The European Keuper: Stratigraphy and Facies, Links for Palaeobotanists
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The European Keuper: Stratigraphy and Facies

N. Ahlrichs et al. (2020): Structural Evolution at the Northeast North German Basin Margin: From Initial Triassic Salt Movement to Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic Remobilization: Free access, Tectonics, 39.
Note figure 1: Tectonic map of the North German Basin including major geological structures and the condensed geological cross section along a profile analyzed in this study, showing main structures and stratigraphic features.
Figure 9. Sketch illustrating the tectonic evolution at the northeastern North German Basin margin.

! T. Aigner and G.H. Bachmann (1992): Sequence-stratigraphic framework of the German Triassic.In PDF, Sedimentary Geology, 80: 115-135.
See also here.

Thomas Aigner (1973): Frühere Bergbauversuche im Stubensandstein des Schwäbischen Waldes. PDF file, in German.

R. Albert (2014): Die Entstehung und sedimentologische Bedeutung von Steinsalzkristallmarken im fossilen Beleg. PDF file, in German.

Rainer Albert,, book review, in German:
Trias. Aufbruch in das Erdmittelalter. By Norbert Hauschke, Matthias Franz & Gerhard H. Bachmann (eds.).

Rainer Albert, Stuttgart, Germany: Die Trias in Südwestdeutschland Easy to understand introduction about the germanotype Triassic (in German).

! Friedrich August von Alberti (1834): Beitrag zu einer Monographie des bunten Sandsteins, Muschelkalks und Keupers und die Verbindung dieser Gebilde zu einer Formation. Hosted by Hathi Trust Digital Library, a collaboration of universities of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation and the University of California system to establish a repository for their digitized collections.

! Albertiana (The Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy).
The primary mission of Albertiana is to promote the interdisciplinary collaboration and understanding among members of the Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy and the Triassic community at large. Albertiana are posted in a blog-style format and archived (by volume) as fully-formatted pdf issues at year end.
Albertiana past issues are available from here and likewise from Scans of the rare early volumes of Albertiana!
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

R. Aubrecht et al. (2017): Provenance of the Lunz Formation (Carnian) in the Western Carpathians, Slovakia: Heavy mineral study and in situ LA–ICP–MS U–Pb detrital zircon dating. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 471: 233–253. See also here (abstract), and there.
Please take notice: Fig. 23, paleogeographic scheme of Middle Carnian, showing probable provenance of the Lunz Formation arenites and its relation to the Stuttgart Formation in the Central European Basin.

! G. Bachmann et al. (2010): Triassic. (Triassic stratigraphy, Facies and hydrocarbons of the southern Permian Basin Area (SPBA)). In: Petroleum Geological Atlas of the Southern Permian Basin Area. EAGE Publications, p. 149. ISBN 9789073781610.
See also here (PDF file, with table of contents) and there (PDF file, GIS maps presented in the atlas).

G.H. Bachmann and M.A.M. Aref (2005): A seismite in Triassic gypsum deposits (Grabfeld Formation, Ladinian), southwestern Germany. In PDF, Sedimentary Geology.

! G.H. Bachmann and H.W. Kozur (2004): The Germanic Triassic: correlations with the international chronostratigraphic scale, numerical ages and Milankovitch cyclicity. Free access, Hallesches Jahrb. Geowiss., B 26: 17-62.

J. Barnasch (2009): Der Keuper im Westteil des Zentraleuropäischen Beckens (Deutschland, Niederlande, England, Dänemark): diskontinuierliche Sedimentation, Litho-, Zyklo- und Sequenzstratigraphie. PDF file, in German. Thesis, University Halle, Germany. See also here.

G. Barth et al. (2018): Marine and terrestrial sedimentation across the T–J transition in the North German Basin. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 489: 74-94. See also here.
Note Fig. 1: Central European Basin (CEB) and working area.

G. Barth et al. (2014): Late Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian) brackish to freshwater habitats at a fluvial-dominated delta plain (Seinstedt, Lower Saxony, Germany). In PDF, Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 94. See also here.

Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Augsburg, Germany: Geotoprecherche Bayern. Interactive map (in German).

H.-P. Berners et al. (1984): Vom Westrand des Germanischen Trias-Beckens zum Ostrand des Pariser Lias-Beckens: Aspekte der Sedimentationsgeschichte. Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins, 66: 357-395. See also here (in PDF).

A.-W. Blaschke et al. (2009): Petrography and reservoir characteristics of Upper Triassic sandstones from a CO2 pilot storage site (Stuttgart Formation, Ketzin, Germany). In PDF, DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung 2009, Fachbereich Aufsuchung und Gewinnung (Celle, Germany 2009).
See also here.
! "... Sandstones of the Upper Triassic Stuttgart Formation (Schilfsandstein) are currently tested
[...] The sandstones are lithic arkoses, lithic subarkoses and feldspathic litharenites. The lithoclasts comprise chert, volcanic and clastic sedimentary rock fragments, and minor metamorphic grains. Anhydrite and analcime are the most abundant authigenic minerals. Other authigenic minerals are calcite, Fe-oxides/-hydroxides, quartz, feldpar, and locally chlorite. ..."

S. Bourquin et al. (2011): The Permian-Triassic transition and the onset of Mesozoic sedimentation at the northwestern peri-Tethyan domain scale: palaeogeographic maps and geodynamic implications. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 299: 265-280.

S. Bourquin et al. (2007): The Permian-Triassic boundary and Early Triassic sedimentation in Western European basins: an overview. PDF file, Journal of Iberian Geology, 33: 221-236. See also here.

G. Burgmeier and M. Schöttle, Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe, Germany: Geotope im Regierungsbezirk Stuttgart. PDF file (in German). Scroll to PDF page 20: "Keuper".

! S.D. Burley et al. (2023): ‘A hard rain's a-gonna fall’: torrential rain, flash floods and desert lakes in the Late Triassic Arden Sandstone of Central England. Open access, Geology Today, 39.
! Note figure 5: The Carnian world, based on the PALEOMAP project, showing the distribution of continents and ocean basins for the Late Triassic, active subduction and spreading margins, and summer atmospheric circulation.
"... The Carnian age of the Arden Sandstone potentially links it to the Carnian Pluvial Episode, marking the coalescence, spread and freshening of the formerly saline desert lakes, and deposition of sandy, fluvial and lacustrine deposits, during the wetter climate that prevailed for at least a million years ..."

J.L. Cloudsley-Thompson (2005): Ecology and Behaviour of Mesozoic Reptiles, The Mesozoic Environment. In PDF. See also here.

CFK-Fossilien Coburg (by W. Claus, L. Franzke and U. Knoch; in German):
Saurier-Trittsiegel und Spurenfossilien des mittleren Keuper. Fährten und Spuren in Ablagerungen des “Coburger Sandstein” (Hassberge–Formation).
Ausstellung: Geheimnisvolle Saurierfährten aus der fränkischen Trias.
Ein neuer Saurierfährtenfund aus dem Mittleren Keuper des Coburger Landes.
Der Coburger Sandstein (Mittlerer Keuper) in den Haßbergen.

CFK-Fossilien Coburg (by W. Claus, L. Franzke and U. Knoch; in German):
Kieselhölzer der Löwensteinformation.
Kieselholz aus dem Keuper von Nordfranken.

J. Dal Corso (2011): The Middle-Late Triassic d13Cplant trend and the carnian pluvial event C-isotope signature. Ph.D. thesis, University of Padua. See also here (abstract).
Amber from the Triassic of the Italian Alps.

Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission (DSK), the German Stratigraphic Commission. See also: Subkommission für Perm-Trias-Stratigraphie (in German).

Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission:
! International Triassic Field Workshops. An informal forum for earth scientists who are interested in the Triassic system. Go to:
! Southern Germany. In PDF, by H. Hagdorn, T. Simon, E. Nitsch, T. Aigner.
! Central Germany. In PDF, by G. H. Bachmann, G. Beutler.

! Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission (DSK): Stratigraphische Tabelle von Deutschland 2002 (STD 2002). Download: pdf (1.4 MB)
pdf (7MB), and Index (in German).

C.G. Diedrich (2010): The development of the Middle Triassic tectonical controlled Germanic Basin of Central Europe and the palaeoenvironmental related distribution of marine and terrestrial reptiles. PDF file, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12; EGU General Assembly 2010.

H. Dill (1988): Fluvial facies patterns and chemical sediments. Their control on U, Ba, and base metal concentration in the "Burgsandstein" (Upper Triassic Keuper, SE Germany). In PDF, Geologische Rundschau, 77: 371–388. See also here.

Doris Dittrich (Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Science Publishers, Stuttgart): Der Schilfsandstein als synsedimentär-tektonisch geprägtes Sediment -- eine Umdeutung bisheriger Befunde. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Band 140. p. 295-310; 1989. Abstract. Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
A genetic re-interpretation of the "Schilfsandstein" (Stuttgart-Formation, Upper Triassic).

A.M. Dunhill et al. (2016): Dinosaur biogeographical structure and Mesozoic continental fragmentation: a network-based approach. In PDF, Journal of Biogeography, 43: 1691-1704.
See also here.
"... dinosaur macro-biogeographical structure was influenced by continental fragmentation, although intercontinental exchange of dinosaur faunas appears to have continued up to the end of the Cretaceous. Macro-biogeographical patterns are obscured by uneven geographical sampling through time ..."

J. Dzik and T. Sulej (2007): A review of the early Late Triassic Krasiejów biota from Silesia, Poland. In PDF, Palaeontologia Polonica, 64: 3–27.

U. Emmert (1965): Ist der Schilfsandstein des Mittleren Keupers eine Flußablagerung? PDF file, in German. Geologica Bavarica, 1965.

Euerdorf Community, Germany: A Collection of Franconian Triassic Fossils (in German). The beautiful Euerdorf private collection (including fossil plants from the Lower Keuper) is now accessible to the public!
This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
! See also here.

A. Etzold and M. Franz (2005): Ein Referenzprofil des Keupers im Kraichgau, zusammengesetzt aus mehreren Kernbohrungen auf Blatt 6718 Wiesloch (Baden-Württemberg). PDF file, in German. LGRB-Informationen, 17 :25-124.

! S. Feist-Burkhardt et al. (2008): 13 Triassic (starting on page 749). In: Tom McCann (ed.): The Geology of Central Europe: Mesozoic and Cenozoic: Vol. 2. The Geological Society, London.

! Susanne Feist-Burkhardt and Annette E. Götz (2002): Kompaktkurse, Palynofazies und Sequenzstratigraphie (K1). PDF file, in German. SEDIMENT 2002, Frankfurt am Main - Darmstadt.
This expired link is now available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! FID GEO (supported by DFG, German Research Foundation). A specialised information service for solid earth geosciences. See especially:
! Geologische Karte 1:25 000 (in German).
Free downloadable maps of Germany.

A. Fijalkowska-Mader et al. (2022): Lost Norian fluvial tracks: Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Upper Triassic coarse-grained deposits in Kamienica Slaska (Upper Silesia, southern Poland). In PDF, Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 92.
"... Palynological analysis of mudstone interbeds within the conglomeratic deposits shows the presence of miospores guiding and characteristic for subzone c of the Corollina meyeriana zone of the late Norian-early Rhaetian age. ..."

A. Förster et al. (2010): Reservoir characterization of a CO2 storage aquifer: The Upper Triassic Stuttgart Formation in the Northeast German Basin. Abstract, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 27: 2156-2172.

! M. Franz et al. (2018): Der Keuper in der Stratigraphischen Tabelle von Deutschland 2016 – kontinuierliche Sedimentation in der norddeutschen Beckenfazies (Variante B). (The Keuper Group in the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2016 – continuous sedimentation in the North German Basin (variant B)). Abstract and references, Z. Dt. Ges. Geowiss., 169: 203–224.
"... a clear distinction should be made between significant unconformities and local stratigraphic gaps in Keuper successions. ..."

M. Franz et al. (2018): Deep geothermal resources of the North German Basin: The hydrothermal reservoirs of the Stuttgart Formation (Schilfsandstein, Upper Triassic). Abstract, Z. Dt. Ges. Geowiss., 169: 53–387. See also here.

M. Franz et al. (2018): The Keuper Group in the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2016 – continuous sedimentation in the North German Basin (variant B) . Abstract, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 169: 203-224.7

M. Franz et al. (2015): Eustatic and climatic control on the Upper Muschelkalk Sea (late Anisian/Ladinian) in the Central European Basin. In PDF, Global and Planetary Change, 135: 1-27. See also here (abstract).

M. Franz et al. (2014): Eustatic control on epicontinental basins: The example of the Stuttgart Formation in the Central European Basin (Middle Keuper, Late Triassic. Abstract, Global and Planetary Change, 122: 305-329. See also here and there (in PDF).

M. Franz et al. (2012): The strong diachronous Muschelkalk/Keuper facies shift in the Central European Basin: implications from the type-section of the Erfurt Formation (Lower Keuper, Triassic) and basin-wide correlations. Abstract, International Journal of Earth Sciences.

! M. Franz (2008): Litho- und Leitflächenstratigraphie, Chronostratigraphie, Zyklo- und Sequenzstratigraphie des Keupers im östlichen Zentraleuropäischen Becken (Deutschland, Polen) und Dänischen Becken (Dänemark, Schweden). Thesis, in German. Available in PDF, 39,5 MB.

B. v. Freyberg (1965): Cyklen und stratigraphische Einheiten im Mittleren Keuper Nordbayerns. In PDF, Geol. Bavarica (in German).
Including an abstract of early Keuper research history.

Friedrich von Alberti Stiftung (In German). See also here and there.

Lutz Geißler, Freiberg, Germany (provided by Aufschlüsse der Trias im Thüringer Becken A field guide to the Thuringian Triassic (in German).

Geologische Blätter für Nordost-Bayern und angrenzende Gebiete. Index, 1 - 52 (1951 - 2002). compiled by Alfons Baier (in German).

M. Geluk et al. (2018): An introduction to the Triassic: current insights into the regional setting and energy resource potential of NW Europe. Abstract, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 469.

M.C. Geluk (2005): Stratigraphy and tectonics of Permo-Triassic basins in the Netherlands in the Netherlands and surrounding areas. Thesis, Utrecht University.

G. Geyer and K.-P. Kelber (2018): Spinicaudata ("Conchostraca", Crustacea) from the Middle Keuper (Upper Triassic) of the southern Germanic Basin, with a review of Carnian–Norian taxa and suggested biozones. Abstract, PalZ, 92: 1-34.

S. Grunert and J. Szilagyi (2010): Petrophysikalische Eigenschaften einer Auswahl von Baugesteinen aus Deutschland und ihr Bezug zur Petrographie dieser Gesteine. PDF file, in German. Journal of Central European Geology, 56.
Concerning Schilfsandstein go to PDF page 9.
Website outdated, download a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

C.W. Gümbel (1866): Die geognostischen Verhältnisse des fränkischen Triasgebietes. In PDF, Bavaria. Landes- und Volkskunde des Königreichs Bayern, 4: 3–77. See also here (Google books).

T. Gunzelmann: Steinlandschaften - wo die Bamberger Bausteine herkommen. PDF file, in German. About some Franconian sandstone quarries from the Germanic Triassic Keuper.

H. Hagdorn and K.P. Kelber (2015): 19. Kohle, Alaun und Vitriol - Historische Rohstoffgewinnung. - p. 417-426, in German. In: Hagdorn, H., Schoch, R. & Schweigert, G. (eds.): Der Lettenkeuper - Ein Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern. - Palaeodiversity Supplement (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart).
! You may also navigate via back issues of Palaeodiversity 2015. Then scroll down to: Table of Contents "Special Issue: Der Lettenkeuper - Ein Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern".
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

! U. Hambach et al. (2001): A time frame for the Middle Keuper - cyclostratigraphy, sedimentology and first paleomagnetic results from the RAUENBERG 1 research well (km1-km4, Upper Triassic, SW-Germany). Poster, in PDF, Conference Sediment 2001, Jena. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 13. See also here (Google search).

Haubold, H. & Klein, H. (2002): Chirotherien und Grallatoriden aus der Unteren bis Oberen Trias Mitteleuropas und die Entstehung der Dinosauria. PDF file (in German), Hallesches Jb. Geowiss., B 24: 1-22.
Snapshot provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

H. Haubold and H. Klein (2000): Die dinosauroiden Fährten Parachirotherium – Atreipus – Grallator aus dem unteren Mittelkeuper (Obere Trias: Ladin, Karn,? Nor) in Franken. In PDF, Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften.

Haubold, H. & Klein, H. (2000): Die dinosauroiden Fährten Parachirotherium – Atreipus – Grallator aus dem unteren Mittelkeuper (Obere Trias: Ladin, Karn, ?Nor) in Franken. PDF file (in German), Hallesches Jb. Geowiss., B 22: 59-85.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

N. Hauschke et al. (2011): Die Bildung pyramidaler Halit-Hopper in eindunstenden Wasserpfützen bei Teutschenthal (Sachsen-Anhalt), in der Saline von Halle (Saale) und im Keuper Nordwestdeutschlands. PDF file, in German. Der Aufschluss, 62: 333-344.
Note PDF page 10: Diagenesis of pyramidal halite hopper crystals and of cubic halite casts in the continental Triassic (in German).

N. Hauschke and U. Vath (2003): Zur Bildung und geologischen Überlieferung würfelförmiger und pyramidaler Steinsalzkristalle in der Germanischen Trias. PDF file, in German. Beitr. Geol. Thüringen, N. F., 10: 53–74.

! N. Hauschke (1989): Steinsalzkristallmarken - Begriff, Deutung und Bedeutung für das Playa-Playasee-Faziesmodell. Pdf file, about halite casts, (in German). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 140: 355-369. See also here.

F. Heller (1930): Geologische Untersuchungen im Bereiche des fränkischen Grundgipses. PDF file, in German. Abhandl. Naturhist. Ges. Nürnberg, 33: 45-114. See also here (Google books).

B. Hofbauer et al. (2021): Microfacies and C/O-isotopes in lacustrine dolomites reflect variable environmental conditions in the Germanic Basin (Arnstadt Formation, Upper Triassic). Open access, Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 114.

G. Hofbauer (2004): Die Erdgeschichte der Region – Grundzüge aus aktueller Perspektive. PDF file, in German. Natur und Mensch, Jahresmitteilungen Nürnberg, 2003 2004: 101-144.

J. Hornung and T. Aigner (2004): Sedimentäre Architektur und Poroperm-Analyse fluviatiler Sandsteine: Fallbeispiel Coburger Sandstein, Franken. In PDF, Hallesches Jahrb. Geowiss. Reihe B, Beiheft, 18: 121-138. See also here.

! J. Hornung and T. Aigner (2002): Reservoir architecture in a terminal alluvial plain: an outcrop analogue study (Upper Triassic, southern Germany) Part II: cyclicity, controls and models. PDF file, Journal of Petroleum Geology, 25: 151-178. About Triassic fluvial sandstones of the Stubensandstein Formation.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! J. Hornung and T. Aigner (1999): Reservoir and aquifer characterization of fluvial architectural elements: Stubensandstein, Upper Triassic, southwest Germany. Abstract, Sedimentary Geology, 129: 215-280. See also here (in PDF).

K. Jewula et al. (2019): The late Triassic development of playa, gilgai floodplain, and fluvial environments from Upper Silesia, southern Poland. In PDF, Sedimentary Geology, 379: 25–45. See also here.
Note fig. 9A: Schematic illustration of the gilgai palaeoenvironment at Krasiejów.

S.K. Johansen (2016): Sedimentology and facies distribution of the Upper Triassic De Geerdalen Formation in the Storfjorden area and Wilhelmøya, eastern Svalbard. In PDF, Dissertation, Department of Geology and Mineral Resources Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
See also here.

K.-P. Kelber (2018): The Coburg Sandstone member (Hassberge Formation, Carnian, Triassic) in Frankonia: The Hahn Quarry near Eltmann. PDF file, in: Pre-Symposium excursion: 13th Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota (MTE 13), July 21-23, 2018, Bonn (unpublished).
! With extensive bibliography.

K.-P. Kelber & E. Nitsch (2005): Paläoflora und Ablagerungsräume im unterfränkischen Keuper (Exkursion H am 1. April 2005).- PDF file (20 MB), in German. Jber. Mitt. oberrhein. geol. Ver., N.F., 87: 217-253; Stuttgart.
Don't miss the sketch diagram of environmental evolution and main facies distribution on PDF page 3.

K.-P. Kelber et al. (1997): Exotische Kristallingerölle aus dem süddeutschen Schilfsandstein (Mittlerer Keuper, Trias). Exotic Crystalline Pebbles from the Schilfsandstein (Middle Keuper; Triassic) of Southern Germany. Abstract, N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abh., 206: 93-131.
See also here (in PDF).
"... we regard a transportation of entrapped rocks within root structures of floating trees as the best explanation ..."

D.V. Kent et al. (2017): Astrochronostratigraphic polarity time scale (APTS) for the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic from continental sediments and correlation with standard marine stages. In PDF, Earth-Science Reviews, 166: 153–180. See also here.

H. Kerp (1991): Is There Anything More to Say About Keuper and Buntsandstein Floras?. In PDF, Albertiana. A review of: Mader, D. (1990) Palaeoecology of the Flora in Buntsandstein and Keuper in the Triassic of Middle Europe (Fischer, Stuttgart).

Heike Kirsten (2009): Herkunft, Eigenschaften und Konservierungsmöglichkeiten von Lettenkeuper- und Schilfsandsteinen an Baudenkmalen in Thüringen. In PDF. Characterisation of Keuper sandstones (in German).
See also here.

A.A. Klompmake et al. (2010): Biostratigraphic correlation, paleoenvironment stress, and subrosion pipe collapse: Dutch Rhaetian shales uncover their secrets. Facies, 56: 597–613.

R. Koch (2022): Die Nutzung von Naturwerksteinen in Erlangen im Spiegel der industriellen und politischen Entwicklung. PDF file, in German. Geologische Blätter, 70, 3: 97-164. See also here.

! H.W. Kozur and G.H. Bachmann (2010): The Middle Carnian Wet Intermezzo of the Stuttgart Formation (Schilfsandstein), Germanic Basin. Abstract, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 290: 107-119. See also here (in PDF).

! Heinz W. Kozur & G.H. Bachmann (2008): Updated numerical ages of Triassic stages and the correlation of the Germanic Triassic with the Tethyan scale. Abstract, IGC, Oslo.
Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! Heinz W. Kozur & G.H. Bachmann (2008): Updated numerical ages of Triassic stages and the correlation of the Germanic Triassic with the Tethyan scale. PDF file, Berichte Geol. B.-A., 76.
This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! H.W. Kozur and R.E. Weems (2010): The biostratigraphic importance of conchostracans in the continental Triassic of the northern hemisphere. In PDF. From: Lucas, S.G. (ed.) The Triassic Timescale. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 334: 315–417.
See also here (The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.).

H.W. Kozur and R.E. Weems (2007): Upper Triassic conchostracan biostratigraphy of the continental rift basins of eastern North America: Its importance for correlating Newark Supergroup events with the Germanic basin and the international geologic time scale. PDF file, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 41: 137–188.
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

C. Kunkel et al. (2019): Geothermisches Nutzungspotenzial der Buntsandstein- und Keuperaquifere im Nordosten Bayerns mit Fokus auf tiefe Aquiferspeicher. In German. Open access, Grundwasser – Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie, 24: 251–267.
Note fig. 1: Simplified geological overview of Bavaria and a schematic cross-section of the subsurface of northern Bavaria.
Fig. 2: Distribution and thickness maps of the Buntsandstein (a) and Keuper (b) aquifers in northern Bavaria.

C. Leitner et al. (2023): Saltern, mudflat, and dry playa: playa basin types of a retreating epeiric sea (Keuper, Germany). Abstract, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 93: 840–856.
! Note figure 8: Idealized depositional cycles of the Grabfeld Formation.
"... playa basins can be different if they are fed by marine incursions, dominated by perennial lakes of brackish or fresh water
[...] The present study contributes to our understanding of these settings by reconstructing the evaporitic facies evolution in the German Keuper Basin after the retreat of an epeiric sea. The Middle to Late Triassic Grabfeld Formation (ca. 237–233 Ma) consists of weathered gypsum and dolomitic marl
[...] The study concludes that an evaporative environment of a coast (“coastal sabkha”) can never be undoubtedly distingushed from a playa basin in the sedimentary record ..."

LoveToKnow Free Online Encyclopedia (the eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, first published in 1911): Keuper.
This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

M. Lutz et al. (2005): Lithofazies und Leitflächen: Grundlagen einer dualen lithostratigraphischen Gliederung. Abstract, PDF file, in German; Newsl. Stratigr., 41: 211-223.

T. McKie (2014): Climatic and tectonic controls on Triassic dryland terminal fluvial system architecture, central North Sea. Provided by Google books.

! R.N. Melchor et al. (2012): Fluvial environments. In PDF, Developments in Sedimentology, 64: 329-378. See also here.
Note table 1: Morphology of Trace Fossils Found in Fluvial Successions and Ichnogenera that can be Included in Each Category.
Table 2: Expression of Ichnofacies Found in Fluvial Deposits.

! M. Menning et al. (2011): Beschlüsse der Deutschen Stratigraphischen Kommission 1991-2010 zu Perm und Trias von Mitteleuropa. PDF file, Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 162: 1-18. Recommendations of the German Stratigraphic Commission 1991-2010 on the Permian and Triassic of Central Europe.
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

! Manfred Menning et al. (2006): Zeitskala für Perm und Trias in der Stratigraphischen Tabelle von Deutschland 2002, zyklostratigraphische Kalibrierung der hoheren Dyas und Germanischen Trias und das Alter der Stufen Roadium bis Rhaetium 2005. Abstract (in German and English), Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 41: 173-210.
The numerical ages for the 17 global stages Gzhelian to Rhaetian and the five groups Rotliegend, Zechstein, Buntsandstein, Muschelkalk and Keuper of the Central European standard succession are estimated.

U. Merten and W.M. Bausch (2011): Geochemie der Karbonatbänke im Unteren Keuper Mainfrankens. In PDF, Erlanger Beitr. Petr. Min., 21: 5-29.

J. Nawrocki et al. (2015): Magnetic polarity of Upper Triassic sediments of the Germanic Basin in Poland. In PDF, Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 85: 663–674. See also here.

A.J. Newell (2017): Rifts, rivers and climate recovery: A new model for the Triassic of England. Abstract, Proceedings of the Geologists´ Association.

S. Niegel and M. Franz (2023): Depositional and diagenetic controls on porosity evolution in sandstone reservoirs of the Stuttgart Formation (North German Basin). Free access, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 151. See also here.
Note figure 1: Central European Basin System with subbasins, major fault systems and basement exposures.
! Figure 3: Generalised N–S cross-section summarising large-scale architecture, depositional environments and stratigraphic control of the Stuttgart Formation.

S. Niegel (2023): Diagenetic controls on sandstones of the Stuttgart Formation – consequences for the porosity evolution of hydrothermal reservoirs in the North German Basin. In PDF, Dissertation, Georg-August University Göttingen, Germany. See also here.
Note figure 1.2: Central European Basin System with subbasins, major fault systems and basement exposures.

F. Nies (1868): Beitraege zur Kenntniss des Keupers im Steigerwald. PDF file, in German.
See also here and there (Google books).

! E. Nitsch (2017): Der Keuper in der Stratigraphischen Tabelle von Deutschland 2016: kontinuierliche oder lückenhafte Überlieferung? (The Keuper Group in the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2016: a continuous or discontinuous stratigraphic record?) Abstract, Z. Dt. Ges. Geowiss., 169: 181–201.

E. Nitsch (2015): 1. Der Lettenkeuper – Verbreitung, Alter, Paläogeographie . PDF file, in German. Please take notice:
! Palaeogeography of Germany in the Lower Keuper (Ladinian) depicted in fig. 1.3.
E. Nitsch (2015): 3. Lithostratigraphie des Lettenkeupers. PDF file, in German.
E. Nitsch (2015): 13. Fazies und Ablagerungsräume des Lettenkeupers. PDF file, in German.
In: Hagdorn, H., Schoch, R. & Schweigert, G. (eds.): Der Lettenkeuper - Ein Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern. Palaeodiversity, Special Issue (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart).
! Navigate from here for other downloads (back issues of Palaeodiversity 2015, scroll down to "Special Issue: Der Lettenkeuper ...").

E. Nitsch (2015): 1. Der Lettenkeuper – Verbreitung, Alter, Paläogeographie . PDF file, in German. Please take notice:
! Palaeogeography of Germany in the Lower Keuper (Ladinian) depicted in fig. 1.3.
E. Nitsch (2015): 3. Lithostratigraphie des Lettenkeupers. PDF file, in German.
E. Nitsch (2015): 13. Fazies und Ablagerungsräume des Lettenkeupers. PDF file, in German.
In: Hagdorn, H., Schoch, R. & Schweigert, G. (eds.): Der Lettenkeuper - Ein Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern. Palaeodiversity, Special Issue (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart).
! You may also navigate via back issues of Palaeodiversity 2015. Then scroll down to: Table of Contents "Special Issue: Der Lettenkeuper - Ein Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern".
Still available via Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

! E. Nitsch et al. (2005): Sedimente und Sedimentationspausen im deutschen Keuper: Wie vollständig ist die Überlieferung der späten Triaszeit? In PDF, Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 41: 225-251. See also here.

E. Nitsch et al. (2005): Feinstratigraphische Korrelation der Grabfeld-Formation (Keuper, Trias) zwischen Hochrhein und Ostsee. In PDF.

! Edgar Nitsch, Landesamt für Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau, Stuttgart (page hosted by the "Oberrheinische Geologische Verein"): Paläogeographie und Stratigraphie des Keupers in Deutschland. Keuper (Upper Triassic) palaeogeography and stratigraphy in Germany. PDF file, in German.
Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

B. Norden and P. Frykman (2013): Geological modelling of the Triassic Stuttgart Formation at the Ketzin CO2 storage site, Germany. Free access, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 19: 756–774.
Note fig. 9: Map showing the interpretation of the connectivity in the Stuttgart sand stringers based on scattered outcrop information and transport directions.

! J.G. Ogg et al. (2020): The triassic period. In PDF, Geologic Time Scale 2020, Volume 2: 903-953. See also here.
! Note the generalized synthesis of selected Triassic stratigraphic scales in Figs. 25.5-25.7!

! J.G. Ogg et al. (2014): Triassic timescale status: A brief overview. PDF file, go to PDF page 3, Albertina 41.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

P.E. Olsen and D. Baird (1986): The ichnogenus Atreipus and its significance for Triassic biostratigraphy. PDF file. In: In The Beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs: Faunal Change Across the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary. ed. K. Padian, pp. 61–87. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
See also here (Google books).

! D. Palermo et al. (2010): Three-dimensional facies modeling of carbonate sand bodies: Outcrop analog study in an epicontinental basin (Triassic, southwest Germany). In PDF.

! J. Paul et al. (2009): Keuper (Late Triassic) sediments in Germany: indicators of rapid uplift of Caledonian rocks in southern Norway. PDF file, Norwegian Journal of Geology, 89: 193-202.

J. Paul et al. (2008): Provenance of siliciclastic sediments (Permian to Jurassic) in the Central European Basin. In PDF, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 159: 641–650. See also here (abstract).
Note fig. 4: Keuper palaeogeography (Upper Triassic, Ladinian–Rhaetian) in Central Europe and basement provinces of neighbouring areas.

M. Pirrung et al. (2015): Zur Geochemie der Sedimente des Unteren und Mittleren Keupers der zentralen Thüringer Mulde. In PDF, Beitr. Geol. Thüringen, N.F., 22.

! M. Pöppelreiter and T. Aigner (2003): Unconventional pattern of reservoir facies distribution in epeiric successions: Lessons from an outcrop analog (Lower Keuper, Germany). Abstract, AAPG Bulletin. See also here (in PDF).

! M. Pöppelreiter (1999): Controls of epeiric successions exemplified with the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate Lower Keuper (Ladinian, German Basin). Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten A51, 117 pp.

W.-E. Reif (1971): Zur Genese des Muschelkalk-Keuper-Grenzbonebeds in Südwestdeutschland. In PDF, N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 139: 369-404.

Lutz Reinhardt (2000): Dynamic stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Steinmergel-Keuper playa system: a record of Pangean megamonsoon cyclicity (Triassic, Middle Keuper, Southern Germany). Abstract, in PDF, Dissertation, University of Cologne, Germany.

L. Reinhardt, Fakultät Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität zu Köln: Dynamic stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Steinmergel-Keuper playa system: a record of Pangean megamonsoon cyclicity (Triassic, Middle Keuper, Southern Germany). Abstract, in German.
"... The study’s main purpose was to examine the cyclic deposits of the Steinmergel-Keuper playa system in southern German Keuper basin (Upper Middle Keuper) in order to verify a possible climate related control of the high-frequent mudstone/dolomite cycles. ..."

L. Reinhardt and W. Ricken (2000): The stratigraphic and geochemical record of Playa Cycles: monitoring a Pangaean monsoon-like system (Triassic, Middle Keuper, S. Germany). Abstract, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 161: 205-227. See also

L. Reinhardt and W. Ricken (1999): Climate cycles documented in a playa system: comparing geochemical signatures of subbasins (Triassic, Middle Keuper, German Basin). In PDF, Zbl. Geol. Paläontol. Teil I.

Lutz Reinhardt, Department of Geology, University of Cologne: The strati-chem record of playa cycles: implications for paleo-climate control (Triassic, Middle Keuper, S-Germany). Abstract.
Now provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

D.A. Ruban (2017): Examining the Ladinian crisis in light of the current knowledge of the Triassic biodiversity changes. Abstract, Gondwana Research, 48: 285-291.

A. Ruffell and W.M. Kürschner (2020): Sediment Cyclicity and the Carnian Pluvial Episode: Evidence from Spectral Gamma-ray Logging of the Mercia Mudstone Group, SW England. Free access, Boletín Geológico y Minero, 131: 231-242.

A. Ruffell and M. Hounslow 2006): Triassic: seasonal rivers, dusty deserts and saline lakes. In PDF, In P.F. Rawson, & P. Brenchley (eds.), The Geology of England & Wales. (pp. 295-325). Geological Society of London.
Now recovered from the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

M. Schlirf (2005): Revision and description of Keuper (Middle Ladinian to Rhaetian) invertebrate trace fossils from the southern part of the Germanic Basin and studies of related material. In PDF. Dissertation, University of Würzburg. See also here.

M. Schlirf et al. (2001): Upper Triassic (Keuper) non-marine trace fossils from the Haßberge area (Franconia, south-eastern Germany). In PDF, Paläontologische Zeitschrift.
Note also here.

W. Schneider and E. Salameh (2023): Effects on Sedimentary Processes via Upper Triassic Climate Forcing Caused by Multiple Impacting and Large Igneous Provinces (LIP)-Rifting/Degassing: Jordanian Platform/Arabian Plate and Germanic Basin/Central Europe. Free access, Open Journal of Geology, 13.
Note figure 5: Paleogeographic sketches of the Upper Triassic F. (Keuper), Germanic Basin: K2 Grabfeld F., K4 Exter F. (Rhaetian), Lower Jurassic. Figure 6: Strategraphy of the Germanic Basin.

Rainer R. Schoch (2002): Stratigraphie und Taphonomie wirbeltierreicher Schichten im Unterkeuper (Mitteltrias) von Vellberg (SW-Deutschland). PDF file (in German). Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. Ser. B, 318. Stratigraphy and taphonomy of vertebrate-bearing beds in the Lower Keuper (Middle Triassic) of Vellberg (SW Germany).

! B. Schröder (1982): Entwicklung des Sedimentbeckens und Stratigraphie der klassischen Germanischen Trias. In PDF, Geologische Rundschau, 71: 783-794.

B. Schröder, University of Bochum, Germany: Revision of Keuper areas in Northern Bavaria and Thuringia (in German). Provided by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

D.B. Seegis, (1993): The lacustrine-palustrine facies of the upper Knollenmergel (Middle Keuper, Upper Triassic) in Southwest Germany: Sedimentary types and formation. Abstract, N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 189, 309-332.
Website outdated. The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.
See also here and there.

D. Seegis: Geologischer Pfad Gaildorf. PDF file, in German.

D.B. Seegis and M. Goerik: Lakustrine und pedogene Sedimente im Knollenmergel (Mittlerer Keuper, Obertrias) des Mainhardter Waldes (Nordwürttemberg). Abstract, in German. Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen: NF 74: 1992; Oberrheinischer Geologischer Verein.
This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

J. Sell (2018): Euestheriidae (Conchostraca) des Oberen Muschelkalks und Unteren Keupers von Unterfranken. PDF file, in German; Semana, 33: 55-19. See also here and there.

U.K. Shukla et al. (2010): Facies architecture of the Stuttgart Formation (Schilfsandstein, Upper Triassic), central Germany, and its comparison with modern Ganga system, India. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 297: 110-128.
See also here. Abstract.

U.K. Shukla et al. (2006): Extremely distal fluvial sandstone within the playa system of Arnstadt Formation (Norian, Late Triassic), Central Germany. Abstract. See also here.

S. Siegesmund et al. (2022): Weathering phenomena, rock physical properties and long-term restoration intervention: a case study from the St. Johannis Chapel of Lütgenrode (Lower Saxony, Germany). Open access, Environmental Earth Sciences, 81.
About the petrophysical properties of Triassic sandstones, especially the Schilfsandstein.

S. Specht (2014): Stratigraphie und Tektonik im Grossraum Massbach (Lauer) zwischen den Naturparks Bayerische Rhön und Hassberge. PDF file; Thesis, in German. Thesis, Julius–Maximilians–Universität Würzburg.

T. Stinder (1983): Revisionskartierung von Muschelkalk und Keuper im N-Teil von Blatt 5728 Oberlauringen. In German.

The Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History, Germany:
Mittlerer und Oberer Keuper.
Mittlerer Keuper vor 233 – 205 Millionen Jahren.
Unterer Keuper.
Unterer Keuper vor 235 – 233 Millionen Jahren.
Easy to understand informations, in German.
These expired links are now available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart:
Der Lettenkeuper - Ein Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern. Book announcement (in German).
See also here (in PDF).
Websites outdated. Links lead to versions archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy (STS).
Under the auspicities of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), the STS is charged with the establishment of a standard, globally applicable stratigraphic scale for the Triassic system.

! Subkommission für Perm-Trias-Stratigraphie in der Deutschen Stratigraphischen Kommission (DSK, in German): International Triassic Field Workshops. Downloadable excursion guides (PDF files).

Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart: Der Lettenkeuper - Ein Fenster in die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern. Book announcement (in German). See also here (in PDF).

J. Szulc et al. (2015): Key aspects of the stratigraphy of the Upper Silesian middle Keuper, southern Poland. In PDF, Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 85: 557–586.

J. Szulc et al. (2015): How many Upper Triassic bone-bearing levels are there in Upper Silesia (southern Poland)? A critical overview of stratigraphy and facies. In PDF, Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 85: 587–626.
Don't miss the sketch diagram of environmental evolution and main facies distribution on PDF page 32 and the environmental model on PDF page 33.

M. Szurlies: Detailed correlation of the classic Germanic Triassic with the marine Lower Triassic stages -- A multi-stratigraphic approach. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 08585, 2006; European Geosciences Union 2006.

L.H.Tanner (ed., 2018): The Late Triassic World. Earth in a Time of Transition. Topics in Geobiology, 46 (Springer). Go to:
Chapter 1 The Late Triassic Timescale. In PDF.

! H. Thürach (1888): Übersicht über die Gliederung des Keupers im nördlichen Franken im Vergleiche zu den benachbarten Gegenden.
Erster Theil. – Geognostische Jahreshefte, 1: 75-162, München. (Start on PDF page 80).
! H. Thürach (1889): Übersicht über die Gliederung des Keupers im nördlichen Franken im Vergleiche zu den benachbarten Gegenden.
Zweiter Theil. – Geognostische Jahreshefte, 2: 1-90, 1 Kte.; München. (Start on PDF page 05).

! H. Thürach (1888/1889): Übersicht über die Gliederung des Keupers im nördlichen Franken im Vergleiche zu den benachbarten Gegenden. PDF file, in German.
Part 1: Geognostische Jahreshefte, 1: 75-162 (starting on PDF page 95).
Part 2: Geognostische Jahreshefte, 2: 1-90 (starting on PDF page 219).


Trias Verein Thüringen e.V. (in German). Worth checking out: Triassic Links.

Rainer Ziegler, Ipsheim: Hans Thürach. A biography (in German).
This expired link is available through the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

! S. Tyrrell et al. (2012): Large-scale, linked drainage systems in the NW European Triassic: insights from the Pb isotopic composition of detrital K-feldspar. In PDF, Journal of the Geological Society of London, 169: 279-295.
The link is to a version archived by the Internet Archive´s Wayback Machine.

J.C. Van Wagoner et al. (1987): An overview of the fundamentals of sequence stratigraphy and key definitions. First page, In: A.W. Bally (ed.), Atlas of Seismic Stratigraphy, volume 1, Studies in Geology vol. 27, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1987), pp. 11–14.

! C. Virgili (2008): The Permian-Triassic transition: Historical review of the most important ecological crises with special emphasis on the Iberian Peninsula and Western-Central Europe. PDF file, Journal of Iberian Geology, 34: 123-158.

! T. Vollmer et al. (2008): Orbital control on Upper Triassic Playa cycles of the Steinmergel-Keuper (Norian): a new concept for ancient playa cycles. In PDF, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 267: 1–16. See also here.
Note figure 1: Simplified paleogeographic map.
! Figure 6: General facies model of the SMK [the Norian Steinmergel-Keuper].
"... The Norian Steinmergel.Keuper (SMK) represents a low-latitude cyclically-bedded playa system of the Mid-German Basin.
[...] Dolomite layers reflect the lake stage (maximum monsoon) while red mudstones indicate the dry phase (minimum monsoon) of the playa cycle.
[...] humid periods reveal thick layers of dolomite beds, indicating that during those intervals the monsoonal activity was strong enough to prevent the playa system from drying out completely.

T. Vollmer (2005): Paleoclimatology of Upper Triassic Playa Cycles: New Insights Into an Orbital Controlled Monsoon System (Norian, German Basin). In PDF, Thesis, Universität zu Köln.

T. Vollmer (2005): Paleoclimatology of Upper Triassic Playa Cycles: New Insights Into an Orbital Controlled Monsoon System (Norian, German Basin) PDF file (10.3 MB), Thesis, Universität zu Köln. See also here.

O.J.W. Wakefield et al. (2015): Architectural analysis of a Triassic fluvial system: The Sherwood Sandstone of the East Midlands Shelf, UK. Abstract, Sedimentary Geology, 327: 1–13. See also here (in PDF).

C. Weiss et al., (2006); Institut für Paläontologie, Erlangen: Naturwerksteine im westlichen Oberfranken - von Bamberg nach Coburg. In German. Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften, TU Berlin.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Germanic Trias.
Keuper (in German).

Wikipedia (in German):
Kategorie:Liste (Geotope in Bayern).
Kategorie:Geotop in Oberfranken.
Kategorie:Geotop in Unterfranken.
! Liste der Geotope im Landkreis Haßberge.
Liste der Geotope im Landkreis Coburg.
Liste der Geotope im Landkreis Schweinfurt.

! A. Zeh et al. (2021): Zircon of Triassic Age in the Stuttgart Formation (Schilfsandstein)-Witness of Tephra Fallout in the Central European Basin and New Constraints on the Mid-Carnian Episode. Free access, Front. Earth Sci. See also here.
Note figure 1: Ladinian-Carnian global and regional palaeogeography.
Note figure 2: Schematic SSW-NNE cross-section through the Central European Basin summarizing depositional environments and stratigraphy of the Stuttgart Formation.
"... volcanic zircon grains of Olenekian to early Carnian age in the Stuttgart Formation points to the presence of tephra beds in the Buntsandstein to Keuper Groups, which were previously overlooked. The detritus of these pre- depositional tephra beds was incorporated into the Stuttgart Formation due to fluvial incision and reworking at the southern margins of the Central European Basin. ..."

Karl Zelger (1867): Geognostische Wanderungen im Gebiete der Trias Franken´s. PDF file, in German. See also here and there (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).

Y. Zhang et al. (2020): Carnian (Late Triassic) magnetostratigraphy from the Germanic Basin allowing global correlation of the Mid-Carnian Episode. Abstract, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 541.
"... Three boreholes through the Middle Keuper formations of the Germanic Basin yielded overlapping records of magnetic polarity successions spanning the entire Carnian, including the Mid-Carnian Episode. The composite Carnian magnetostratigraphy from the Germanic Basin has seven main magnetozones. The main features can be correlated with Newark series of eastern North American ..."

Z. Zhou and M.T. Antunes (2013): Terrestrial Mesozoic stratigraphy. In PDF, Ciências da Terra (UNL), 18; Lisboa. See also here.

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