Home /
Introductions to both Fossil and Recent Plant Taxa /
! P. Aguado-Ramsay et al. (2023): Seeking the identity of an enigmatic moss by embracing phylogenomics. Free access, Journal of Systematics and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.13040.
L.D. Alcaraz et al. (2018): Marchantia liverworts as a proxy to plants’ basal microbiomes. Open access, Scientific Reports, 8.
N. Anantaprayoon et al. (2024): Evolution of the most species-rich family of simple thalloid liverworts (Aneuraceae): a time-calibrated perspective into its evolutionary history and diversification. In PDF, https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2514207/v1.
! Australian National Botanic Gardens and Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research, Canberra: Bryophytes - the world of hornworts, liverworts and mosses.
V.A. Bakalin and S.S. Choi (2023): The Type Specimens of Plectocolea and Solenostoma (Marchantiophyta) in Some Japanese and European Herbaria. Open access, Plants, 12, 3935. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12233935.
R.S. Barclay et al. (2013):
methods reveal oldest known fossil epiphyllous moss:
Bryiidites utahensis gen. et sp. nov.(Bryidae). In PDF,
American Journal of Botany, 100: 2450-2457.
Using the zstacking
software package Automontage (Syncroscopy, Cambridge, UK).
J. Bechteler et al. (2023):
phylogenomic time tree of bryophytes reveals deep relationships and uncovers gene incongruences in the last 500 million years of diversification. Free access,
American Journal of Botany, https://doi.org/10.1002/ajb2.16249.
"... The phylogeny resolves many relationships across the bryophytes, enabling us to resurrect five liverwort orders and recognize three more, and propose ten new orders of mosses. Most orders originated in the Jurassic and diversified in the Cretaceous or later ..."
Michael Becker:
(in German).
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Museum of Paleontology (UCMP), University of California, Berkeley: Introduction to the Bryophyta.
M.I. Bidartondo et al. (2011): The dawn of symbiosis between plants and fungi. In PDF, Biology Letters. See also here.
! Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands (by Michael Lueth, Freiburg, Germany). Habitat and bryophyte photographs. Excellent!
This is a comprehensive discussion publishing site specially developed for school and college students,
teachers, and learners.
Go to:
of 4 Important Fossil Brophytes.
A.C. Bippus et al. (2022):
Role of Paleontological Data in Bryophyte Systematics. Abstract,
Journal of Experimental Botany.
"... Paucity of the bryophyte fossil record, driven primarily by phenotypic
(small plant size) and ecological constraints (patchy substrate-hugging populations), and
incomplete exploration, results in many morphologically isolated, taxonomically
ambiguous fossil taxa. Nevertheless, instances of exquisite preservation and pioneering
studies demonstrate the feasibility of including bryophyte fossils in
evolutionary inference. ..."
A.C. Bippus (2022):
Mesozoic Moss Gametophytes and their Implications for Bryophyte Evolution. In PDF,
Dissertation (abstract), Oregon State University.
See also
A.C. Bippus (2018): Extending the fossil record of the Polytrichaceae (Bryophyta): insights from the early Cretaceous of Vancouver Island, Canada. In PDF, thesis, Humboldt State University, Arcata, Canada. See also here.
A.C. Bippus et al. (2017): Extending the fossil record of Polytrichaceae: Early Cretaceous Meantoinea alophosioides gen. et sp. nov., permineralized gametophytes with gemma cups from Vancouver Island. In PDF, American Journal of Botany, 104: 584–597. See also here.
B. Bomfleur et al. (2023):
mosses from the Early Cretaceous Catefica mesofossil flora, Portugal–a window into the Mesozoic history
of Bryophytes. In PDF,
Fossil Imprint, 79: 103–125.
See likewise
"... A diverse assemblage of mosses from the Early Cretaceous Catefica mesofossil flora, Portugal, is described based on
fragments of charcoalified and lignitized gametophytes and a single spore capsule ..."
B. Bomfleur et al. (2014): Diverse bryophyte mesofossils from the Triassic of Antarctica. In PDF, see also here.
J.L. Bowman et al. (2022):
renaissance and enlightenment of Marchantia as a model system. Free access,
The Plant Cell, 34: 3512–3542.
Worth checking out:
Note fig. 1: Phylogenetic history of Marchantia plotted against the geologic timescale.
Figure 2. Life cycle of Marchantia polymorpha.
J.L. Bowman et al. (2017): Insights into Land Plant Evolution Garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha Genome. Abstract, Cell, 171: 287-304. See also here (in PDF).
Jamie Boyer, The
New York Botanical Garden:
is Paleobotany?. Also worth checking out:
Evolution & Paleobotany.
An educational resource for students and teachers studying Earth's history, fossils, and evolution.
Go to:
Short-Course. Lecture notes.
Overview; Life moves to land.
of Seed Plants.
of flowering plants.
The British Bryological Society:
is a bryophyte?
Bryological Journals.
A link directory to
journals devoted specifically to bryophytes (sometimes also including lichens) (34 journals),
journals with a regular bryological content (16 journals), and to
'Extinct' bryological journals (31 journals).
World Wide Bryology.
Links to other sites.
W.R. Buck et al. (2012): Recent literature on bryophytes—115(3). The Bryologist, 115.
D.A. Callaghan et al. (2022):
survival of bryophytes underground: an investigation of the
diaspore bank of Physcomitrium eurystomum Sendtn. In PDF,
Journal of Bryology, DOI: 10.1080/03736687.2022.2151857.
See also
"... Undisturbed soil cores of 40 cm depth were collected from Langmere, Norfolk, UK,
and were split into investigated sediment layers of 1 cm depth.
[...] Viable diaspores of Physcomitrium eurystomum frequently
occurred in sediment layers that were at least 100 years old and continued to occur in
much lower layers that were probably several hundred years old.
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale:
Website outdated. The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
C.M. Sean Carrington:
Snapshot provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
J.W. Clark (2025):
the picture of stomatal evolution. Free accesss,
New Phytologist, 245: 6-8.
Note figure 1: Predicted distribution of stomata on the gametophyte and sporophyte
generation across land plants, assuming that Hornwort Gametophytic Pores (HGPs) are
homologous to stomata.
"... The origin of plants from an algal ancestor involved a suite of innovations that
facilitated the process of terrestrialisation and characterised most plants today ,,,"
! Michael Clayton, Department of Botany,
University of Wisconsin, Madison:
Plant Teaching Collection.
Some image collections. Excellent! Go to:
C. Cardona-Correa et al. (2016): Peat Moss–Like Vegetative Remains from Ordovician Carbonates. Free access, International Journal of Plant Sciences, 177: 523-538.
B.J. Crandall-Stotler and
S.E. Bartholomew-Began (2007):
of Mosses (Phylum Bryophyta). In PDF. Excellent!
In: Flora of North
America Editorial Committee (eds): Flora of North America
North of Mexico. Volume 27: Bryopsida: Mosses, Part 1, 3–13
pp. Oxford University Press, New York.
This expired link
is available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
P.M. Delaux and S. Schornack (2021):
evolution driven by interactions with symbiotic and pathogenic microbes. In PDF,
Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 371 (6531),
pp.eaba6605. ff10.1126/science.aba6605ff. ffhal-03327916ff.
See also
"... Delaux and Schornack review how insights from a range of plant and algal genomes
reveal sustained use through evolution of ancient gene modules as well as emergence
of lineage-specific specializations. Mosses, liverworts, and hornworts have
layered innovation onto existing pathways to build new microbial interactions. ..."
P.M. Delaux et al. (2019):
trait evolution in plant evo–devo studies. Free access,
Current Biology, 29: R1110-R1118.
"... we summarize a subset of the different aspects of
plant evolutionary biology, provide a guide for structuring comparative biology
approaches and discuss the pitfalls that (plant) researchers should avoid when
embarking on such studies ..."
C. DeLavoi: Bryology. Beautiful photographs.
C.F. Delwiche et al. (2017):
Plant Model Systems Branch Out. In PDF,
Cell, 171.
"Liverworts may be the sister taxon to all other land
plants, and the genome shows features that illuminate the ancestor of all land plants and give insights
into how plant systems function and evolved".
Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung (in German): Moose – vielversprechend und enttäuschend.
D. Edwards (2000): The role of Mid-Palaeozoic mesofossils in the detection of early bryophytes. In PDF, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
K. Feldberg et al. (2025):
the fossil record of Miocene neotropical epiphyte communities. In PDF,
Fossil Record, 28: 79–102.
See here
as well.
"... Dominican amber (15–20 Ma) and Mexican amber (15–23 Ma) are valuable sources of
fossil epiphytic bryophytes, ferns, and lichens
[...] In this study, we extend the fossil record of these communities ..."
! K. Feldberg et al. (2021): Checklist of fossil liverworts suitable for calibrating phylogenetic reconstructions. Open access, Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution, 43.
K. Feldberg et al. (2017): Problems related to the taxonomic placement of incompletely preserved amber fossils: transfer of the Paleogene liverwort Cylindrocolea dimorpha (Cephaloziellaceae) to the extant Odontoschisma sect. Iwatsukia (Cephaloziaceae). Free access, Fossil Record, 20: 147–157.
K. Feldberg et al. (2013): Exploring the impact of fossil constraints on the divergence time estimates of derived liverworts. Free access, Plant Syst. Evol., 299: 585-601.
B.J. Fletcher et al. (2008):
carbon dioxide linked with Mesozoic and early Cenozoic climate change. In PDF,
Nat. Geosci., 1: 43-48.
See also
B.J. Fletcher et al. (2005): Fossil bryophytes as recorders of ancient CO2 levels: Experimental evidence and a Cretaceous case study. Free access, Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
J.R. Flores et al. (2023):
the evolution of the complex thalloid liverworts (Marchantiopsida): total-evidence dating analysis
supports a Late Silurian-Early Devonian origin and post-Mesozoic morphological stasis. In PDF,
New Phytologist,
doi: 10.1111/nph.19254.
See also
"... Phylogenetic analyses were performed on a combined dataset of 130 discrete characters
and 11 molecular markers
[...] Total-evidence dating analyses support the radiation of Marchantiopsida during Late
Silurian-Early Devonian (or Middle Ordovician when the outgroup is excluded) and that of
Ricciaceae in the Middle Jurassic ..."
J.R. Flores et al. (2017): Combined phylogenetic analysis of the subclass Marchantiidae (Marchantiophyta): towards a robustly diagnosed classification. Abstract, Cladistics, 1–25. See also here or there (in PDF).
J.P. Fortin and W.E. Friedman (2025): A stomate by any other name? The open question of hornwort gametophytic pores, their homology, and implications for the evolution of stomates. Free access, New Phytologist, 245: 40-48.
L.L. Forrest et al. (2006): Unraveling the evolutionary history of the liverworts (Marchantiophyta): multiple taxa, genomes and analyses. Abstract, The Bryologist, 109: 303-334.
J.P. Fortin and W.E. Friedman (2024):
stomate by any other name? The open question of hornwort gametophytic pores, their
homology, and implications for the evolution of stomates. Free access,
New Phytologist.
"... We explore the occurrence and diverse functions of
stomates throughout the evolutionary history and diversity of
extinct and extant embryophytes. We then address arguments for
and against homology between known sporophyte- and
gametophyte-borne stomates and HGPs [hornwort
gametophytic pores] and conclude that there
is little to no evidence that contradicts the hypothesis of homology ..."
Fossil Hunters (by Dennis Larson):
Fossil Plants.
(September 06, 2018).
E. Frangedakis et al. (2023): What can hornworts teach us? Open access, Front. Plant Sci., 14:1108027. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1108027
E. Frangedakis et al. (2021): The hornworts: morphology, evolution and development. Open access, New Phytologist, 229: 735-754.
A.O. Frolov et al. (2022): The first discovery of mosses (Bryopsida) in the Lower Jurassic of Eastern Siberia. Open access, Journal of Palaeosciences, 71.
Anthony G. Futcher, Columbia Union College, Maryland:
Plant Diversity.
A lot of facts about plant groups, fungi, plant-like protists,
and monerans, including taxonomy, life cycles, general structure, and
representative genera. Go to:
Bryophyta - Liverworts, Hornworts and Mosses.
Still available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
P. Gerrienne et al. (2022):
Evidence of Land Plants in Brazil.
In PDF, In: Iannuzzi, R., Rößler, R., Kunzmann, L. (eds.): Brazilian Paleofloras. Springer.
See also
Note. fig. 3: Suggested life cycle of an early vascular plant from the early
Devonian Rhynie Chert.
Fig. 4b: Suggested reconstruction of Cooksonia paranensis.
Fig. 5: Suggested life cycle of Cooksonia paranensis.
! J.M. Glime (2017): Adaptive Strategies: Spore Dispersal Vectors. Chapt. 4-9. In: Glime, J. M. Bryophyte Ecology. Volume 1. 4-9-1 Physiological Ecology. Ebook sponsored by Michigan Technological University and the International Association of Bryologists. Last updated 6 March 2017. See also here.
! J.M. Glime (2013): Meet the Bryophytes. In PDF, Chapt. 2-1. In: Glime, J. M. Bryophyte Ecology. Volume 1. Physiological Ecology. Ebook 2-1-1 sponsored by Michigan Technological University and the International Association of Bryologists.
! J.M. Glime (2007): Bryophyte Ecology. Ebook sponsored by Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological University and the International Association of Bryologists. Excellent!
L.E. Graham et al. (2010):
physiological, and stable carbon isotopic evidence that
the enigmatic Paleozoic fossil Prototaxites formed from rolled liverwort mats. In PDF,
American Journal of Botany, 97: 268-275.
See also:
T.N. Taylor et al. (2010):
enigmatic Devonian fossil Prototaxites is not a rolled-up liverwort mat:
Comment on the paper by Graham et al.(AJB 97: 268-275). In PDF. See also:
L.E. Graham et al. (2010):
liverwort mats explain major Prototaxites features: Response
to commentaries.
L.E. Graham et al. (2004): Resistant tissues of modern marchantioid liverworts resemble enigmatic Early Paleozoic microfossils. In PDF, PNAS, 101: 11025-11029.
Tomas Hallingbäck and Nick Hodgetts (2000),
Bryophyte Specialist Group
(International Union for Conservation of Nature):
Liverworts and Hornworts. In PDF, 11 MB.
As well as the threats and importance of
bryophytes, this document explains their habitats and
classification details.
Slow download. Snapshots provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Botanik Online, Hamburg: Bryophyta (Moose) (in German). Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
L. Han et al. (2021): Liverwort fossils from the Late Triassic of Baiyin City, Gansu Province, and their geological significance. In PDF, Palaeoworld. See also here.
B.J. Harris et al. (2021):
evolutionary trajectories of bryophytes and tracheophytes from a complex common
ancestor of land plants.
bioRxiv, see also
Note figure 3: The timescale of land plant evolution.
"... Here we investigate the evolution of the land plants (embryophytes) and their two main lineages, the
tracheophytes (vascular plants) and bryophytes (non-vascular plants).
[...] extant tracheophytes and bryophytes are both highly derived; as a result, understanding the origin of
land plants requires tracing character evolution across the diversity of modern lineages.
B.J. Harris et al. (2020):
evidence for the monophyly of bryophytes and the reductive evolution of stomata: Free access,
Current Biology, 30: 2001-2012.
"... Our analyses recover bryophyte
monophyly and demonstrate that the guard cell toolkit is more ancient than
has been appreciated previously.
[...] the first embryophytes
possessed stomata that were more sophisticated than previously envisioned and that the stomata of bryophytes
have undergone reductive evolution, including their complete loss from liverworts ..."
! J. Heinrichs et al. (2015): Molecular and Morphological Evidence Challenges the Records of the Extant Liverwort Ptilidium pulcherrimum in Eocene Baltic Amber. Open access, PLoS ONE 10: e0140977.
J. Heinrichs et al. (2014): A Jurassic moss from Northeast China with preserved sporophytes. In PDF, see also here.
J. Heinrichs et al. (2012): The sporophyte of the Paleogene liverwort Frullania varians Caspary. In PDF, Fossil Record, 15: 115–120.
J. Heinrichs et al. (2011):
Kaolakia borealis
nov. gen. et sp. (Porellales, Jungermanniopsida): A leafy liverwort
from the Cretaceous of Alaska. In PDF,
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 165: 235-240.
See also
! J. Heinrichs et al. (2007): Evolution of leafy liverworts (Jungermanniidae, Marchantiophyta): estimating divergence times from chloroplast DNA sequences using penalized likelihood with integrated fossil evidence. Abstract, Taxon, 56: 31–44. See also here (in PDF).
Rolf Holderegger and Ariel Bergamini, Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt WSL,
Biodiversität & Naturschutzbiologie (ETH Zürich):
der Moose und Farne,
Lecture notes (in German).
M. Hübers and H. Kerp (2012):
Oldest known mosses discovered in
Mississippian (late Visean) strata of Germany. In PDF,
Geology, 40: 755–758.
See also
! M.S. Ignatov et al. (2024): How to Recognize Mosses from Extant Groups among Paleozoic and Mesozoic Fossils. Open access, Diversity, 16. https://doi.org/10.3390/d16100622.
! M.S. Ignatov and E.V. Maslova (2021): Fossil mosses: What do they tell us about moss evolution? Open access, Bry. Div. Evo., 43.
M. S. Ignatov et al. (2012): New Bryokhutuliinia species (Bryophyta) with sporophytes from the Upper Jurassic of Transbaikalia. In PDF, Arctoa, 21: 69-78.
J.A. Janssens (2014): Field Guide to Mosses and Liverworts of Minnesota's Calcareous Fens. In PDF.
Joannes A. Janssens, Minnesota Ground Water Association:
to Bryology. Powerpoint presentation. See also
Snapshot provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
J.A. Janssens (1990): Methods in Quaternary Ecology 11. Bryophytes. In PDF, Geoscience Canada, 17.
T. Katagiri and A. Hagborg (2015): Validation of ordinal and family names for a Triassic fossil liverwort, Naiadita. (Naiaditaceae, Marchantiopsida). In PDF, Phytotaxa, 222: 165-166.
! K.-P. Kelber (2019): Naiadita lanceolata (Marchantiophyta) from the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) of Germany: a new reconstruction attempt and considerations on taphonomy. Abstract, PalZ, 93: 499-515.
Michael Knee, Ohio State University: The Bryophyta. A version archived by Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
A.S Konopka, P.S. Herendeen and P.R. Crane (1998):
and gametophytes of Dicranaceae from the Santonian (Late Cretaceous) of Georgia,
USA. American Journal of Botany, 85.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
D.S. Kopylov et al. (2020):
Khasurty Fossil Insect Lagerstätte. In PDF,
Paleontological Journal, 54: 1221–1394. See also
Worth checking out:
Starting on page 1350 (PDF page 130): Bryophyta and Marchantiophyta.
Mosses and Liverworts
(by Y.S. Mamontov and M.S. Ignatov).
Starting on page 1364 (PDF page 144):
Trachaeophyta. Vascular Plants
(by N.V. Bazhenova).
Ari Kornfeld, Natural Perspective: The Plant Kingdom, Mosses and Allies. Snapshot taken by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
J. Kowal et al. (2018): From rhizoids to roots? Experimental evidence of mutualism between liverworts and ascomycete fungi. In PDF, Annals Of Botany, 121: 221-227. See also here.
Valentin A. Krassilov (1987): Palaeobotany of the mesophyticum: state of the art. In PDF, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 50: 231-254. A version archived by Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Shawn Krosnick and Kevin E. Indoe, The New York Botanical Garden: What is a bryophyte anyway?
C.C. Labandeira et al. (2014): Middle Devonian liverwort herbivory and antiherbivore defence. In PDF, New Phytologist, 202: 247–258. See also here.W.S. Lacey (1969): Fossil bryophytes. Abstract, Biological Reviews.
B. Laenen et al. (2016):
range in liverworts: does sex really matter? In PDF, Journal of Biogeography,
43: 627–635. See also
"... Our results challenge the long-held notion that spores, and not vegetative propagules, are involved
in long-distance dispersal. Asexual reproduction seems to play a major role in shaping the global
distribution patterns of liverworts ..."
! B. Laenen et al. (2014): Extant diversity of bryophytes emerged from successive post-Mesozoic diversification bursts. In PDF. See also here (abstract).
R. Li et al. (2019): Ricciopsis sandaolingensis sp. nov., a new fossil bryophyte from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation in the Turpan-Hami Basin, Xinjiang, Northwest China. In PDF, Palaeontologia Electronica, 22.2.42A 1-11. https://doi.org/10.26879/917. See also here.
R. Li et al. (2014): Marchantites huolinhensis sp. nov. (Marchantiales) - A new fossil liverwort with gemma cups from the Lower Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia, China. In PDF, Cretaceous Research, 50: 16-26.
! R. Ligrone et al. (2012): Major transitions in the evolution of early land plants: a bryological perspective. Free access, Annals of botany, 109: 851–871.
Biological Sciences, Ohio State University, Lima:
Biology at OSU Lima.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
X. Liu et al. (2018):
Mimesis in a Cretaceous Lacewing Larva. Open access,
Current Biology, 28: 1475-1481.
Note figure 3: Reconstruction of two larvae resting on liverworts.
Y.S. Mamontov and M.S. Ignatov (2019): How to rely on the unreliable: Examples from Mesozoic bryophytes of Transbaikalia. In PDF, Journal of Systematics and Evolution. See also here.
E.V. Maslova et al. (2012): On the leaf development in Palaeozoic mosses of the order Protosphagnales. In PDF, Arctoa, 21: 241-264.
D. Mauquoy et al. (2010):
protocol for plant macrofossil analysis of peat deposits. PDF file,
Mires and Peat, 7.
Website outdated. The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
S. McLoughlin and C. Strullu-Derrien (2015):
and palaeoenvironment of a high middle-latitude Late Triassic
peat-forming ecosystem from Hopen, Svalbard archipelago. PDF file, in:
Kear B.P. et al. (eds): Mesozoic Biotas of Scandinavia and its Arctic Territories.
Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub., 434: 87–112.
See also
Permineralized bryophyte sporangium!
S.A.M. McAdam et al. (2021): Stomata: the holey grail of plant evolution. In PDF, Am. J. Bot., 108: 366–371. See also here.
! H.A. Miller (1982): Bryophyte evolution and geography. In PDF, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
Missouri Botanical Garden,
St. Louis:
of Mosses Database (W3MOST).
This database of moss names was prepared as
part of the Index of Mosses project at the Missouri Botanical
Garden, providing guides to newly published nomenclature for mosses.
See also:
Bryology Research.
Annotated links.
! Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis: Bryological Glossary. GLOSSARIUM POLYGLOTTUM BRYOLOGIAE: A multilingual glossary for bryology. Originally published in Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 33, 297 pp. 1990. The multilingual Glossary was created so that bryologists and others could avoid misinterpretations of literature, and general confusion resulting from a lack of standardized terms. The terms are listed alphabetically, and include Latin entries, as well as French, German, and Spanish translations. Excellent!
R.L. Mitchell et al. (2023):
surface stabilisation by modern analogues of the earliest land plants:
A multi-dimensional imaging study. Open access,
Note figure 1:
Summary chart highlighting the evolution of different CGC elements [cryptogamic ground covers] from
contrasting molecular, phylogenetic and fossil dating methods, and schematic land plant
phylogeny of modern terrestrial organisms, focussing on
the bryophytes and specific liverwort genera.
J.V. Mundim et al. (2022): Small areas and small plants: Updates on Antarctic bryophytes. Free access, Acta Bot. Bras., 35.
Terence M. Murphy, Thomas L. Rost and Michael G. Barbour (2015),
University of California, Davis, CA:
Plant Biology.
Lecture notes, in PDF.
Please take notice:
See for instance: Bryophytes.
Early Tracheophytes.
These expired links are now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine.
World Encyclopedia:
The New York Botanical Garden: American Bryophyte Catalog.
D.L. Nickrent et al. (2000): Multigene phylogeny of land plants with special reference to bryophytes and the earliest land plants. PDF file, Molecular Biology and Evolution: 17: 1885-1895. A version archived by Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Karl J. Niklas & Tom Silva, Department of Plant Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY:
Review Topics,
Review of Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes- Common Links Between Each Group of Plants.
These expired links are available through the
Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
Northern Ontario Plant Database (NOPD).
NOPD is a website that provides free public access to records of herbarium specimens housed
in northern Ontario educational and government institutions. Go to:
Bryophyte Links.
Oxford Bibliographies.
Oxford Bibliographies offers
exclusive, authoritative research guides. Combining the best features of an annotated bibliography
and a high-level encyclopedia, this cutting-edge resource directs researchers to the best
available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects. Go to:
(by Kevin Boyce).
of Land Plants (by Charles C. Davis and Sarah Mathews).
of Fungi (by David Hibbett).
Ecology (by Heinjo During).
J. Patiño et al. (2022):
the nature of a miniature world: a horizon scan of fundamental questions in bryology. In PDF,
Journal of Bryology, 44.
See also
"... comparative studies ofbryophytes across both taxonomic groups (including
fossils) and spatial scales are necessary
[...] Past levels of bryophyte diversity
[...] are probably underestimated, because the bryophyte
fossil record, despite ongoing discoveries [...], remains scarce due to either the
limited resistance of the plant body to decay or taphonomic
biases and related issues ..."
J. Patiño and A. Vanderpoorten (2018):
Biogeography. In PDF, Critical
Reviews in Plant Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/07352689.2018.1482444.
See also
Note figure 2: Worldwide patterns of bryophyte hot spots of endemism.
Phyto Images
Database hosted by the Cornell University Vascular
Plant Herbarium. Software deveopment by Kevin C. Nixon and Jan De Laet).
This site includes a wide variety of vascular plant and bryophyte photos of high quality.
Phyto Images belongs to DOL (DiversityofLife.org), which is a web interface based on the Encino Software Project.
The Encino project is a unified set of software tools for storing, retrieving,
and analyzing biodiversity. Superbly done!
(Stefan A. Rensing University of Freiburg, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy).
Plantcode scientists are are interested in the evolution of plants sensu lato - i.e., the
photosynthetic eukaryotes. Go to:
List of publications.
Silvia Pressel et al. (2010): Fungal symbioses in bryophytes: New insights in the Twenty First Century. PDF file, Phytotaxa, 9: 238-253. See also here (open access).
! Y.-L. Qiu et al. (2006): The deepest divergences in land plants inferred from phylogenomic evidence. In PDF, PNAS, 103: 15511-15516
J. Quirk et al. (2015): Constraining the role of early land plants in Palaeozoic weathering and global cooling. Proc. R. Soc., B 282.
Y.L. Qiu and B.D. Mishler (2024):
Among the Bryophytes and Vascular Plants: A Case Study in Deep-Time Reconstruction. Open access,
Diversity, 16. https://doi.org/10.3390/d16070426.
"... A tentative consensus, reached
ten years ago, suggested that bryophytes are a paraphyletic group, with liverworts being sister to all
other land plants and hornworts being sister to vascular plants
[...] A discussion is presented here on strengths and weaknesses of different types of
characters (morphological traits, nucleotide sequences, and genome structural arrangements) and
their suitability for resolving deep phylogenetic relationships ..."
! K.S. Renzaglia et al. (2018): Morphology supports the setaphyte hypothesis: mosses plus liverworts form a natural group. Abstract, See also here (in PDF).
K.S. Renzaglia et al. (2017): Hornwort stomata: architecture and fate shared with 400 million year old fossil plants without leaves. Free access, Plant Physiology, 177: 788–797.
W.R. Rimington et al. (2018): Ancient plants with ancient fungi: liverworts associate with early-diverging arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Proc. R. Soc. B, 285: 20181600. See also here.
Department of Life Science, Riverside City College, Riverside, CA:
lecture notes. Powerpoint presentations.
e.g. to:
to the Plant Kingdom: Bryophytes.
J.P. Rose et al. (2016): Shape analysis of moss (Bryophyta) sporophytes: Insights into land plant evolution. Free access, Am. J. Bot., 103: 652-662.
A.A. Santos et al. (2022): First evidence of Ricciaceae in the Jurassic of the Iberian Peninsula (Asturias, NW Spain): Ricciopsis asturicus sp. nov. Abstract, Botany Letters, 169: 557-567.
Malcolm L. Sargent, Department of Plant Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL,
and Diane H. Lucas, Wellington, OH:
Perspective Oriented Guide for the Identification of North American Bryophyte Genera.
The goal of this guide is to give perspective on the characters used in the identification of mosses.
Don´t miss the useful
See also
A. Savoretti et al. (2025): A gondwanan Jurassic bryoflora? Anatomically preserved bryophytes in geothermal paleoenvironments from the Jurassic of Patagonia, Argentina. In PDF, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 337. Note also here.
A. Savoretti et al. (2018):
in the Early Cretaceous: Tricarinella crassiphylla gen. et sp. nov. and
the value of anatomically preserved bryophytes. Free access,
Annals of Botany, 121: 1275–1286.
See also
"... One fossil moss gametophyte preserved in a carbonate concretion
was studied in serial sections
prepared using the cellulose acetate peel technique. ..."
H. Schneider (2019): Celebrating Research Devoted to Seed-Free Land Plants. Free access, Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 57: 303-304. See also here (table of contents, free access).
K.W. Schwab et al. (2011): Dwarf Hepatic Floral Fragments (Possibly Liverworts) from the Upper Mississippian Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth Basin of North Central Texas. In PDF.
! A.J. Shaw et al.(2011): Bryophyte diversity and evolution: Windows into the early evolution of land plants. Free access, Am. J. Bot., 98: 352-369.
! J. Shaw and K. Renzaglia (2004): Phylogeny and diversification of Bryophytes. Free access, Amer. J. Botany, 91: 1557-1581. See also here.
G.W.K. Shelton et al. (2016):
Krassiloviella limbelloides
gen. et sp. nov.: Additional Diversity in the Hypnanaean Moss Family Tricostaceae
(Valanginian, Vancouver Island, British Columbia). In PDF,
Int. J. Plant Sci., 177: 792–808. See also
Fossils are preserved anatomically in carbonate concretions and studied in serial sections
prepared using the cellulose acetate peel technique.
G.W.K. Shelton et al. (2015):
the fossil history of pleurocarpous mosses:
Tricostaceae fam. nov. from the Cretaceous of
Vancouver Island, Canada. In PDF,
American Journal of Botany. See also
Lexikon der Biologie,
(in German).
M. Stech et al. (2021):
and challenges in bryophyte biology after 50 years of International Association
of Bryologists. Free access,
Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution, 43: 006–009.
C.M. Steenbock et al. (2011):
new family of leafy liverworts from the middle Eocene of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Abstract,
American Journal of Botany, 98.
! Raymond E. Stotler and Barbara J. Crandall-Stotler,
Department of Plant Biology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale:
This website is a resource devoted to Bryology, the branch of plant science concerned with the
study of mosses, liverworts and hornworts. It provides information on the classification, structural features,
natural history, ecology and evolutionary relationships of these plants.
D. Su et al. (2021):
Phylogenomic Analyses Reveal the Monophyly of Bryophytes and Neoproterozoic Origin of
Land Plants. Free access,
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38: 3332–3344.
Y. Sun (2019):
and biogeography of liverworts Marchantiophyta evidence from the Southern
Hemisphere family Schistochilaceae and the cosmopolitan
genus Herbertus Herbertaceae. In PDF, Thesis,
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Doctoral Program in Plant Sciences,
Finnish Museum of Natural History, Botany Unit.
See also
Tarleton State University,
(by A. Nelson (?)), Stephenville, Texas A&M University System:
E.L. Taylor and T.N. Taylor (2012):
mosses: Small, but no longer inconspicuous. In PDF,
Geology, 40: 767-768.
W.A. Taylor and P.K. Strother (2024):
evolution: A tapetum is now effectively present in all land plant lineages. In PDF,
Current Biology, 34: R146-R148. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.12.061.
A.M.F. Tomescu et al. (2018):
Are Bryophytes So Rare in the Fossil Record? A Spotlight on Taphonomy and Fossil Preservation
Transformative Paleobotany. Abstract. In:
Papers to Commemorate the Life and Legacy of Thomas N. Taylor.
Pages 375-416.
See also
(in PDF).
A.M.F.M. Tomescu (2018):
preserved tiny fossils are key for understanding moss evolution.
Botany One.
A.M.F. Tomescu (2016):
Early Cretaceous Apple Bay flora of Vancouver Island:
a hotspot of fossil bryophyte diversity. In PDF, Botany, 9.
See also here.
L. VanAller Hernick et al. (2008):
Earth's oldest
liverworts — Metzgeriothallus sharonae sp. nov.
from the Middle Devonian (Givetian) of eastern New York, USA. Abstract,
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,
Alain Vanderpoorten and Bernard Goffinet (2009):
Introduction to Bryophytes,
significance of bryophytes. In PDF,
Cambridge University Press. See also
K. van Zuijlen et al. (2023):
of Europe Traits (BET) data set: A fundamental tool
for ecological studies. Open access,
Journal of Vegetation Science, 34.
See also
A. Villarreal et al. (2015):
times and the evolution of morphological complexity in an early land plant lineage (Marchantiopsida)
with a slow molecular rate. Abstract,
New Phytologist. See also
(in PDF).
Morgan Vis and Emily Miller, Ohio University:
Home Page.
! Matt von Konrat et al. (2010):
A special issue of Phytotaxa dedicated to Bryophytes: The closest living
relatives of early land plants. Editorial (PDF), Phytotaxa, 9: 5-10.
Go to:
Table of Contents (open access).
See especially:
Wayne´s Word (by W.P. Armstrong):
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
! N. Wikström et al. (2009):
(Marchantiophyta). PDF file,
In: S.B. Hedges and S. Kumar (eds.): The Timetree of Life.
S. Woudenberg et al. (2022):
origin and gradual evolution of transporting
tissues: Perspectives from across the land plants. In PDF,
Plant Physiology.
See also
"... we estimate that land plants originated in the
Precambrian (980–682 Ma), much older than widely recognized. Our study highlights the important contribution of
molecular data when faced with contentious fossil evidence, and that fossil calibrations used in estimating the timescale
of plant evolution require critical scrutiny. ..."
Evolution and Diversity. Powerpoint presentation.
See likewise
"... Three independent lines of evidence lead to the
observation that the evolution of the plant spore
occurred before the evolution of axial, upright
plants ..."
A.M.F. Tomescu et al. (2017):
bryophyte fossil record database, Paleozoic through
Paleogene. Zip-file (doc), hosted by Book
companion - Transformative Paleobotany.
"The tables contain mosses
and liverworts and hornworts, respectively, arranged in
alphabetical order. Each entry represents a taxonomically
and stratigraphically distinct (i.e., in terms of rock unit)
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s
Wayback Machine. Also worth checking out:
Northern Ontario Plant Database (NOPD).
NOPD is a website that provides free public access to records of herbarium specimens housed
in northern Ontario educational and government institutions. Go to:
Bryophyte Links.
Matt von Konrat et al. (2010):
Land Plants Today (ELPT): How many liverwort species are there? PDF file, Phytotaxa, 9: 22-40.
Also in German:
A version archived by Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
See also
See also
Note figure 4: Summary of the early fossil record of transporting tissues.
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