.: An in situ occurrence of coal balls in the Amburgy coal bed, Pikeville Formation (Duckmantian), Central Appalachian Basin, U.S.A. Palaios, v. 14, p. 433-451; 1999. See also here (via wayback).

E.L. Gulbranson et al. (2020): When does large woody debris influence ancient rivers? Dendrochronology applications in the Permian and Triassic, Antarctica. Abstract, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 541.
See also here (in PDF).
Note figure 6C, D: In situ stumps.

A.M. Gurnell et al. (2016): A conceptual model of vegetation–hydrogeomorphology interactions within river corridors. In PDF, River Research and Applications, 32: 142–163. Special Issue: Hydrogeomorphology-Ecology Interactions in River Systems. See also here.

! A. Gurnell (2014): Plants as river system engineers. Abstract, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39. See also here (in PDF).

! A.M. Gurnell et al. (2012): Changing river channels: The roles of hydrological processes, plants and pioneer fluvial landforms in humid temperate, mixed load, gravel bed rivers. In PDF, Earth-Science Reviews, 111: 129-141. See also here.
Note fig. 4: Pioneer island initiated around a deposited tree that regenerates and trapping additional fine sediment and plant propagules.

! A.M. Gurnell et al. (2002): Large wood and fluvial processes. Freshwater Biology, 47: 601-619. See also here (abstract).
! Note fig. 5: Typology of large wood accumulations observed in large rivers from upland braided systems to meandering lowland ones.

! M.E. Harmon et al. (1986): Ecology of coarse woody debris in temperate ecosystems. In PDF, Advances in Ecological Research, 15: 133-302. See also here.

Urweltmuseum Hauff, Holzmaden. A driftwood from the Liassic, 12 m long, settled by crinoids.
! See also here (image hosted by

J.J. Hayward and B.W. Hayward (1995): Fossil forest preserved in volcanic ash and lava at Ihumatao and Takapuna, Auckland. In PDF, Tane, 35: 127–142.
See likewise here (in PDF).
Note Fig. 2: Lava mould of tree stumps preserved in-situ at Takapuna reef.

E.J. Hickin (1984): Vegetation and river channel dynamics. PDF file, Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien.
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

T.L. Hyatt and R.J. Naiman (2001): The residence time of large woody debris in the Queets River, Washington, USA. PDF file, Ecological Applications, 11: 191-202.
Website outdated. The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

A. Ielpi et al. (2022): The impact of vegetation on meandering rivers. In PDF, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 3: 165–178.
See also here.
! Note fig. 2: Graphical timeline summary of the main evolutionary and fluvial-geomorphic events that accompanied the Palaeozoic rise of land plants, with select plant types and their approximate first appearance.
! Fig. 4: Meandering rivers in barren and vegetated landscapes.

! A. Ielpi et al. (2014): Role of vegetation in shaping Early Pennsylvanian braided rivers: architecture of the Boss Point Formation, Atlantic Canada. In PDF, Sedimentology, 61: 1659–1700. See also here.
"... A large supply of woody debris triggered channel blockage and avulsion, and active channel margins and islands within the channel belts were initially colonized by pioneer vegetation and subsequently stabilized by large trees. ..."

N.A. Jud et al. (2018): A new fossil assemblage shows that large angiosperm trees grew in North America by the Turonian (Late Cretaceous). In PDF, Sci. Adv., 4: eaar8568.
"A large silicified log (maximum preserved diameter, 1.8 m; estimated height, ca. 50 m) is assigned to the genus Paraphyllanthoxylon; it is the largest known pre-Campanian angiosperm and the earliest documented occurrence of an angiosperm tree more than 1.0 m in diameter."

F.W. Junge et al. (2005): Ein Fenster in Landschaft und Vegetation vor 37 Millionen Jahren: Lithologische, sedimentgeochemische und paläobotanische Befunde aus einem Paläoflusssystem des Weißelsterbeckens. PDF file, in German. Mauritiana, 19: 185–273.
Many depictions of fossil tree logs.

! W.J. Junk et al. (1989): The flood pulse concept in river-floodplain systems. PDF file, in: Dodge, D.P. (ed.): Canadian special publication Fish. Aquat. Sci., 106: 110-127.

K.-P. Kelber (2007): Die Erhaltung und paläobiologische Bedeutung der fossilen Hölzer aus dem süddeutschen Keuper (Trias, Ladinium bis Rhätium) (PDF file, in German).- pp. 37-100; In: Schüßler, H. & Simon, T. (eds.): Aus Holz wird Stein - Kieselhölzer aus dem Keuper Frankens. See especially:
Driftwood from the germanotype middle Triassic (Ladinian), shown in fig. 1 (PDF page 4).

K.-P. Kelber et al. (1997): Exotische Kristallingerölle aus dem süddeutschen Schilfsandstein (Mittlerer Keuper, Trias). Exotic Crystalline Pebbles from the Schilfsandstein (Middle Keuper; Triassic) of Southern Germany. Abstract, N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abh., 206: 93-131.
See also here (in PDF).
! "... we regard a transportation of entrapped rocks within root structures of floating trees as the best explanation ..."

Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY:
Fossils of the Month. Go to:
! Fossil of the Month: Callixylon.
Note the illustration: Floating logs on today’s seas provide a habitat for a multitude of organisms.

! N. Kramer et al. (2017): The pulse of driftwood export from a very large forested river basin over multiple time scales, Slave River, Canada. In PDF, Water Resour. Res., 53: 1928–1947.

! N. Kramer (2016): Great river wood dynamics in Northern Canada. In PDF, Thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
See also here.

N. Kramer and E. Wohl (2016): Rules of the road: A qualitative and quantitative synthesis of large wood transport through drainage networks. In PDF, Geomorphology.

N. Kramer and E. Wohl (2015): Driftcretions: The legacy impacts of driftwood on shoreline morphology. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42. See also here (in PDF).

E. Kustatscher et al. (2013): Early Cretaceous araucarian driftwood from hemipelagic sediments of the Puez area, South Tyrol, Italy. Free access, Cretaceous research, 41: 270-276.
Note figure 2A: A polished transverse section with some teredinid molluscan borings.

E. Kyriazi (2022): Analytical Techniques and Observation Tools for the Diagnosis of the Pathology of in situ Fossil Forests. In PDF, Conservation 360º.
See also here.
! Note figure 2: The largest known petrified trees in the world.

E. Lavooi (2010): Origin of anastomosis, upper Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada. In PDF, MSc thesis, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University.
See also here.
Log jam created by poles capturing drift-wood on PDF page 36.

Y Liu and R.A. Gastaldo (1992): Characteristics and provenance of log-transported gravels in a Carboniferous channel deposit. PDF file, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 62: 1072-1083.
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
See also here.

U. Lombardo (2017): River logjams cause frequent large-scale forest die-off events in Southwestern Amazonia. In PDF, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss. See also here.

A Lucía et al. (2015): Dynamics of large wood during a flash flood in two mountain catchments. In PDF, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 1741–1755.

J.A. Luczaj et al. (2019): Comment on “Non-Mineralized Fossil Wood” by George E. Mustoe (Geosciences, 2018). Free access, Geosciences, 8.

! J.J. Major et al. (2012): After the disaster: The hydrogeomorphic, ecological, and biological responses to the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington. PDF file. In: O’Connor, J.E., Dorsey, R.J., and Madin, I.P., (eds.): Volcanoes to Vineyards: Geologic Field Trips through the Dynamic Landscape of the Pacific Northwest. Geological Society of America Field Guide 15: 111–134.

A.C. Mancuso and C.A. Marsicano (2008): Paleoenvironments and taphonomy of a Triassic lacustrine system (Los Rastros Formation, central-western Argentina). In PDF, Palaios, 23: 535–547. See also here. Note the fossil trunk in Fig. 5B.

L. Mao et al. (2020): The role of vegetation and large wood on the topographic characteristics of braided river systems. In PDF, Geomorphology, 367. See also here.

Y.I. Mandang and N. Kagemori (2004): A fossil wood of Dipterocarpaceae from Pliocene deposit in the west region of Java Island, Indonesia. In PDF, Biodiversitas, 5: 28-35.
! "The fossil trunk 28 m in length and 105 cm in diameter was buried in a tuffaceous sandstone layer".

! D.J. Martin and L.E. Benda (2001): Patterns of Instream Wood Recruitment and Transport at the Watershed Scale. PDF file, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 130: 940-958.
See also here.

! C. Maser et al. (1988): From the forest to the sea: a story of fallen trees. In PDF.

! P. Matysová et al. (2010): Alluvial and volcanic pathways to silicified plant stems (Upper Carboniferous-Triassic) and their taphonomic and palaeoenvironmental meaning. PDF file, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 292: 127-143.

Christine L. May and Robert E. Gresswell (2004): Spatial and temporal patterns of debris-flow deposition in the Oregon Coast Range, USA. PDF file, Geomorphology, 57: 135-149.

! C.L. May and R.E. Gresswell (2003): Processes and rates of sediment and wood accumulation in the headwater streams of the Oregon Coast Range, U.S.A. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 28: 409-424. See also here.
! Note figure 5: Conceptual illustration of the changes in channel morphology based on the time since the previous debris flow.

L.A. McGuire et al. (2024): Characteristics of debris-flow-prone watersheds and debris-flow-triggering rainstorms following the Tadpole Fire, New Mexico, USA. In PDF, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24: 1357–1379.
See also here.

A.D. Miall (1977): Lithofacies types and vertical profile models in braided river deposits: a summary. In PDF, Fluvial Sedimentology — Memoir 5: 597-604.
See also here.

! D.R. Montgomery and H. Piégay (2003): Wood in rivers: interactions with channel morphology and processes. In PDF, Geomorphology, 51: 1-5.

David R. Montgomery et al. (2003): Influence of debris flows and log jams on the location of pools and alluvial channel reaches, Oregon Coast Range. PDF file, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 115: 78-88. See also here (abstract).

D.R. Montgomery et al. (2003): Geomorphic Effects of Wood in Rivers. PDF file, American Fisheries Society Symposium, 2003.

E. Murphy et al. (2020): Modelling Transport and Fate of Woody Debris in Coastal Waters. In PDF, Coastal Engineering Proceedings. See also here.

! G.E. Mustoe (2018): Non-Mineralized Fossil Wood. Open access, Geosciences, 8.

G.E. Mustoe et al. (2019): Mineralogy of Eocene Fossil Wood from the “Blue Forest” Locality, Southwestern Wyoming, United States. Free access, Geosciences 2019, 9(1), 35;

R Neregato et al. (2015): New petrified calamitaleans from the Permian of the Parnaíba Basin, central-north Brazil. Part I. In PDF, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 215: 23-45. See also here.
Note fig. 2 (on PDF page 4): Schematic reconstruction of a channel, the marginal vegetation and the transport of some ferns during a flood event.

T. Okitsu et al. (2021): The Role of Large-Scale Bedforms in Driftwood Storage Mechanism in Rivers. Open access, Water, 13.

M.G. Passalia et al. (2023): The Valcheta Petrified Forest (Upper Cretaceous), northern Patagonia, Argentina: A geological and paleobotanical survey. In PDF, Journal of South American Earth Sciences.
See also here.

L. Pawlik et al. (2020): Impact of trees and forests on the Devonian landscape and weathering processes with implications to the global Earth's system properties - A critical review. In PDF, Earth-Science Reviews, 205. See also here.
Note fig. 3: Landscape reconstruction showing aluvial plain in small river delta with stands of Pseudosporochnus, up to 4 m high.

! M. Philippe et al. (2022): Life in the woods: Taphonomic evolution of a diverse saproxylic community within fossil woods from Upper Cretaceous submarine mass flow deposits (Mzamba Formation, southeast Africa). Gondwana Research, 109: 113–133. See also here.
Note fig. 5: Summary of the taphonomic pathways experienced by the Mzamba Formation fossil woods indicating the range of biotic interactions in various environmental settings.

L. Picco et al. (2017): Dynamics and ecology of wood in world rivers. Citation, Geomorphology, 279: 1–2.
Don´t miss the Editorial (in PDF).
! See especially here (extended abstracts, in PDF).

K. Piepjohn, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) Geozentrum Hannover:
Das Sammlungsobjekt des Quartals / des Monats (in German):
Nicht auf dem Holzweg: Treibholz aus Sibirien.
! Long distance transport of driftwood and entrapped rocks within root structures.

Geoffrey C. Poole (2002): Fluvial landscape ecology: addressing uniqueness within the river discontinuum. Abstract, Freshwater Biology, 47: 641-660.
See also here, and there.

Imogen Poole, Department of Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Utrecht University: TAPHONOMY & PRESERVATION OF WOOD. Research projects.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

Imogen Poole et al. (2001): Taphonomic observations from a tropical river system: Implications for fossil wood and propagule assemblages. Abstract, The 12th Plant Taphonomy Meeting was held in Altlengbach, Austria.
Snapshot provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

B.R. Pratt and J. van Heerde (2017): An arborescent lycopsid stem fragment from the Palliser Formation (Famennian) carbonate platform, southwestern Alberta, Canada, and its paleogeographic and paleoclimatic significance. In PDF, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 54: 141-145. See also here (abstract).

A. Radwanski (2009): "Phoenix szaferi" (palm fruitbodies) reinterpreted as traces of wood-boring teredinid bivalves from the Lower Oligocene (Rupelian) of the Tatra Mountains, Poland. PDF file, Acta Palaeobotanica, 49: 279-286.
See also here.

Robert Randell, British Chalk Fossils: Driftwood with Teredo borings.

F.K. Rengers et al. (2023): The influence of large woody debris on post-wildfire debris flow sediment storage- Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23: 2075–2088.
"... we explored new approaches to estimate debris flow velocity based on LWD [large woody debris] characteristics and the role of LWD in debris flow volume retention.

G.J. Retallack (1995): Permian and Triassic driftwood from the Allan Hills, Antarctica. PDF file, Antarctic Journal of the United States, 30.

G.M. Rex and A.C. Scott (1987): The sedimentology, palaeoecology and preservation of the Lower Carboniferous plant deposits at Pettycur, Fife, Scotland. Abstract, Geological Magazine.

F. Ricardi Branco et al. (2010): Accumulation of Bio Debris and Its Relation with the Underwater Environment in the Estuary of Itanhaém River, Sâo Paulo State. In PDF. See also here.

F. Ricardi-Branco et al. (2009): Plant Accumulations Along the Itanhaem River Basin, Southern Coast of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. PDF file, Palaios, 24: 416-424. See also here.

J.S. Richardson and R.J. Danehy (2007): A Synthesis of the Ecology of Headwater Streams and their Riparian Zones in Temperate Forests. In PDF, Forest Science.

! N. Robin et al. (2018): The oldest shipworms (Bivalvia, Pholadoidea, Teredinidae) preserved with soft parts (western France): insights into the fossil record and evolution of Pholadoidea. In PDF, Palaeontology, 61: 905-918. See also here.
"... We report, from mid-Cretaceous logs of the Envigne Valley, France, exceptionally preserved wood-boring bivalves with silicified soft parts
[...] we report both the molluscs’ anatomy and their distribution inside the wood (using computed tomography)..."

R. Rößler et al. 2012:
! Start on PDF page 213: Field trip 2: Petrified Forest of Chemnitz – A Snapshot of an Early Permian Ecosystem Preserved by Explosive Volcanism. In PDF, Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Terra Nostra.
Note fig. 4 (on PDF page 218): The interpretative drawing of the excavation Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf.

I. Schalko et al. (2016): Backwater rise due to driftwood accumulation. Poster, Interpraevent 2016.

F.-J. Scharfenberg et al. (2022): A possible terrestrial egg cluster in driftwood from the Lower Jurassic (Late Pliensbachian) of Buttenheim (Franconia, Germany). In PDF, Zitteliana, 96: 135–143.

J.W. Schneider et al. (2014): Part II. The Carboniferous-Permian basins in Saxony, Thuringia, and Saxony-Anhalt of East Germany. In PDF. See also here. Note fig. 51 (PDF page 13): Cordaixylon trunk with attached branches up to 3 m long as well as other gymnosperm trunks, one is still in situ standing.

! J.R. Sedell et al. (1988): What we know about large trees that fall into streams and rivers. In PDF.

A.R.T. Spencer and C. Strullu-Derrien (2017): Photogrammetry: preserving for future generations an important fossil site situated in Maine-et-Loire (France). Poster, in PDF.
Large 1–9m lycoposid stems and branches, rhizomes and leaves, preserved as carbonized adpressions or 3D mold/casts.

R. Spiekermann et al. (2018): A remarkable mass-assemblage of lycopsid remains from the Rio Bonito Formation, lower Permian of the Paraná Basin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In PDF, Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 98: 369–384. See also here.

M. Stuhr et al. (2025): Seagrass-rafted large benthic foraminifera transported into the deep Red Sea. In PDF, Scientific Reports, 15. See likewise here.
"... This indicates a passive transport process by rafting attached to floating macrophytes to these off-platform settings. The abundant seagrass and oceanographic conditions along the Arabian Peninsula may facilitate the transport of epiphytes and associated taxa offshore. Such long-distance transport mechanisms could further contribute to the rapid (co-)dispersal of some of these organisms into new habitats ..."

! F.J. Swanson et al. (2021): Reflections on the history of research on large wood in rivers. In PDF, Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, (2020).
See also here.

S.C. Sweetman and M. Goodyear (2020): A remarkable dropstone from the Wessex Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Barremian) of the Isle of Wight, southern England Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 131: 301-308. See also here (in PDF).
! "... A remarkably large, derived, metamorphic clast [...] is interpreted as a dropstone transported in tree roots ..."

! S.C. Sweetman and A.N. Insole (2010): The plant debris beds of the Early Cretaceous (Barremian) Wessex Formation of the Isle of Wight, southern England: their genesis and palaeontological significance. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 292: 409-424.

J. Szulc et al. (2015): Key aspects of the stratigraphy of the Upper Silesian middle Keuper, southern Poland. In PDF, Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 85: 557-586.
See fig 15 (PDF page 17): Triassic tree trunk in dark grey mudstones.

J. Szulc et al. (2015): Key aspects of the stratigraphy of the Upper Silesian middle Keuper, southern Poland. In PDF, Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 85: 557–586.
Please note Fig. 15A: A large tree trunk in dark grey mudstones.

E.L. Taylor and P.E. Ryberg (2007): Tree growth at polar latitudes based on fossil tree ring analysis. PDF file, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 255: 246-264.
Note Fig. 1: Large, permineralized trunk preserved in sandstone, Middle Triassic, Fremouw Peak (ca. 22 m long).
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

taz (a German newspaper; November 19, 2022): Versteinerte Welten:
„Wie ein Foto aus der Urzeit“ (in German).
Paläobotaniker interessieren sich für die urzeitliche Pflanzenwelt. Die Fossilien von Blättern und Stämmen liefern Einblicke in untergegangene Welten.

! M. Thiel and L. Gutow (2005): The ecology of rafting in the marine environment. II. The rafting organisms and community. In PDF, Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 43: 279-418. See also here.

! M. Thiel and L. Gutow (2005): The ecology of rafting in the marine environment. I. The floating substrata. Abstract. In: R.N. Gibson, R.J.A. Atkinson, and J.D.M. Gordon (eds.): Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 42: 181–264 (Taylor & Francis). See also here (in PDF).
Note PDF page 184: A tree of 5–6 m in length populated with numerous hydrozoans, goose barnacles, isopods, and caprellids.

A.G. Toja and C. Bonilla (2012), starting on PDF page 171: Transfer of the grand trunk fossil found in the Sierra Norte de Sevilla Geopark (Spain). In PDF, Proceedings of the 11th European Geoparks Conference. AGA – Associação Geoparque Arouca.

A. Tosal et al. (2022): Plant taphonomy and palaeoecology of Pennsylvanian wetlands from the Erillcastell Basin of the eastern Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 605.
See also here.
"... A specimen of C. undulatus (50 cm long and 5 cm wide) was found charred and in an upright position within a pyroclastic bed intercalated in these shales ..."
Note figure 6; Plant taphonomic features. See especially:
Figure 6C: Charred Calamites undulatus stem crossing an ignimbrite deposit.

! S. Trümper et al. (2020): Late Palaeozoic red beds elucidate fluvial architectures preserving large woody debris in the seasonal tropics of central Pangaea. In PDF, Sedimentology. Please take notice:
! The taphonomy and depositional environment of fossil wood, starting on PDF page 15: "Lithofacies associations containing abundant large woody debris".

! S. Trümper et al. (2018): Deciphering silicification pathways of fossil forests: Case studies from the late Paleozoic of Central Europe. Open access, Minerals, 8.
Note figure 10a (PDF page 15): Cross-cut of a log horizontally embedded in medium-grained sandstones.
Note figure 12b (PDF page 17): Permineralized Agathoxylon-type stem, encrusted completely by a stromatolite.

! USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver: Mount St. Helens, Washington.
May 18, 1980; Devastation Images. Photographs showing trees blown down.
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
! See also here.

Pim F. van Bergen & Imogen Poole (2001): Accounting for the relative absence of epiphytes and palms in fossil floras? - observations from the modern Peruvian Amazon Basin. Abstract, The 12th Plant Taphonomy Meeting was held in Altlengbach, Austria.
Now provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

Y.P. Veenma et al. (2023): Biogeomorphology of Ireland's oldest fossil forest: Plant-sediment and plant-animal interactions recorded in the Late Devonian Harrylock Formation, Co. Wexford. Free access, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 621.
Note figure 6, 7: Lignophyte root systems within the lower Sandeel Bay plant bed.
"... new evidence for early plant-sediment interactions from the Late Devonian (Famennian) Harrylock Formation (County Wexford, Ireland), which hosts standing trees that represent Ireland's earliest known fossil forest.
[...] Fossilized driftwood preserved in the lacustrine facies contains the earliest evidence for arthropod(?) borings in large vascular plant debris. Together these early examples show that plant-sediment and plant-animal interactions, frequently recorded in Carboniferous strata, were already in existence by the Devonian ..."

! M. Viney et al. (2017): The Bruneau Woodpile: A Miocene Phosphatized Fossil Wood Locality in Southwestern Idaho, USA. Open access, Geosciences, 7.
Note fig. 14: Streambank exposure reveals three successive lahar wood mats containing rough-surfaced fragments of mummified wood.

! X. Wang et al. (2009): The Triassic Guanling fossil Group - A key GeoPark from Barren Mountain, Guizhou Province, China. PDF file.
! Note figure 29: A colony of Traumatocrinus sp. attached by root cirri to an agatized piece of driftwood!
PDF still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Log Jam.
Treibholz (in German).
Large woody debris.

V. Wilde and W. Riegel (2022): A middle Eocene treefall pit and its filling: a microenvironmental study from the onset of a forest mire in the Geiseltal (Germany). Open access, Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 102: 237–251.
Note figure 10: Resin particles in palynological residue.

! C.J. Williams (2011): A Paleoecological Perspective on Wetland Restoration. In PDF, go to PDF page 67. In: B.A. LePage (ed.): Wetlands. Integrating Multidisciplinary Concepts.
See also here.
Note especially PDF page 77: "wood".

C.J. Williams et al. (2010): Fossil wood in coal-forming environments of the late Paleocene-early Eocene Chickaloon Formation. PDF file, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 295: 363-375.
Snapshot provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

M.M. Windell (2024): A Permian permineralised peat reveals high spatial and temporal variation in plant assemblage. In PDF. Degree Project in Physical Geography and Quaternary Geography, Stockholm University.
See here as well.
Note figure 10: Reconstruction of the rift-valley-bound mid-Permian forest swamp ecosystem of East Antarctica, at the beginning of autumn.

!Wohl et al. (2022): Why wood should move in rivers. Open access, River Res. Applic., 2023: 1–12.
"... We briefly review what is known about large wood mobility in river corridors
! [...] The diversity of decay states in stationary large wood in the active channel(s) [...] and in the floodplain ..."
Note figuere 1: Different modes of wood movement by colluvial and fluvial processes.

E. Wohl and A. Iroumé (2021): Introduction to the Wood in World Rivers special issue. In PDF, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

! E. Wohl et al. (2019): The Natural Wood Regime in Rivers. Free access, BioScience, 69: 259–273.
! Note figure 3: Hypothetical wood process domains along a river continuum.
"... The wood regime consists of wood recruitment, transport, and storage in river corridors. Each of these components can be characterized in terms of magnitude, frequency, rate, timing, duration, and mode ..."

E. Wohl (2017): Bridging the gaps: an overview of wood across time and space in diverse rivers. Abstract, Geomorphology, 279: 3–26.

! Ellen Wohl, Colorado State University: Bridging the Gaps: Wood Across Time & Space in Diverse Rivers. In PDF.

E. Wohl and D.N. Scott (2017): Wood and sediment storage and dynamics in river corridors. In PDF, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42: 5–23.

! E. Wohl (2013): Floodplains and wood. Abstract, Earth-Science Reviews, 123: 194–212.

E. Wohl et al. (2009): Episodic wood loading in a mountainous neotropical watershed. PDF file, Geomorphology, 111: 149-159.

See likewise here.

J. Zeng et al. (2022): Storms and deforestation prior to Triassic–Jurassic Boundary? Evidence from woody fossils at upmost Xujiahe Formation, Southwestern China. Open acces, Preprint.

! K. Zhao et al. (2022): A review on bank retreat: Mechanisms, observations, and modeling. Open access, Reviews of Geophysics, 60, e2021RG000761.

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